The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited One World Trade Centre

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

On September 23, 2021, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited One World Trade Centre in New York City. One World Trade Center (formerly Freedom Tower) is the main building of the rebuilt World Trade Center complex. Afterwards, The Duke and Duchess paid their respects with a visit to the 9/11 Memorial on the ground floor.

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

Meghan Markle wore a high-neck sweater with trousers underneath a long coat

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. The pants are too long!

  2. Anonymous23/9/21 21:56

    It is 80 degrees Fahrenheit in NYC today and incredibly humid. I wore a sleeveless linen dress and sandals to go to the market. This is a very odd ensemble for the weather.
    Lisa María Paris

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 00:53

      They were visiting the 911 memorial. I think they are both dressed very appropriately. I remember a certain other British Duchess wearing hot pink when she visited it which truly seemed an "odd ensemble." But of course that Duchess can do no wrong.

    2. I thought the same thing, she seems dressed for a very cold day yet the people around them are in short sleeves. Very odd. The outfit is nice but very dark more suitable for a funeral. Not sure what they are on the visit for maybe more influencing! Have they left the kids at home?

    3. Anonymous24/9/21 07:22

      You are right. On the photo's I see other women outside in a dress . It
      couldn't be that cold. I think she wished to create a professional look.

    4. Anonymous24/9/21 08:51

      Lisa Maria Paris
      Yes, I am just wondering why they wear such wintry clothes at this time of the year.
      They look like morticians IMO.
      I personally believe this is a skilful PR manouvre given the two's fading relevance in public opinion after all the mess they have created trying to tear down the Royal Family.

    5. Anonymous24/9/21 12:11

      Anonymous 00:53
      I do not think the lady in hot pink ensemble here in the pics is lacking respect.
      I think respect is first of all in one' heart and gestures, not in clothes and not acting like vips on a red carpet IMO.

    6. Gail, would you take a toddler and a baby to a memorial then?

    7. Anonymous24/9/21 23:25

      @P. You're trying too hard. New York moves at a pace that does not pause for people who are going in the opposite direction from success or towards that much loved Br. tabloid word 'irrelevance'. The Sussex agenda is chock full of people who have direct influence in the NY city and NY state, not to mention those from the UN who operate on the world stage. These people do not make time on their calendars for amateurs. Fail!

    8. Anonymous25/9/21 09:49

      Sorry, are you sure you want to reply to me?

    9. Anonymous26/9/21 09:28

      I just want to invite you to read the article about the Sussexes on the 9/25 Wall Street Journal.
      Is this paper "failing" too?
      It is not a matter of the British press.
      Then , how do you know for sure their agenda is choke full of...?
      None of us work for them, we can only guess what connections they probably have.
      Lastly, I wonder why you don't address other comments also from people living in NYC, who surely know the "pace"the city moves at and who do not seem to like the Sussexes' trip.

    10. Anonymous26/9/21 14:31

      @P. THE authorities in NYC are the mayor and the Governor who maintains an office there. If they make time for you(at the same time) it's a win. As the agenda unfolded they have met with people who are not exactly the man in the street. The WTC area is close to where both the East and Hudson rivers meet, and it is always much cooler and windy there than further uptown. Harry was wearing a full suit (lined) a shirt and possibly an undershirt, wasn't he wearing too much? That high temp. for the day never happens until 2 or 3pm. At the end of the day, the outfit looked smart, professional and respectful to visit a site where many people jumped to their deaths from above the 90th floor.
      Subscribing to the WSJ is not on the to do list, but the headline itself is a misnomer, Why do they need to become royalty in Hollywood? So far we have seen no appearances at red carpet events. Instead we have seen on the ground volunteering, partnering with companies to make donations, targeted donations to crisis situations, functions to benefit recurring projects. One thing that is evident is that they are willing to work for their money. They are just a couple of parents trying to provide for their family. The easy way would be to place one's dignity in a tennis skirt and carry a racquet to leech off someone else's success while calling it work.
      PS. NYC is an experience all unto itself. The pace is no exaggeration.
      Good luck ferreting out articles to feed your preferred narrative.

    11. Anonymous27/9/21 13:36

      I think it is just you who are trying too hard to answer me repeatedly explaining things I already know about NYC( I have been there a few times before the pandemic) , its Authorities and much more.
      You' re missing
      some basic key- phrases in my comments: " in my opinion/ I believe/ I think".
      They show clearly enough that I am not stating eternal truths but only my views .
      Then why yo do insist on addressing me and not the moltitude who are still criticizing the Sussexes, including Americans, for a lot of reasons is beyond me.
      Yes, I also happen to read the Wall Street Journal as well as a number of non- tabloids papers and do not get why you consider it as a " ferreting out" something.
      However,besides reading papers I have my own brain and my own opinions.
      You' are not forced to read anyrhing, of course.
      It was only a suggestion.
      You have your perspective about the Sussexes and I have mine.

