Monaco's Princely Family attended National Day 2021 celebrations

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Today, The Principality of Monaco celebrates Monaco’s National Day 2021 or as in French, “Fête Nationale". The day is also known as Sovereign Prince Day. Celebrations of National Day began with a Te Deum service that took place at the Monaco Cathedral.

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella, Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Pierre Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Princess Alexandra, Pauline Ducruet, Louis Ducruet and Marie Ducruet attended the Te Deum service. Afterwards, a military parade took place at the Principality Palace.

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

The Palais Princier had announced that Princess Charlene would not be joining her family for Monaco's National Day celebrations. Prince Albert and Princess Charlene had decided that a period of calm and rest is necessary to ensure the very best recovery of Princess Charlene's health.

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline, Princess Gabriella, Princess Stephanie, Charlotte Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo and Princess Alexandra

Princess Caroline wore Chanel Pre Fall 2021 Collection
Chanel Pre-Fall 2021 Collection

Charlotte Casiraghi in Chanel Pre Fall 2020 collection
Chanel Pre-Fall 2020 collection

Princess Alexandra wore Chanel Pre Fall 2015 collection
Chanel Pre-Fall 2015 Collection

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  1. Love how the aunts are looking after the little ones!

  2. Beatrice is the winner for me ! She is a timeless beauty.
    Wishing Princess Charlene a continuous road to recovery ! Ana

  3. Beatrice, Caroline and Alexandra are my favourites, if we talk about fashion. Everything else is odd, very odd,

  4. Love seeing all the family together, especially all the little cousins whom we don't usually get to see. Wish Charlene had been present, but understandable under the circumstances. Her little Jacques and Gabriella are adorable as always. Beatrice Borromeo for the win (for me), though I like Princess Alexandra's red coat as well.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Beatrice - stunning
    Alexandra - very lovely
    Tatiana - pretty typical of her style
    Caroline - professional
    Stephanie - coat could have been better if it was properly fitted
    Charlotte - sorry, looks kind of cheap.


  6. Wow everybody showed up, Charlene is dearly missed.

    looks a like a Chanel show-
    Beatrice's outfit is great but the hat is too big for this event.
    Alex has the best coat, a touch of much needed colour.
    Charlotte- wonderful coat but too much for this day.
    Caroline is the best dressed, always classy
    Gabriella's hat is too big for her little head

    Stephanie and the rest not worth the mention


    1. Perhaps Beatrice is prepared for a rain shower; her hat looks like a summer straw & doesn't seem to fit with her outfit - but hey it's the beautiful Beatrice! Charlotte's dress looks like something a female space cadet would wear. Alexandra looks lovely in her red coat. Caroline looks good in her very appropriate outfit & good for her to continue to embrace her natural gray hair. I remember Stephanie as she grew up - ever the odd one in a field of odd people. ~Laurel~

    2. Can somebody help me to understand the fashion mode/taste of Tatiana Casiraghi ?
      The magazine Elle has described her as THE fashion nomad of Monaco.
      Could one say "hippy-chic" or "London boheme?
      In another article I read, she has been noted for her unique fashion sense varying from an elegant style to a vintage, boho-chic, hippie one.

  7. What the heck!!! How old is Stephanie? Is she the Nanny, or what?

    Caroline and Beatrice - that's beauty beauty beauty.


  8. Nothing special here


    1. Could not disagree more!
      Firstly, how lovely to see all the grandchildren together and all beautifully dressed in smart formal clothes. Absolutely fantastic. My favourites are the sons of Pierre and Beatrice in their smart coats.

      Next, to my surprise, is Tatiana who seems to have become much more groomed and ---for want of a better word---tidy! She used to be very boho and unstructured but this outfit, while not too formal, is much smarter (though the shoes are awful with this skirt) and her hair is nicely styled too.

      Third, Beatrice. She is as elegant and fabulous as ever.
      Next, Alexandra in the red coat (I wish it was longer than the dress) and I like what I can see of Pauline Ducruet's red coat.

      While I like PrincessCaroline's outift, it looks like something worn by royals much older than she is, Queen Silvia, for example
      While I like the colour, the fabric of Charlotte's dress reminds me of a padded envelope. Again, the colour of Princess Stephanie's coat is nice but it's shapelessness added to the awful shoes make it the poorest outfit of the day for me.

