Charlotte Casiraghi attended Chanel's SS 2022 fashion show

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel. Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection

On October 5, 2021, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam attended Chanel Womens - Wear Spring/Summer 2022 show which took place in connection with Paris Fashion Week in Paris. Paris Fashion Week (Semaine de la mode de Paris) includes a series of designer presentations and is held twice a year in Paris. During the week, spring/summer or autumn/winter fashion shows are held. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel.

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel. Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel. Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel. Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new embroidered dress from the Resort 2022 collection of Chanel. Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection

Charlotte Casiraghi wore an embroidered dress from Chanel Cruise 2021/22 collection
Chanel Cruise 2021/22 Collection

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  1. I do not like that dress! But I am sure it was fun to go.

  2. Désolée de dire cela mais je trouve que ce joli modèle est mieux porté par le mannequin ; cela se remarque surtout sur la seule photo où nous voyons Charlotte debout !

  3. Anonymous6/10/21 13:56

    Is there nothing more interesting she can do than walking around in Chanel dresses ?

    1. Anonymous6/10/21 14:41

      @Rose,; yes, she can walk around with Natan like other royals. Or maybe you can suggest some interesting activities for her?

    2. Anonymous6/10/21 14:47

      Charlotte actually does a lot more than walking around in Chanel dresses. She founded a highly regarded philosophy think tank in Monaco, and presides with considerable elegance and depth over meetings over Rue Cambon discussions of great literature and writers. This is in addition to her duties as wife and mother, and occasion assisting her uncle Albert II in the Principality.

    3. Anonymous6/10/21 15:04

      Well, it's a chanel show and she's their brand ambassador so at least for this event she has to walk around in their products. I don't understand your dismissive comment toward her carrying out her job. Jess

    4. Anonymous6/10/21 15:43

      I would if I were getting free Chanel clothes to wear! I think she is also a Chanel ambassador?

    5. Anonymous6/10/21 16:22

      This is one of her jobs. She is a Chanel ambassador. This has more credibility IMO than the much fawned over ‘humanitarian’ and ‘charity’ vehicles created for most royals to suggest relevance.
      Lily T.

    6. Anonymous6/10/21 18:03

      @CB 😂Great response to a snarky comment!

      @Rose As others have so aptly pointed out, she works. She does not get a handout, she does not lie about having grapes fed to her, she is extremely well educated, loves literature and philosophy and focuses her time in these areas. In addition to all that, she attends to her family and still manages to represent the royal family. She is not just another beautiful woman. It takes a few minutes to google a person if you don't know about them before smarting off. ~d

    7. Anonymous7/10/21 12:23

      Perfect answer.
      My thoughts exactly.

  4. To me nice dress, probably difficult to wear with elegance.

  5. Anonymous6/10/21 14:35

    She's beautiful but looks really skinny. Even the model looks healthier. And as always this french style of not looking styled.

    Anyhow- the royal family in Monaco always seem to have a close bond to Chanel.

  6. Anonymous6/10/21 14:41

    I love Charlotte's hair at that shoulder length blunt cut!

  7. The ruching across the breast area is awkward. The embroidery on the sleeves is pretty, but the totality of this dress doesn't work for me. She looks great though, love her lob haircut.

    1. Anonymous6/10/21 20:22

      I agree, the fit is bad across the bust line.
      I would think that as brand ambassador that Chanel would make sure her clothing is more well fitted than this.
      I do like the shorter hair.


    2. Exactly right Marie, give her the best and make her look fantastic!

  8. Anonymous6/10/21 15:51

    hmmm, no! If you look at the first photo, it's like she's wearing a cardigan. However, that turns out not to be the case. In my opinion, it would have been better for the overall look if it had been one (and then at least the ugly top part of the white dress can be hidden).


  9. I think Coco Chanel would be tuning in her grave if she could see what is being manufactured in her name.

    1. nalerina: Sorry to "give my mustard on the top" :) You are right. Not a single beautiful outfit in sight.
      Something positive, but we knew already: Charlotte Casiraghi is a beautiful woman...

  10. Anonymous6/10/21 16:52

    I have to confess that normally I don't take Charlotte very seriously and have been guilty of looking at her philosophical musings as a posture, but I was quite impressed to find when reading just last week a book by Emanuel Coccia (Metamorphoses)--a highly respected French writer on philosophy--that he very warmly thanks Charlotte and her philosophy group: "In Monaco, the dialogues opened up with Charlotte Casiraghi . . .have punctuated my intellectual life for the past three years: I would like to thank them for their generosity and their ability to bring thought everywhere." That is high praise from an author whose book is all the rage right now. So hats off to her.
    I still don't like the dress.
    Lisa María Paris

  11. Anonymous6/10/21 18:20

    @Lily T. Sick people in hospitals have not been created so that royals can visit them. Or are people not getting sick in Monaco ? Of course humanitarian and social activities are not as glamourous as making publicity for some of the great fashion brands. A friendly gesture to a sick child has more value to me and is more appreciated than a think tank for discussions about literature and writers which doesn't mean that this activity can't be done too if she has the time to do it.

    1. Anonymous6/10/21 20:48

      @Rose: This idea of sick or poor of people being given the honour of a royal visit to brighten their day is rather nineteenth century……. In the Netherlands sick children in hospitals are being visited by cliniclowns nowadays. Equally horrible but in any case less condescending. And, as a matter of fact, the royal ‘good causes’ tend to be the opposite of not glamorous. This very forum is where we see what they wear when doing their good works…….
      Lily T.

    2. Anonymous7/10/21 12:25

      It sounds you know nothing about Charlotte, actually.

    3. Anonymous9/10/21 14:01

      Have t’évertue been in a critical health situation in a hospital, Rise? Maybe English isn’t your first language, but firstly: sick people were not ‘created’ in hospital. No one is created sick. Nor does anyone put people in hospitals, so I am unclear if you have a personal beef with Charlotte or your just bemused by the idea of throwing words out there to see what the reactions are. Certainly you don’t seem to be in a good mood and if this keeps nd of snarky comment brightens your day, maybe that’s an excuse.


  12. I do not like the dress, but what a beautiful, charismatic lady Charlotte is!

  13. Anonymous7/10/21 00:46

    I like the dress; it would look great at the yacht club, actually the lady in the front row with the pink suit on looks pretty cool, the socks are a bit of a laugh, I like her 60's hair style. The fashion gurus seem to lack individuality; I am waiting to see a dress that is made of more natural materials; platted grass, wood pulp. seaweed, or recycled plastic.(Tabby)


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