    12. Anonymous28/9/21 03:16

      @ P. It's a good thing that you have remained an impartial observer in the lives of others. Visiting NY a few times does not an expert make. Black is a go to color year round. The WTC is close to the water. The day starts in the high 50's and reaches the mid 70's around 2 pm. These are truisms.
      NYers mind their own business and do not spend time picking apart others choice of clothing or comparing them to morticians. Did you hear the tape of that person shouting compliments to them. THAT is a NYer.
      Lastly, people who write articles to earn their coins must target a certain readership to get clicks. Think the DM. ..and why complain about a little criticism if you can dish it out without holding back?

  3. I’m sorry but this couple is not performing official royal duties and they are not representing the Royal Family. I don’t think there are many of us who want to publicize their “work” after how badly they have treated The Queen.

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 02:25

      Please, either move on or sit down! Very broken record.
      It's probably a blessing that they are not representing the RF with the things being revealed lately.

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 03:44

      I agree completely.


    3. Anonymous24/9/21 05:10

      You aren't publishing anything you are a reader and as such you have a choice to read this article or not, that is your freedom, but you don't have the right or authority to decide what the rest of the world wants to read.
      This is a blog for the free world!!

    4. Sorry but I thought this was a fashion blog.
      Have the rules been changed?

    5. Anonymous24/9/21 07:17

      Totally agree! ( I think she is sponsorend by a new label, hence the “ I am a strong woman” outfit, Josh

    6. Anonymous24/9/21 07:35

      First of all this is a fashion blog. Each time they are visiting something certain people are critizing them. If I was there in September I would like to visit the place and memorial to pay my respects. So I think they have the right to go there as civilians. MJ

    7. Anonymous24/9/21 08:20

      And then there are many who wants to see these couple when they do any public engagement, whether for the royal family or otherwise. So I'm guessing you either have to accept them appearing in this blog, or ignore posts on them. Also, this blog is on fashion, not on duties to royal families per se.

    8. Can't clap enough for this comment. Treating this like a royal tour, give me a break, these two. And her outfit is ridiculous in that weather.

    9. You may not like to see this couple on papers but Harry is a Prince of the UK and they will enjoy international interest.

    10. Anonymous24/9/21 09:54

      My Grandmother's Aprono and Chel
      Totally agree with you both.

    11. Anonymous24/9/21 11:28

      If they were there as ordinary citizens paying their respects, then fine ! But, what was the need for NYPD and what looked like Secret Service detail protection ?! This is them using their titles to have access to people of importance and to have privilege bestowed on them, that is fitting of a royal tour ! Ana

    12. I agree this is a fashion blog but for royalty. These two are no longer royalty. They chose a different path. This post should be on a celebrity site not a royal site.

    13. I agree this is a fashion blog but for royalty. These two are no longer royalty. They chose a different path. This post should be on a celebrity site not a royal site.

    14. Anonymous25/9/21 07:05

      My Grandmother's Apron totally agree. What about their privacy? Huh?


  4. Wollten die Beiden nicht mehr öffentlich agieren ??

    1. I agree, a very weird way of expressing how much they dislike being the centre of attention etc. For the love of God, stay out of the limelight after going on and on about how stressful it is to be in it.

  5. Trovo la coppia molto affiatata e unita.
    Molto bello e stilish ill cappottino col pantalone dritto.

  6. Anonymous23/9/21 23:41

    I think they both look great. The sleek pantsuit fits D. Meghan very well, and I like her choice of the dark turtleneck underneath. It looks simple but polished and professional. (V.M.)

  7. Anonymous24/9/21 00:34

    Beautiful, classic pieces. I prefer her hair worn in a looser bun.


  8. Hair too tight, clothes off for the weather, shirt is too tight and pulling across the bust. And both of them just need to stay private since that's what they said they wanted. And do something to help others on the DL.

  9. Anonymous24/9/21 01:39

    They both look great and are well coordinated! I’m glad that Harry’s not wearing his brown shoes ;)

  10. Anonymous24/9/21 01:48

    Walked away from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. So under what auspicious are they here? Outfits look okay. Meg's hair looks too severe.(Tabby)

  11. Anonymous24/9/21 01:52

    Agreed, they both look great. They are dressed appropriately for the occasion and Meghan looks chic.
    - Anon 9:13

  12. I think Meghan looked lovely and business like.l think sarcastic people should stop criticising Harry and Meghan and get a life.
    The Queen is lovely person but she has some wayward children in Prince Andrew and Prince Charles.