  9. Caroline looks classic and elegant as usual, perfect length and tailoring.
    I don’t like Charlotte’s dress at all, it gives me the vibe of a quilted sofa from the 50’s, the color doesn’t help much, she can wear almost anything and win, but not this time.
    Stephanie’s coat is more like a shapeless duster, maybe boxy garments are coming back? if so, I hope it doesn’t stay in trend, the color is good and if it had been tailored to her great figure, it would have made all the difference.
    Tatiana, true to her style looks original, I truly like the combination and color, and hate the shoes, I know… they are trendy, but can’t like them.
    Alexandra, looks good and the color is splendid.
    Beatrice, is the winner for me, what a sophisticated, elegant outfit, in my opinion she is the picture of princess elegance, that how I picture Grace if she were still with us.

  10. Caroline looks elegant and chic. Beatrice gorgeous hair and make-up. Her hat is the wrong choice for this coat. I love Alexandra's red coat and how her hair is styled. I want Tatiana's shoes. I love her fascinator and skirt. I like Charlotte's outfit but the fabric of the coat reads more evening to me. I like the color of Stephanie's dress but the coat is shapeless and swallows her up. Her shoes need to find their way to the nearest garbage can.


  11. De toutes ces dames, c'est Béatrice qui a ma préférence ; elle ne m'a jamais déçue que ce soit en tenue habillée ou décontractée -- Tous mes souhaits de complète guérison à la princesse Charlène pour qu'elle puisse regagner rapidement le Palais parce qu'elle manque à beaucoup d’entre-nous !

  12. Die Kleiinen sind alle lieb zum Anschaun - wünsche der armen Fürstin alles Gute zur Genesung !!

  13. Tatiana est très chic, (en dehors des chaussures), Béatrice est bien, mais le noir est de trop, la jupe trop, trop longue, et le chapeau est trop conséquent.
    Caroline est parfaite, et les enfants sont très beaux et très mignons, surtout Jacques et Gabriella.


  14. I have had a feeling for a long time that Stephanie is going back in time with her looks, hair, pony tall ,unisex fashion, flat shoes, and now that exact same hair style she had late 70s ..Boyish.When she lived in L.A beginning of the 80s she had long hair and was truely stunning and fashion smart.Very femine and sexy.The tomboy boyish look of teen years was gone.She never seems comfortable in her own skin.

  15. Ava Pittman19/11/21 19:26

    Pss Caroline looks both elegant and chic, classic beautiful Chanel suit, excellent fit and style. Love the quirky pearls on the heels of her shoes, clever. Love Pss Alexandra's Chanel coat, Beatrice looks well groomed. Charlottes outfit is a miss for me, quilt like fabric. Pss Stephanie, colour of coat is attractive, but it is lacking in shape and looks to be too big, flat shoes don't go with the outfit, even a pair of low court shoes would be attractive.

  16. Stephanie daughter seems to have same coat in red.She went to Parsons School of Design in NYC för fashion but I think her designs lack tailoring. The very long length of the coat is from another era.It look like a large cloth bag.

    1. vous avez entièrement raison, et en plus elle manque d'imagination car depuis qu'elle a débuté ce sont les mêmes modèles

  17. For a short moment, while not looking closely enough, I thought that Princess Grace had miraculously returned. But it turned out to be Beatrice Borromeo-Casiraghi instead. Stunning!

  18. Beatrice looks stunning and Caroline looks fabulous--they are both so elegant. Alexandra looks great--that red coat elevates all that chic black. Charlotte's OK but I keep getting the puffer coat vibe--but the coat is well-fitted. Tatiana--big no on the shoes but add a belt to that pea coat-style jacket and she's quite chic herself. Love to see Caroline and Stephanie with Albert's children--he was so involved with his nieces and nephews as they grew up that its wonderful his sisters are helping out while Charlene continues to recover. Speaking of Stephanie--I like her short hair. She has beautiful facial bone structure and can carry off such short hair. As for her coat--the color is pretty but its too shapeless and too big. The twins are adorable--Gabriella's hat is a bit large, perhaps she borrowed it from one of her cousins, aunts, or even her mother. But, she looks so pretty in her cream and pink. Jacques is cute little soldier! Finally, their notes to Mommy are so sweet.

  19. What wonderful outfits. I love Beatrice's Dior ensemble. The hat matches the white skirt underneath the coat beautifully. My only gripe with her shoes is the Dior labeling - I find it tacky. Alexandra's coat is brilliant - highlighting the Monaco national colours. I don't think I've ever seen Tatiana look so good (and happy). The different textures of her ensemble really work for me and are in keeping with her boho style. Charlotte looks great - I love her hair colour and style with the jauntiness of the coat. The men all look dashing and attentive. The children look so sweet in all their coats. Caroline looks wonderful in a suit that doesn't drag down her silhouette like some outfits she's worn lately. My only negative is Stephanie - I think her hair looks interesting but the coat does her no favours.

