Queen Maxima opened the new head office of AFAS Software

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

On November 5, Queen Maxima attended the opening of AFAS Software's new head office in Leusden. The Dutch family-owned company AFAS Software develops software products for businesses and is based in The Netherlands, Belgium and The Caribbean.

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

During a guided tour, Queen Máxima spoke with a number of employees and received information on the artworks inside and outside the building, supervision of the continuity and safety of the systems, and sustainability and new ways of working. The opening program took place in the AFAS theater where conferences, premieres and other events are organized.

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

AFAS Software develops software products for businesses. Queen Maxima wore a green silk satin dress from Natan

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  1. Somehow a heavy woolly looking hat and a shiny lightweight fabric dress just don't seem to go together. The dress is also a shade too tight and a bit too short. Perhaps she put on a kilo or two since it was made or it shrank at the dry cleaners because I think I have seen this dress before and I don't recollect it being too tight. I still like the dress on heer though and this time I think a pair of her chunky emerald family heirloom earrings would have looked nice.

  2. Anonymous5/11/21 15:44

    Too short.
    Lily T.

  3. Anonymous5/11/21 16:12

    The green dress is beautiful on her..the best look for her in a while. The hat needs to go away...for good.

  4. Anonymous5/11/21 16:30

    Figure-hugging... or too tight? Would have gone for a couples more inches longer on the skirt and possibly the sleeves as well (is this size too small or has she outgrown an old outfit?) but she still looks great. Love the greens.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. This pleating does her no favors at her waist. I can't decide if it's just tailored poorly or just the pleating. But I do like green, it is a pretty color on her. Her hosiery is much better. I like the fresh, natural makeup.

  6. I like it. Maxima looks great in that style of dress and accessories color are well matched with dress.

    1. Anonymous5/11/21 18:56

      Totally agreed.
      Moreover, I see a pair of stunning legs and she looks at ease with her pumps.

    2. Agreed! She looks great in that color and the hat, Love.

    3. Anonymous6/11/21 07:53

      I totally agree with you Ava.

    4. I agree! She has a mega watt smile, great legs, great shape, her dress looks beautiful on her and I love the hat.

  7. Qui dit que Maxima n'a pas de jolies jambes ? Cette robe verte lui va fort bien avec une longueur de jupe qui les met joliment en valeur ; par contre, je n'arrive à me faire à ce chapeau que je verrais plus simple ainsi qu'à ces gants qui me semblent superflus !

    1. Anonymous5/11/21 20:20

      Tulip 33
      Vraiment de jolies jambes!!

  8. "Chi di verde si veste in beltà sua confida"... QM must know this saying!

  9. Anonymous5/11/21 19:09

    She looks great.


  10. Anonymous5/11/21 21:07

    Nice dress, but it's too small/tight/short. It must be uncomfortable wearing something that is too tight. The pleating doesn't lie right (especially when she walks) because the dress is too tight! Hello, it's too tight! A dress in the right size will do wonders & make her look like a million bucks

    I am amazed how elitists manage their world travels as we would do a trip to mall; it's nothing to them & she's right back at it at home.


    1. Its pretty much her job to be seen. She works hard at it.

  11. Anonymous5/11/21 21:11

    Great look!

  12. Anonymous5/11/21 21:59

    Here is a touching moment between a big fan of Máxima's who had received some bad news this week. Máxima said "I'll miss you."



    1. Anonymous6/11/21 09:33

      Thank you.
      I have watched the video and am deeply moved.
      " ik ga u missen".
      And what else can be added?
      This is what Queen Maxima told her fan with tears in her eyes.
      I have always known Maxima is beautiful inside and outside.
      I wish I could hug that great old lady myself.

    2. @P
      Thanks for the posting and the link to the video.
      From another site I have read that the lady is a great fan of Queen Maxima and she tells Queen Maxima that she won't see much of her as she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Queen Maxima, with tears in her eyes gives her a great hug and says "I am going to miss you".
      It confirms one of the many reasons why I love Queen Maxima.