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 18:12

      Do you think any parents can control their adult children behavior or how wayward their kids turn out? Stop your sarcastic bias judgement of a 90 plus elderly woman. No class. js

  13. Fantastic outfit, sleek and very elegant, although I am also wondering why such wintery outfit on a warm day. The NY governor also looks very nice.

  14. She looks nice (though she also looks very close to tripping in those very long pants - kudos to her), but didn’t she check the weather forecast? We’re having hot & humid weather here in NYC. She must be dying in that outfit!

  15. Bello il cappottino forse non adatto al periodo, vedendo la signora col vestito fucsia leggero e il poliziotto e con maniche corte.

  16. Nice to see them out and about again. Hope they'll do that more often.
    Meghan is dressed smart and chic. This midnight blue looks good on her skin and against her hair. I agree E.B.B.: Her trousers are too long.
    Pity her hair is so very tight again, I prefer it more loose, suits her face better. But it's her choice of course.
    My head and skin would hurt if I'd have it so tight ;-)

  17. O sorry I made a mistake. It was E.B.B. who commented on the hair and ladarlena who commented about the trousers being too long.
    But I agree with both

  18. Vêtus à l'unisson tous les deux en bleu-marine ; un peu trop long le pantalon de Meghan !

  19. She looks fabulous. Classy and chic.

  20. Anonymous24/9/21 11:36

    Can we please stop this stupidity. It's embarrasing to read all the negativity and hate. They both look lovely. Nothing wrong with their cloths, hair or anything else. If we are not interested we can stop reading about them, and have the integrity to stop making a fool of ourselves with nasty comments. And leave the commenting to the rest of the readers who still find them interesting, and still means they are worth spending time on. They are royals. Will always be royals and will always be interesting to read about. And we should behave like adults and treat them with dignity. The same dignity we ourselves want to be treated with. We are not stupid trolls, are we?

    1. I love your comment (Anonymous24/9/21 11:36) it saves me from writing all this. Bravo.

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 15:55


    3. Well said @Sandy. Thanks a million.

    4. On the ground not make us US tax payer paying for their security for their grandeurs trip in New York. They are private citizens here. Why we want to pay for their security!!!! You ladies miss the point.

  21. #6 seems to be missing hair, she looks frumpy.

  22. They are really classy and chic. Just fabulous!

    I really do miss them and I just don't understand the britts. Hate this couple but not the criminal prince?


  23. Anonymous24/9/21 15:50

    Being honest, they do both look is their agenda that is not appropriate. If they are visiting as "civilians" , why the press coverage, the security, and the special treatment by dignitaries? What civilian wouldn't love this? Sara US

  24. @P, nobody said the lady with the pink/ reddish dress, who is the NY Governor is dressing inappropriately, please read the comment from anonymous 00:53 again. Sometimes one should thread things twice before jumping to respond, .

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 19:06

      Hi, yes I have read that comment again and I stick to my reply.
      The comment said that a certain British Duchess- we know who she is-
      wore which truly seemed " an odd ensemble"( hot pink) when visiting 911 memorial, while now the Sussexes are appropriately dressed for the occasion.
      What you get is that the color used makes a difference when visiting this memorial and that a dark colour probably looks more respectful, which I infer from the word " appropriate".
      In my view , I do not find these too dark and wintry ensembles so appropriate on the Sussexes, partly because paying one's respect does not depend on the colour shown in one's clothes and partly because the clothes here seem to be used in a " look at us!" attempt to capture public attention, which I would expect from celebrities on a red carpet.
      This is what I really find "odd" in a visit to this memorial.
      Of course this is my view, others can think differently.

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 19:14

      I just want to add that I were referring to the NY Governor hot pink dress only because this colour seem to remind the one used by " a certain British Duchess"(see comment by Anon.00:53).
      As I said , I do not think respect depends on the the colour of one's clothes.

    3. Anonymous24/9/21 21:34

      I was referring

    4. Anonymous26/9/21 17:30

      @P. Again trying too hard. Why do royals always travel with a black outfit when they are out of the country ? so they won't look ridiculous showing up in colors. QE learned that lesson when her father died unexpectedly. People who visit the cemetery at Arlington, the battlefields in Europe, ceremonies at Auschwitz, show up in sober clothing as a sign of respect.
      The governor is wearing red, but that was a flying visit at the beginning of her work day and no doubt she has been to the memorial many times as a mourner.