  20. Pauline Ducruet se croit styliste.... il faudrait qu'elle se diversifie un peu, depuis le début de son activité, se sont les mêmes modèles, seules les couleurs changent.
    Non contente se se vêtir avec, elle en déguise sa pauvre mère Stéphanie qui ressemble à une Mamie en robe de chambre : trop grand, trop long et couleur improbable... de plus elle porte exactement le même manteau en rouge, quelle originalité ! il faudrait sérieusement qu'elle change de métier...

  21. Einfach schlimm für mich zu sehen, wie die Kinder von Charlene & Albert "überrollt" werden von Caroline & Co.
    Ich glaube, dass dieses öffentliche Familienauftreten das zweite Problem von Fürstin Charlene und die unehelichen Kinder von Albert das erste Hindernis sind.
    Mir tun die Kinder und Charlene sehr, sehr leid.

  22. Caroline – well put together as always though I feel she could put a bit more attention to her hair, it looks a bit dull.

    Stéphanie – I must not have paid much attention to her lately but I really like her new haircut and colour to be honest. Yes, the coat could have been a bit more tailored if we want to be nitpicky but otherwise, the colour looks good on her and I like the flats.

    Charlotte – it's very bold and a lot of gold but personally I think she manages to pull it off. Love her hair too.

    Tatiana – ach, I wish the jacket had been shorter and more tailored, perhaps with a brooch, something to continue the whimsical theme in the jewellery of the lace skirt and the fascinator but introduce a structured element with the jacket to offset it somehow. Unfortuntely the jacket she is wearing is kind of long and unshapely and boxy. It could have been better, and elevated the overall look. Good ideas here but not that ideally executed.

    Beatrice – always a snappy dresser. Appreciate the dress with the belt. The hat reminds me to some degree of Catherine's this year or Meghan's in 2019 on Remembrance Day but in white – it's a lot, very wide brim. It's definitely something for an occasion.

    Alexandra – She is young so I guess the coat is for her and why wear clothes that make you older but I felt reminded of Little Red Riding Hood at first. On the other hand, it fits her very well and the whole ensemble is right for the occasion.

    Pauline – I had to find pictures on another website to take in the outfit as a whole. I agree with whoever said she really resembles her mother – lovely facial features. As for the clothes – the rust red colour suited her well and but I thought there was a lot of it and layered at with the coat with the white trim and the pantsuit. I wished it hadn't been so one dimensional in such a prominent yet subdued colour and a bit more fitted. Especially the trousers were too long. I actually didn't dislike the outfit as such but the tailoring could have been better.

    Marie – there was nothing inappropriate but also nothing exciting about this black coat. No accessories, hair looked fine. Seems like she is undisturbed by fashion trends, which you know, I also kind of applaud.

    Camille – So skorts, did I see that right? And short ones at that, which seem to be black with faint gold plait pattern. Short black coat with round collar – reminded me a bit of the ones from goat that Catherine, Zara and Sofia wore during pregnancy. Black bean head with a bow. It's not the strangest or most offensiv ensemble and she got a great blow-out with her blonde curls. But then again I feel like something fitted might have suited her better and I don't necessarily understand the length of the skorts. Yes, she has great legs but it seems not right for the occasion.

    The children's notes to their mother were really sweet. I hope Charlene will indeed feel better soon surrounded by her family. I hope Charlene will recover soon from the ordeals of her ENT problems and surgeries, and the travels, and that she and her family have time to spend together. -- S.

  23. Stefano and Francesco were dressed exquisitely in beautiful coats. Beatrice wore (probably the only one) an appropriate hat and she looked dignified and elegant. Gabrielle wore a coat with large lapels, as if she had inherited it from a very elder sister or aunt. On top of that, it was ugly and unkempt. Good thing she wasn't dressed in black. Pauline looked a bit like a clown in her long coat and those too wide pants. She doesn't develop fashion anymore. She stayed on the same style as from a few (her) seasons ago, a bit like from some circus show. Alexandra also had kind of badly put on coat. Personally, I have never been a fan of Tatiana's style although she is nice.

    1. Wow!! Anybody met your standards...?
      I really think that if you don't like a fashion choice , one should obviously say so, but do you really need to criticize a child for the way she is dressed? Which by the way I thought she looked adorable.
      I wonder what type of person would be so unkind to a child...

    2. I personally have nothing against this child. The child's clothing is not "the child". It was, after all, an adult who chose the clothing for this child. This child did not dress itself in a too big, inelegant coat. Someone wasted money on a make-up artist, because this child looked really poor (as if in someone else's) coat with pleats. I was only talking about the coat (thing) but the child is not a thing.


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