Queen Maxima presented her annual report 2021 to Antonio Guterres

Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress from Valentino, at the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands completed her Annual Report 2021 in her capacity as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). Queen Maxima presented the new report to Secretary-General António Guterres at a meeting during the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress from Valentino, at the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York

Queen Maxima also attended a meeting with representatives from Indonesia, Senegal, Vietnam and Côte d'Ivoire to discuss efforts to advance financial inclusion during the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Queen Maxima wore a scale-print silk twill midi dress from Valentino, at the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York

Queen Maxima wore Valentino scale-print silk twill midi dress
Valentino scale-print silk twill midi dress

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  1. Very nice dress and hairstyling

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 10:41

      I always liked this dress on QMax. The length is just perfect. It fits her well.
      She is looking good. MJ

  2. Anonymous24/9/21 10:28

    Finally a classy dress, minimal jewelry and hair well brushed. Keep it simple like this Máxima!

  3. Anonymous24/9/21 11:14

    The dress suits her!

  4. Un modèle dont j'aime beaucoup l'imprimé original ; il lui sied à merveille surtout avec une petite et discrète ceinture cousue à la taille ; très joliment coiffée !

  5. Anonymous24/9/21 12:00

    This is the best Maxima has looked in a long time, no over the top accessories and all. But what happened to her hand!


  6. Anonymous24/9/21 12:14

    Despite slightly dizzy-looking print this is really good dress for her.
    And what a nice pleasure to see that her hair have been combed. Yay.

  7. It is not the sort of dress I would normally like but it really flatters her. Its somewhat classic elderly lady vibe looks young and fresh on her and it fits her beautifully. Natan please take note on how to fit a garment.

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 19:11

      A dress by Valentino is a superior quality than Natan. QM wore this dress several times and it is like new. Fits her like a glove. Carla

  8. I like the cut/style/silhouette/proportions of this dress but not the fabric. The colours are dull, the two different patterns together jarring. Keeping the ribbon undone was good styling call. Hair, purse, shoes are all fine.

  9. Anonymous24/9/21 14:07

    Love her in this dress. She looks great.
    - Anon 9:13

  10. Anonymous24/9/21 14:34

    this print makes one dizzy looking at it. clare

  11. Anonymous24/9/21 17:31

    Wow , queen Maxima looks amazing . Love the dress , the hair style and the shoes.

  12. Great look for Queen Maxima. Smart and professional. Once again, I think the fact that she uses her own expertise added to her influence as a member of the Dutch royal family, to work in this area is terrific

  13. Anonymous24/9/21 20:03

    Sie sieht richtig hübsch aus, viel natürlicher als sonst!
    Ein tolles Kleid und schönes Haar... sie gefällt mir richtig gut!


  14. She looks better than usual, especially her hair. I don't care for the bow left untied and hanging.

  15. Anonymous25/9/21 08:58

    BeAutifull stylish classical dress thAt even Máxima cannot ruin.

  16. She looks very elegant in this dress colour style and shoes.
    What happened to her wrist may I ask?

  17. Anonymous25/9/21 19:46

    I think Queen Maxima looks great. The length and fit of the dress suits her. She looks as if she has lost weightl


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