Crown Princess Victoria attended an anniversary symposium at Uppsala University

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

On October 14, 2021, Crown Princess Victoria attended the 50th anniversary symposium of The Peace and Conflict Research Department of Uppsala University. The Peace and Conflict Research Department was established at Uppsala University in 1971 to conduct research and to offer courses relating to peace and conflict studies.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

The Department offers educational programs for about 300 students from bachelor, master and doctoral levels, as well as commissioned training and dialogue programs. Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

Crown Princess Victoria wore a new belted turtleneck midi dress from & Other Stories. Quidam clutch. Gianvito Rossi suede pumps

Crown Princess Victoria wore & Other Stories Belted Turtleneck Midi Dress
& Other Stories Belted Turtleneck Midi Dress

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  1. No, I don't like the dress, not flattering at all.

  2. This is ok but a bit boring. I wonder if red accessories (belt, shoes, purse) had been better? And: I would have preferred a lower neckline and a few cm chopped off the hem. I do like the slits (looks good in movement and prevents it from looking too frumpy), and I´m glad that she put on a belt (without it, it´s just a dizzying wall of patterned fabric). For Victoria, any day without ankle boots is a good day.

  3. Nice dress in a good length, and the neckline looks better than on the model. Clearly CP Victoria ‘s shoes make it much smarter than the model. I would prefer sheer black tights but otherwise this one is a positive for me.

  4. Victoria looks dowdy the way she has styled this outfit.
    I'm thinking that a slightly shorter length, shorter sleeves (I get the impression that the dress size is too big for her) and a small splash of colour somewhere would have improved the look.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. How many granny dresses does she need? The sleeves are too long, the high neckline boring. The whole thing bores me to tears. Please Victoria, buy clothes your size or have them altered to fit.

  6. It’s not a standout in any way, but it’s suitable for the occasion. (V.M.)

  7. I like the dress although agree with a previous comment that some colour in accessories may have added a little more excitement!
    The shoes are nice and indeed a welcome change from ankle boots.
    I think the Princess looks a little tired here, hope all is ok...she seems to have a wonderful warm personality and smile, but doesn't seem to have her usual sparkle today.

  8. Mignon imprimé mais qui manque d'un petit décolleté ainsi que de manches et ourlet un peu plus courts ; peut-être qu'une touche de couleur dans les accessoires aurait été la bienvenue !

  9. This has a minimal effort look about it. The hair only takes a minute to pull up, and no makeup has her looking dull and tired. The smallest amount of color on her face always makes such a big difference. This is another in a very large collection of small print dresses with a high neckline and long sleeves. A change of shoe and bag in a bright color would have helped immensely. ~d

  10. Goodness--somehow this pretty dress isn't working for Victoria. Its essentially a shirtwaist style and should be more flattering. Perhaps she needed a pop of color--adding a red or yellow belt would have done that and her overall look would have a touch of flair. As for her hair--we are back to Victoria in business mode--still she could soften it a bit. I do understand why she wears her hair up--she doesn't want it in the way or covering her face but it doesn't have to be so severe. I guess I like the dress but not how its being worn by Victoria--maybe next time she'll make a change.

  11. Another forgettable dress, not terrible, not pretty, just in between. Boring and so similar to many others. I agree that a pop of color would’ve helped a little. I understand that she will be the Queen one day, and perhaps wants to project seriousness, but you can look business like and still look chic and elegant. These type of dresses age her and make her look washed out.

  12. This is a classic CP Victoria look, simple but nothing noteworthy. I wish she would have done a pop of color on the shoes and bag, that would have looked fantastic.

    1. Yes, a bit of "Maxima" somewhere and she would have won the prize.

  13. Wearing red lipstick already would have lifted the overall look, a look which isn't 'wrong', but, as written before, a bit boring.


  14. Her dress and hair makes her look older than 44. She could do so much better.

  15. I have a problem with dresses, where the fabric inside the dress lookes washed out and is visible in the slit. I
    t looks cheap, though sometimes is quite expensive.


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