Queen Elizabeth II hosted a reception at Windsor Castle

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth hosted a reception for international business and investment leaders at Windsor Castle. Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales and The Duke of Cambridge welcomed the guests to St. George's Hall for a Global Investment Summit reception. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent were also present at the event.

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

The UK government hosted a Global Investment Summit (GIS) on October 19, 2021. The summit aimed to encourage foreign investment by showcasing the best of British innovation.

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

Queen Elizabeth, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent

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  1. Isn't she marvellous. Those twinkelling in her eyes and that big smile are an example for many people much younger than she is. One can see that she is still enjoying her duties. I admire her a lot.

    1. Many people have a similar twinkle. It is caused by a lens inserted following a cataract removal surgery.

    2. Oh, Hero. What a depressingly sensible explanation. I prefer the thought that she is still enjoying what she does. She has a certain joie de vivre about her. Sorry to hear that she ahs now been told to rest. Given that the Palace usually plays down ill health, really hope it's not anything serious.

  2. I´m surprised to see the queen without gloves, especially since she had to shake lots of hands.

    The rich and powerful are like an insiders clubs - probably THE biggest problem on the planet. The amount of wealth and assets moved around by these people as if it was a game of monopoly will overpower any market mechanism and corrupt any government.

    1. Agree with you completely, Vanessa.

      On the fashion front, the Queen’s outfit is lovely and she has on my favorite brooch- the Cullinan V(!). How many of these events has QE been to and these many people who have come and gone over the years and yet there she is faithfully doing her bit when asked. I have huge respect for this amazing lady.

    2. @Vanessa: Yes, nothing!! is happening without a reason, even shaking hands without gloves (or masks), hosting this event by the Royals, going in friendly touch with Gates, Kerry, Johnson and the others... Only a fool who can't see behind.
      (And yes, as a woman I do like brilliant clothes and a bit of glamour too...)

    3. The biggest problem are ignorant people, like all the vaccine opponents.

  3. La reine dans un tailleur magnifique,
    tiens, on aperçoit l'obsédé de la piquouze qui plastronne,
    Dans ce monde là, pas de chiffon sur la figure, ce n'est que pour les gueux.
    Avec cela, si les gens ne comprennent pas.......


  4. Toute pimpante dans ce tailleur-jupe sur lequel elle arbore sa broche Cullinan V ; j'adore, j'adore !

  5. The Queen is adorable. What a trooper, my late aunt was one of the many spectators outside when she was coronated, she left me all of her treasures from the day. I keep adding to the collection, she was so beautiful at her coronation.

  6. As usual, HM is the most elegant lady in the room--her cocktail suit is so pretty! Her sparkle, her genuine interest, and her cheery smile are a delight to see. Love that she wore the Cullinan V--talk about a power brooch among power brokers!

    1. Nicely said @Janet.
      Elegance , dignity and stamina.

  7. Her Majesty looks beautiful; the suit hits the mark. Bill, Gupta, Kerry and Co like to be in the presents of royalty it makes them feel special. Yes they all flew in on their private jets; Extinction rebellion will not be happy. The royal family need to watch who they align themselves with.

  8. So lovely to see Her Majesty happy, smiling and looks like she is genuinely enjoying herself. She is always on point!


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