  25. Anonymous24/9/21 16:54

    Personally I like to see pictures of this couple, specially Meghan, just as I enjoy the pictures of the red carpets, and I am perfect capable to like or dislike outfits without going into a judgmental diatribe about every single person, whether I agree with their life style or not ( nor that I care anyway) . Love the fact that they now can control when and how they want to be visible. Sorry for all the consumers of trashy tabloids, now there is very little to talk about. Love her outfit, I agree the pants are a tad too long and perhaps too warm for the weather. Wish them the best.

  26. US tax payers paid for their visit in New York. When the national security service man was asked why we need to provide security to these two, one of them responded to the reporter that because they are family of the queen. So here is the thing, they are private citizens in this country and do not serve any official capacity as senior members of the British royal family. They are just the grandson and his wife who happen to live in our country. They don't represent the queen officially. Why we have to pay their security for their private visit in the New York. They made the whole thing look like a state visit as the they way they are treated. If my tax dollar is spent, I have the right to make an opinion. This is America. We understand what freedom of speech is.

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 20:07

      Nadarlena, you are making this up, please cite your sources about the “ security man” . Your opinions aren’t facts. The Governor and Mayor received them , nobody tried to make this visit look like they were envoys of the crown, that is just you throwing stuff around. Yes, you can voice your opinion in the US, and nobody here is saying that you can’t, we are simply debating different points of view. Also non Americans can understand freedom of speech, you aren’t the only ones that have freedom, so please stop being arrogant.

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 20:25

      “ is bonkers” but no such thing as bad publicity.

  27. Anonymous24/9/21 18:47

    @Cherry: The reason I don't like the pictures of this couple is not that I don't "like" this couple. I visited this blog not out of feelings like this but because I like to follow royalty with everything that it involves. So I expect to see royalty and not people who for whatever reason negate the tasks and everything else that it involves (save their own title :-). They are not royalty any more, they are celebrities and behave accordingly, representing not more than themselves. I think a blog *dedicated* to royalty should respect royalty instead of including people who do not want to participate in it. Thank God there are alternatives. (-Ann.)

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 19:46

      To all that say this, how can the subject of their royal status still be in question to you? Is it that you don't want them to be royals so you have selective hearing or reading comprehension issues when it comes to this topic? They are still royal. Harry was born a prince and that has not changed. He is still the Duke of Sussex, and by extension, Meghan is the Duchess of Sussex. They no longer use their HRHs, but they have not been stripped. I can't understand why so much time and effort is put into finding mean, nasty, negative, and untruthful things to comment about them. It is so simple to move on if you don't like them. It says far more about you than it says about them. And you wonder why they made the decisions they did...Before suggesting that their HRHs be stripped, I might suggest that until Andrew has his stripped (for reasons that we don't need to get into here), that subject is moot. ~d

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 19:59

      Ann, once again you are wrong, Prince Harry will continue to be who he is , as much as his mom was after she parted ways with the Royal Family. Sarah F continues to be portrayed in these pages, so is Madeleine of Sweden, and others, Meghan will continue to be a Duchess unless they take her title away, full stop. You can go on complaining as of why they are featured here or you just can skip their photos. Easy peasy .

    3. Anonymous25/9/21 11:34

      This last comment needs to be addressed. Like People before have mentioned, Meghan and Harry are still very much the Duchess and Duke of Sussex and have retained their HRH titles though they are supposed to used them for engagements that are not affilated with the Royal family. I am not sure why we are discussing Madeleine of Sweden in this context – yes she lives in Florida at this point with her husband, she is very much Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland and whenever I see her featured on this blog it's in the context of something that she is doing related to the Swedish Royal family. As for Diana, Princess of Wales and Sarah, Duchess of York – they lost they HRH titles with their respectives divorces. So would Catherine or Meghan if they got divorced – of course this is a mere hypothetical, I'm not wishing for or predicting any divorces – they wouldn't be HRH anymore but they would still be Duchess of Cambridge or Sussex respectively. Meanwhile again a hypothetical – in a divorce scenario nothing would change for Prince Harry or Princess Madeleine, they would retain their titles and their HRHs.

      That being said, it's a nice pantsuit on Meghan. I like the colour. It does seem a bit warm for this time of year but then again a lot of buildings are insanely cooled down by air conditioning. -- S.

  28. Meghan is just beautiful and classy.

  29. What happened to Harry's hair? in the Time picture it looks great and full, photoshopped much? Meghan's pants are too long, her hair too tight in a bun, but they look happily somber because they are in the limelight.

