Queen Maxima attended a dinner given by Italian President in honor of G20 leaders

Natan dress. President Mattarella and Laura Mattarella. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Maria Serenella Cappello

On the evening of October 30, Dutch Queen Maxima attended a dinner given by Italian President Sergio Mattarella in honor of G20 leaders attending the G20 summit, which is hosted by Italy in Rome. Before the dinner, Italian President Mattarella and his daughter Laura Mattarella as well as Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his wife Maria Serenella Cappello welcomed the guests into the Quirinale Palace.

Natan dress. President Mattarella and Laura Mattarella. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Maria Serenella Cappello

Natan dress. President Mattarella and Laura Mattarella. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Maria Serenella Cappello

Queen Maxima wore Natan floral print dress
Natan Floral Print Dress

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  1. Her finest hour, Her dream scenario. Surround yourself with world leaders. Equipment also tip-top. A slightly longer wig this time.

  2. Well, I do not like the Natan outfit, but Maxima's s hair is gorgeous!!
    Again, she is beautiful.

  3. Still looking fantastic. Can we encourage her to keep this hairstyle? The dress is elegant and appropriate for the occasion but I don’t love it like I did the daytime outfits. It’s a vg but not an excellent! 😀

  4. Horrible, the contrary of elegant. Big and overwhelming in the wrong sense. Shiny pantyhose, another Natan monstrosity, with feathers this time, the too high and too thin heels, on which she always looks clumsy and unnecessarily heavy……
    Lily T.

    1. Totally agree!Alas..
      You forgot the artificial curls..

    2. Queen Maxima ist looking beautiful. Though, as someone said, probably this is an artificial hair allaround. We all are getting old and you can not blame someone for the change.

    3. I have to agree, she just can't help herself. I just can't understand why she doesn't have a better stylist. This woman is a queen. She has access to anything. Come on.

  5. UH! OH! she just can't resist and has compensated for leaving off the huge earrings and added a pair of feather dusters this time instead. I took one look and thought it has to be Natan it fits so badly. Low and behold the next photo is of a model wearing Natan in that fabric. I think everyone falls in love with his gorgeous fabrics and just don't see that what he makes out of those fabrics are usually just aweful.

  6. The dress fits her very well, it's her style, ok.
    I would not say she is wearing a wig, it is extensions, not the same.
    The President's daughter looks miserable, poor girl.

    1. Mary T
      Thank you for the President's daughter.

    2. Laura Mattarella is 52, not exactly a girl.
      And what you mean by miserable?

    3. Dear Mary T.,
      if you reckon that the President's daughter " looks miserabile...poor GIRL ", given she is in her fifties, actually, I can't Imagine how old you can be...
      Anyway, you might like to see other pics and video related to this dinner, where you can realize how she stands out for her elegance and great dignity.
      She is substituting for her mother, who died some time ago.
      You might also like to see when she visited the King of Sweden's Palace, so beautiful and composed, for example.
      You know, unfortunate pics may come out, but class and dignity are always there untouched for some women.
      It is just this class that is lacking in a few comments, I am afraid.

    4. @P. You couldn't have expressed it better...

  7. Con el primero parece una abuelita, el mono demasiados botones y inadecuado para esta reunion, el tercero horrible mas feo imposible.
    Mejor se cortaria el pelo "un carre" y no necesetaria pelucas!

    1. Anonymous2/11/21 05:19

      @Carolina, se puede ofrecer una crítica sin necesidad de ser tan despectiva. Dejas a los españoles en mal lugar con tus comentarios. La falta de educación no es una virtud

  8. Un modèle trop ample qui ne convient pas du tout à sa morphologie ; je voudrais bien savoir quel est ce tissu qui manque de fluidité - Je n'oublie pas les plumes qui me semblent superflues ; léger mieux dans sa coiffure mais il faudrait que cela dure - Très chic la dame vêtue d'une robe marron foncé ; rien à redire !

  9. Can anyone explain to me what she is holding in her hands? PS: Is the fabric for the clothes from the curtains?

    1. Anonymous 31/10/21 11:45 . You made me laugh and look at the photographs again. I think I can explain. Between the feather dusters she is holding a navy blue shawl and in the middle of that her beige clutch hand bag which looks like it might be suede.

  10. Is she sitting close to mr Erdogan of Turkey?

    1. Yes I think so, a man largely unrespectful of women. (To remember, he had not planned to offer a seat to Ursula Von der Leyden, Chairperson of EU Commission). It must be quite an experience for a woman to have dinner sitting next to him; that is the beauty about her role.

    2. Someone had to sit near him, no?

  11. Too shiny, too long, too stiff. 100% Natan.
    It makes her 10 pounds heavier and 10 years older. Who wants that? She can do so much better.