    3. Anonymous6/11/21 18:37

      Dear Deadeggs,
      it was Laurel who was so kind as to post the link to the video, which I watched and commented.
      I imagined the lady is seriously ill, even though I didn' t know what the diagnosis was.
      Words fall apart...
      "Ik ga u missen" said Queen Maxima.
      I love Maxima too, but all my prayers are with that sweet lady.

    4. Anonymous6/11/21 19:51

      Thank you, deadeggs, for the information on what had happened with that lady; at the time I couldn't find out what was wrong. Very sad & so kind of Máxima to embrace her & brighten her day. It seemed like such a natural & caring response from Máxima . ~Laurel~

    5. Thanks @P for pointing out my mistake.
      So my thanks must go to @Laurel for the information and the video link.
      It has been getting a lot of coverage on other royal sites.
      I know it's an off topic subject for our fashion site, but it confirms a side of Queen Maxima that a lot of us appreciate.
      And I hope the dear lady has a speedy recovery from her illness and takes up her hobby again of following Queen Maxima around as one of her big fans.

    6. That's my cousin. So happy Maxima spent those few moments with her.

    7. Anonymous7/11/21 19:19

      Angela M. - Lovely heartfelt gesture from the queen. I wish your cousin all the best & prayers for healing. ~Laurel~

    8. Anonymous8/11/21 19:27

      Angela M.
      I join Laurel in wishing your cousin all the best and prayers for healing.

  13. It's a win overall for me due to the lovely colour and the great hat and shoes. However, i agree with comments that the dress is little too short and too tight to be perfect

  14. This is a beautiful dress, unfortunately it needs to be taken out on the hip area a couple of centimeters, as well as the hem, it could have been perfection, combined with the great hat and fabulous shoes.

  15. Anonymous6/11/21 02:01

    Over the top for the occasion.

  16. Anonymous6/11/21 02:59

    It is an overall miss for me: Personal opinion, like we all have: Dress too short, too tight, and the sleeves overly tight. Material of dress does not match with the hat material, nor the shiny, strange plastic part shoes. The pink earrings (looks pinkish on my screen) don't match anything at all. Her smile is magnificent. dee

  17. Anonymous6/11/21 05:11

    I think that emerald green suit is one of the most stunning outfits Maxima has worn as queen. Yes it fits snuglyl but who cares? Her Majesty has a body to die for...voluptuous and completely femine. In other words, made to wear the type of suit she is wearing here!

  18. Anonymous6/11/21 07:12

    Anybody noticed ? It is the first time I see QMaxima without earrings. On the
    5th photo one can see a red spot on her right ear, perhaps she cannot wear earrings at the moment due to a little infection ?
    As for the dress, I think it is an older dress she didn't wear for a while. We can see it at the length and the pleating at the waist. Great color.
    Her make-up is becoming more and more natural lately. I like it. Less is more.

  19. El vestido la aplasta el pecho, los brazos, hace como arrugas porque la esta estrecho y tiene tendencia a subir, la largura no me molesta es cuestion de gustos, ,esos zapatos con medias pues no, guantes sombrero para algo tan sencillo lo encuentro innecesario, lo poco que se ve el pelo parace lo metio debajo del sombrero con prisas o se puso el sombrero porque no tenia tiempo de peinarse.

  20. Magnifique! Maxima Tojours Chic.

  21. Anonymous6/11/21 18:21

    El vídeo se ha viralizado rápidamente. En él se puede ver cómo la reina de Holanda se abraza y conversa con una mujer llamada Josee que es fotógrafa del medio modekoninginmaxima.nl y lleva años siguiendo a la reina para fotografiar todos sus looks y outfits. Visiblemente emocionada, Máxima se dirige a ella en cuanto la ve. Con los ojos humedecidos la abraza y le dice: "Te echaré de menos".

  22. Anonymous6/11/21 20:27

    Nice overall though the dress seems to have needed one more fitting. The Queen is suited to wear green and carries it well.


  23. Virginia Dogwood7/11/21 05:44

    While I like the dress and the accessories, I do not feel the colors properly compliment each other. She wears the outfit very confidently and seems to pull it off. That green shade of dress is hard to match well.

  24. Anonymous7/11/21 12:02

    Horrible shiny stiff dress, already dated.
    That hat makes it even worse.


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