Queen Letizia attended an international event relating to World Cancer Research Day

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia, as permanent Honorary President of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and the AECC Scientific Foundation, attended an international event held on the occasion of "World Cancer Research Day", which this year coincides with the 50 years of establishment of the AECC Scientific Foundation. The event was as a mixed, both face-to-face and online meeting with international connections.

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

The AECC is a non-profit and private social entity that was founded in 1953. The mission of the AECC is to fight against cancer and to lead the efforts of the Spanish society in order to decrease the impact of this disease, and to improve the people’s quality of life.

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

Queen Letizia wore a blue suit (blazer and pants) from Bleis Madrid. The Queen wore a white lace trim camisole tank top from Zara

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  1. ¡QuĂ© alegrĂ­a, un traje nuevo para iniciar el otoño! Me gusta mucho este tono lavanda, es muy suave y favorecedor. Los zapatos nude y el top lencero son complementos perfectos.
    Los pendientes son preciosos también, lo mismo que su cabello, cuidado y brillante. Perfección.

    1. Anonymous23/9/21 13:05

      It is always a beautiful thing when RL embraces color. This is a soft fresh look and her hair looks glossy and healthy. You can tell that she is respected with this group of professionals because she seems to have had more than one opportunity to speak. One magazine declares her outfit as one for Spring. This was a global audience, many of whom are experiencing spring in their part of the world. Well done!
      One quibble, where is the diversity in Spain? Cancer cuts across all groups .(Group picture)

    2. Anonymous23/9/21 15:39

      Anaone, I do not know what "groups" are you talking about. Maybe people that do not exist in Spain...this is Europe.

    3. Anonymous24/9/21 04:21

      Seriously? there is only one ethnic group in all of Europe? Those people look like patients, care givers, or survivors of the disease.

    4. Anonymous24/9/21 11:48

      A1..seriously..in Spain there are not "Ă©tnic groups".. Who are Spaniards...if you are speaking about ilegal inmigrants, they are not citizents..so they do not have the right of the health system...have you ever been in Spain?

    5. Anonymous24/9/21 12:13

      A1... actually I do not know what you are talking about. Ilegal inmigrants? Spain is not set up by "Ă©tnic groups"...only if you are speaking about the Basques or Catalans, Galegos, etc...the separatist groups and polĂ­tics...but the Spanish citizents are all the same Ă©tnic group.


    6. Anonymous25/9/21 03:41

      That is quite evident, and no.

  2. Very nice color ! It suits the queen perfectly.

  3. Anonymous22/9/21 20:06

    Well, Letizia is perfection.
    I am definitely mad on all her shoes!!

  4. Anonymous22/9/21 20:20

    I love the colour of the suit and the simple white shirt. I do not like the cut of the trousers on her. CC

  5. Ravissante dans ce tailleur-pantalon dont j'adore la couleur lilas ; je trouve qu'un petit peu plus long de façon à arriver juste sur le dessus du pied, elle aurait encore plus d'élégance !

  6. Love the colour on her, fabulous.
    I feel the pants are a little long in the crutch area, I could be wrong photos can be very deceiving.
    The shoes and the camisole just set off this lovely suit on her.

  7. Pienso, igual que Angie.

  8. Another bright trouser suit. Light and summery. and looks perfect on the Queen. Much prefer this one to CP Victoria's.

    1. Anonymous23/9/21 05:01

      I thought the same thing. I do think it is a bit too big on her. It looks like she could have gone one size down in both jacket and trousers. ~d

  9. That´s a Miami Vice kind of look.

    1. Anonymous23/9/21 14:04

      The color is fantastic. The suit is indeed a little too big, but wearing a top that reminds underware is not done anymore. Today young women wear white or black tops or T-shirts of good quality without lace.

    2. Anonymous23/9/21 14:47

      Marcy, actually in Spain everybody wears tops with lace, It is on trend and very common between journalist.

  10. Anonymous23/9/21 01:00

    Now that is a beautiful suit! I love the soft lilac color. ~Laurel~

    1. Anonymous23/9/21 03:21

      Agree. The color is fantastic. It looks great with the white cami and shoes.


  11. Perfect. Everything about this look is perfect. Love the modern cut of the suit. That lavender color is gorgeous. The lace shell is a great touch. Beautiful minimal accessories. Her hair has been just magnificent lately, so glossy. And I'd love to have a shoe closet like hers :)


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