  12. The fabric of this dress looks more appropriate for upholstery, it looks rigid, too shiny and the print is not pretty. It doesn’t help that the silhouette is very relaxed and gives a sack vibe. I don’t dislike feathers in general when used in moderation and playfully, like on a black dress, but in this instance the effect is jarring. The pantyhose is just unfortunate, and the constant habit of having a folded shawl on top of her clutch, only adds to the cluttered effect. The hair looks nice, although I would love to see better quality pictures.
    All in all, not a very attractive outfit.

  13. I love this dress. She's looking fine and elegant. Hair well done. Don't understand that she didn' t put stole and clutch away for this official photo.
    I wish M would never wear these high heels again. It always looks a bit strange; her feet are kind of leaning outside the shoes.

  14. She is a very large lady...always a head taller than everyone else. It's hard to dress up that. Lower heels, darker solid colors would help. Her hair looks great. Ann B

  15. All in all: a big farce...

    1. rainha... you are correct, it's a farce.

      Maxima was doing so well clothing-wise yesterday; but this shiny feathery monstrosity looks like an attempt to make sure she stands out on this occasion. Nothing new there.


    2. Yes, but it's Queen Maxima's 'hit and miss' approach to fashion.
      Sometimes a great hit and many times lots of misses.
      But I love her to death.

    3. @rainha, if one was to judge 90% of Royal and/or political affairs, we could easily point out that they are all a farce. Thing is, that some of us read this particular blog for fashion pictures and harmless ( mostly) entertainment. No an ideal space for lectures about our broken society.

  16. Have to wonder: How often did those nutty feathers get dunked in the food on the plate, or glasses of water, or wine? The wig is horrible and fake looking. Not a fan of the dress, the hair, the shiny stockings or sky high shoes. jj

  17. Unlike most, I think it’s a fine outfit, she is who she is and we’ve all seen much worse from past First Ladies. Note that she wasn’t invited as the King’s wife, but on her own merits. I have heard her speak without any notes at World Bank conferences and let me say no one in the audience cares about her clothes. Her speech was all that mattered to everyone.


    1. Anonymous1/11/21 03:24

      Well said, CH!
      I too have listened to her speeches both at other financial meetings and conferences and also at this one (see YT). 'Impressive' only begins to describe her work. She is one smart lady. I am a financial professional myself and fully understand her discussions on lending and credit to impoverished nations, as well as her desire for equality in the workforce. I'm very happy that she has found a thriving way to continue her pre-Queen profession alongside her royal duties.
      If you watch the video clip of her speech on YT, it's great to see other male Prime Ministers and Presidents come up to talk to her (Trudeau, Johnson, Merkel and others) as well as her speech, delivered with authority. She is holding her own place very well. The only other two I've seen in similar situations like this are CP Mette Marit and Queen Rania, both of whom are quite influential speakers too.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous1/11/21 07:02

      But not on this site!

  18. Beautiful The dress is very nice and I love the feather cuffs. Her hair looks great. I read in a European blog that she had it cut last week.

  19. What an outstanding look! Queen Maxima is beautiful, elegant and always chic. Her hair is very becoming.

  20. Anonymous1/11/21 04:54

    Terrible outfit, bad wig, and feathers at a dinner? eww - annie

  21. I d like to know on what basis they assume Queen Maxima wears a wig... Someone can bring proofs??

  22. Maxima's dress has no waistline, which makes her look big. I love the fabric and print, tough. Mrs Draghi is the most elegant lady in the 3rd pic.

    1. Anonymous1/11/21 11:54

      I agree for Mrs. Draghi. Very elegant.

  23. Robe halloweenesque à la hauteur des créatures qui sont là.


  24. Anonymous1/11/21 13:50

    QM looks wonderful, she brings color and life to any event she attends, hair is beautiful (what's wrong with extensions?!). Have liked all her style choices and hairtsyles for this summit, and she kept the jewelry at a tasteful level. Love her mega-watt smile, and she is engaged in a worthy endeavor which I also applaud.

    I fail to understand the vitriol spewed against her on this blog. If someone has an issue with her fashion, it can be stated in a way that is not a personal attack. S.M.

    1. Anonymous1/11/21 18:40

      I fail to see vitriol spewed against QM. I see personal opinions, comments about her fashion choices, just like everyone else. What are you seeing that is so vitriol? sm

    2. Anonymous1/11/21 20:35

      if someone kept on saying that you wear a wig cause yr hair sucks, wouldnt that be vitriol?

      / W.W.

  25. Anonimo Anon,
    Se ha cofundido de tema, aqui nadie viene a relatar su vida privada ,ni discutir finanzas, ni nada por el estilo, seria tan monotono y quizas alejado de la realidad.
    Todas evitamos los temas politicos, economicos venimos aqui para pasar unos minutos y nada de molestar con nuestra opinion sobre temas sensibles.

  26. I am sure that Maxima stockings are of the best quality and enhance her legs giving them a polished and natural look when seen in normal lighting, Unfortunately the flashes from dozens of cameras reflect off the material they are made of and make them look cheap and excessively shiny.

  27. Love it or hate it, Queen Maxima shines in whatever she wears. She owns her slightly crazy style. I love her for that!


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