  30. Anonymous24/9/21 21:54

    @Ladarlena, this is a very fine blog about fashion, you are free to express your opinions, and so am I, and that is that I don’t give a hoot about your taxes, your political agenda or your inflated perceptions of your country’s freedom. Stop hijacking this post with your condescending words.
    Miss Marple

  31. Anonymous24/9/21 22:40

    @MM: First, I am not "complaining". Second, my point was this: "So I expect to see royalty and not people who for whatever reason negate the tasks and everything else that it involves ". I know they have their titles. But as they do not accept the rules that definde royalty, they converted themselves to non-entities for monarchy/royalty fans. (-Ann.)

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Anonymous25/9/21 01:14

      You forgot to say "in my opinion." You did say, "They are not royalty any more, they are celebrities and behave accordingly, representing not more than themselves." You have contradicted yourself by acknowledging they have their titles, hence their royal status. You have also made up some imaginary "rule" that "define[s] royalty". Again, I will say that you have neglected to say, "in my opinion." You also have a very different idea of "celebrity" than many others do. I guess saying that helps support your opinion. It would be easier to just admit you don't like them and stop trying to justify your comments. You are not alone. It is ok to dislike them. Just ignore this post and move along. ~d

  32. Anonymous24/9/21 23:50

    Keeping it fashion,
    Hair too severe, outfit not fitting for 80 degree humid NYC weather.
    Saying anything beyond that will cause left woke fans to rage...

  33. Anonymous25/9/21 03:13

    These two people belong on the celeb rag sites, not on this web blog. They do nothing for the royalty, except take money from Prince Charles, then complain they want privacy, all the time planning major interviews with oprah, and other people to say hurtful things about the royals. Diana

  34. Anonymous @ 23:50, see there is the problem, you can go on this thread and paint anybody that doesn't hate this couple, or are totally indifferent, or simply they chose not to judge perfect strangers as woke leftists, really ? What an ignorant thing to say, and promoting your political agenda is just pathetic.
    FYI this is signed by a not leftist woke person. Please go educate yourself!!

  35. Anonymous25/9/21 06:05

    Since it has not been mentioned yet, but all sorts of misinformation has been stated as fact, Harry and Meghan have a reason for being in NYC. I have taken the quote from the BBC.

    "On Saturday, [25 September] they are joining the 24-hour broadcast Global Citizen Live being held in locations including New York's Central Park.

    Global Citizen has organised a number of shows in cities around the world, from London to Lagos, with performing artists including Sir Elton John, Kylie Minogue and Coldplay.

    The duke and duchess have been making the case for vaccine equity, with Harry telling an awards show earlier this month that until everyone can access the jab, "we are all at risk".

    I will also give my opinion on Meghan's attire. She is dressed very "New York". New Yorker's love black, and this midnight blue is a sophisticated substitute for black. It is also very appropriate when paying their respects to the World Trade Center Memorial. As for the question of any other colors being worn, it is not September 11th. The Governor, Kathy Hochul (in the pink dress), and the mayor's wife, Chirlane McCray (in the pink print jacket), have already participated in 9/11 memorial services on the 20th anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2021. Harry and Meghan are paying their respects now. It is not necessary to dress in dark clothes each time one visits the memorial. If I had to guess, I think she may be wearing a coat because her figure is still in transition from Lili's birth three months ago. They had other visits the day before, and Meghan was wearing a coat and a longer jacket at with those outfits as well. As is evident by the comments here, it takes nothing for the trolls to imagine terrible things about her, and there were plenty of comments about her body after she had Archie. Why give the haters more to work with? Her pants should be as long as they can be without hitting the ground, and they may be. It is difficult to tell from photos, but they do look a little too long. As with all comments about Meghan, her hair seems to be another problem for so many. It is either too long, too full, too loose when pulled back, too messy, and this time it is too tight. I saw a shot of the bun from the back and it is beautifully styled. I think it goes perfectly with this chic outfit. It also allows her wedding earrings to shine. I hope their participation in Global Citizen Live has the positive effect all the contributors are hoping for. ~d

    1. Anonymous25/9/21 12:42

      Well said d - thank you for your clarity and respect. I just wish there were more of it, for everyone. L

  36. Michelle Obama, le retour ? sauf que Madame O a la classe que cette actrice n'aura jamais...
    Juste un rôle qu'elle essaie tant bien que mal (et plutôt mal) d'assurer...

  37. Anonymous25/9/21 12:40

    Well said d, - thank you for your clarity and respect. I just wish there were more of it for everyone. L

  38. Anonymous26/9/21 06:44

    Meghan looks really pretty. Her makeup is well done, she looks very youthful. I like the bun on her, I only wish she would ditch middle parts in favour of side parts. Black is a colour that really looks good on her. I like the entire outfit, but also think it seems out of place amongst the other ladies who are a dressed for a different weather.



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