Queen Maxima attended TV recording of Kerst Muziekgala 2021

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

On December 9, 2021, Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attended TV recording of the Christmas Music Gala 2021 (Kerst Muziekgala 2021) at the Omnisportcentrume in Apeldoorn. The Christmas Music Gala 2021 will be broadcasted on December 15, 2021 at 8.35 pm on NPO 1 TV Channel. The Christmas Music Gala 2021 involves performances by the largest school band in the Netherlands consisting of children from all provinces. Queen Maxima is honorary chair of More Music in Classroom platform.

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a new Dogane felted wool canvas cape by Natan, and a new cigale sequin long glaced silk dress by Natan

Queen Maxima wore Natan Dogane felted wool canvas cape and Natan Cigale long glaced silk dress with sequins
Natan Dogane Cape and Natan Cigale Dress

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  1. Great outfit--even though it's by Natan--definitely one of his better creations. . Like the dress, cape, shoes and the hair is great today. Well done, Queen Maxima

    1. I agree on all points, a fantastic looking Queen and a surprisingly attractive style from Natan.

    2. Very well done Máxima. Cape and dress could have been shorter like on the model

  2. Anonymous9/12/21 21:37

    Well her hair actually looks good here.
    The print of the dress does her no favors and the cape/jacket is very wrinkled.
    She does look cheerful though.


  3. Maxima looks in good form today. As always, her smile is infectious. Her Natan dress and cape and her shoes are pretty though lacking in color, and her hair is well done. The only jewelry I can discern is her earrings. Compared to yesterday, she is very low-keyed, in a good way.

  4. Anonymous9/12/21 22:24

    Yes, Maxima is a show-version of herself.
    Now and then playing the clown. The audience loves it, so well-done.
    Nice styled too. -Anna-

    1. Anna, you are so incredible rude!

    2. Golly, why so negative Anna?

    3. @Anna: you can question QM's fashion choices, but I don't think anyone can deny (by looking at photos as well as videos) that people feel very comfortable in the company of QM; in any case it never looks 'forced' because this queen has what it takes to be very open and spontaneous and serious where necessary. This is anything but easy for someone who comes from a completely different culture and language area and deserves respect imo

      Just another reader of this blog

    4. Shame on you

    5. Well, this is not a nice thing to say, but, helas, in my eyes very recognizable.
      Once you have noticed it it is difficult to ignore, but ignore you should, because this charactertrait will not change.
      So: try to focus on the fashion!

  5. Anonymous9/12/21 22:59

    Love everything about this! A cape coat seems so much better than wearing a coat as a cape since it is more mobile, and the pattern and color of the dress is very flattering. The Queen looks very well and well-coiffed, and happy to be with the attendees.


  6. Anonymous9/12/21 23:10

    I really like her outfit today, sort of subdued and very vanilla for her, but I think she looks rather elegant and very regal. Good hair day as well, and no silly shawl between her hands, that I can see. :-)

  7. Anonymous9/12/21 23:44

    The outfit - both the dress and the cape - are lovely and Maxima wears the whole look well. But for once it is a relatively subdued outfit for this flamboyant Queen when, of all times she could have worn one of her more colourful ensembles and been perfectly appropriate since it's a festive, Christmas event.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. i agree. i was like were is the big hat and bright colour clothing, after all its Christmas the only time when it appropriate and she shows up so subdued!

  8. She looks great!

  9. This outfit looks fabulous, very elegant. Love the cape, so serviceable. The dress fits well and perfect length. I love the colour tones, right down to her shoes and clutch.

  10. A surprisingly nice outfit from Natan. I fear she got this outfit mixed up with yesterday's. This would have been much more appropriate for Amalia's big day, allowing her to shine. As I have said many times in the past, I do not like Natan's fabrics. The cape, while a nice design, is horribly wrinkled from the car ride. A better fabric choice or lining would have helped tremendously. This is a Natan I won't mind seeing again. ~d

  11. Maybe she got the two outfits mixed up. She should have worn the red dress, hat, etc to the Christmas special, and the more subdued outfit to allow her daughter to shine for her first speech. jj

  12. Maxima's hair look so pretty today. And for Natan this is very good outfit! Lovely colors that go well with her blond hair. Its good to see Maxima looking so elegant and regal again.

  13. As much as I like this outfit I would prefer it 10 to 12 cm shorter. The belt must go away too. The wrinkles in her cape are probably due too the humid weather conditions. Carla

  14. Wonderful look for QM today; the cape is beautiful both in colour as well as in cut and will combine well with many other outfits she has.


  15. A rather dull dress in dito colour.
    And oh, how I hate those capes: they really add just a formless nothing, this one in a dreary colour, no.

    1. I do hate Covid 19, but capes - OMG!

  16. A mon avis, il n'y a que la robe qui convienne bien à Maxima même si elle manque de couleurs en cette période de pré-Noël ; pour la cape, je vois une différence avec celle du mannequin dont le tissu semble avoir plus de maintien et plus courte --et les boucles d'oreilles sont trop discrètes !

  17. Earrings too discreet ? oh no, for once they are classy.

    1. Par trop discrètes, j'ai voulu dire pas assez visibles ; elle nous a souvent montré de belles boucles d'oreilles plus imposantes !

  18. My god far over the top considering the occasion.

  19. Keep it simple Max...looking good here with a bit less bling than usual.

  20. @Just another reader of this blog. 10/12/2021 10 :05
    Don't forget Queen Maxima before she got married to King Willem Alexander had an important job at Deutsche Bank. She had international contacts and was well aware of the customs of the western culture. We do admire her to have learned the Dutch language so quickly.


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