Princess Caroline, Jacques and Gabriella visited Monaco Dog Show

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques. Chloe playsuit

On Saturday September 11, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella visited Monaco International Dog Show 2021 together with their aunt Princess Caroline of Hanover and Charlotte Casiraghi. The show took place at the Espace Fontvieille Chapiteau in Monaco. Last Thursday, Princess Gabriella suffered an ankle sprain while playing at her school.

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques. Chloe playsuit

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques. Chloe playsuit

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques. Chloe playsuit

Princess Caroline of Hanover, Charlotte Casiraghi Rassam, Princess Gabriella and Prince Jacques. Chloe playsuit

Princess Gabriella wore Chloe Kids stripe print cap sleeves playsuit
Chloe stripe print cap sleeves playsuit

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  1. Anonymous12/9/21 12:01

    Gabriella makes the family album very interesting 😍

    Cousins have two deifferent dress code, Massy dressed for a formal event with her regular platform heels, Charlotte and Caroline dressed for a day at the market

    miss W

    1. Anonymous14/9/21 07:21

      Melanie de Massy is the president of the association which arranges the yearly dog shows in Monaco. I can easily understand that she is dressed more formal than visitors to that show.

  2. Toujours aussi mignons tous les deux ; ils ont l'air ravis de leur visite - Ravissante Gabriella dans ce que je peux voir de sa robe ; il faut souhaiter que l'entorse à une cheville se résorbe rapidement !

  3. Les enfants sont touchants, Caroline et sa fille ont l'air bien gentilles avec eux.
    La tenue de Caroline est très simple et chic, la couleur de son pantalon est plaisante.
    Quant à Charlotte sa grande jupe bleu marine et le simple chemisier blanc sont de circonstance.


    1. Die grauen Haare kleiden die Prrinzessin so gar nicht

    2. @Hannelore, graue Haare gehen schon, aber sie brauchen Pflege und einen guten Schnitt. Beides sollte in Monaco erhältlich sein ;-)) Caroline wird von allen als Stilikone gefeiert. Ich habe das nie so gesehen. Stilvoll und glamourös ist sie nur auf offiziellen Anlässen und auch da ist es Glücksache. Im Alltag kleidet sie sich oft sehr unvorteilhaft. Völlig unnötigerweise sieht sie inzwischen zehn Jahre älter aus als sie ist.

    3. The gray hair of Caroline is not a success in my view, the roots are darker than the lower part.

  4. Anonymous12/9/21 17:02

    Hope the recovery keeps going well and so the recovery of her mother. Would be so pleased to see Princess Charlene leaving South Africa and stay with her kids.
    God bless them. #andover

  5. Wünsche den beide herzigen Kleinen , dass sie ihre Mama bald wiederhaben :) :)

  6. Anonymous12/9/21 19:48

    Very cute and fun for everyone and pups too! The subdued colors of their attire are beautiful

  7. Twins are as cute as ever. I'm so sad to see these pics of Princess Caroline who seems to have aged years since we saw her last. I genuinely looked at the phohtos and didn't recognise her until I read the captions.

    1. Ava Pittman13/9/21 01:49

      Firstly, this is a fashion page. Why are you commenting on Princess Caroline's face/looks? She is 64 years of age, and looks really well and happy. She looks no different whatsoever since the last time she was on this blog.

    2. Anonymous13/9/21 09:41

      On a fashion page, IMO it is about looks, so no offence taken from my part if hairdo’s or faces are being discussed. However, I think Caroline looks very good with the grey hair. She is a natural beauty who has always been one of the most elegant women of her time and she still is. She chooses the French way, like the wonderful Brigitte Bardot, to transfer to another period in life and I like it.
      Lily T.

    3. Anonymous14/9/21 01:12

      Caroline does look like she has aged because she has gotten older. Grey hair does make women look older, like it or not, while it makes men look "distinguished". She hasn't taken care of her skin like she could have. She is a smoker and has enjoyed the sun, and it all shows on her face. She made these decisions in her life that had a negative effect on her appearance. Her appearance, whether it be her face, hair, or clothes, are all fair game. It is all part of the "look". ~d

  8. Replies
    1. Anonymous13/9/21 15:00

      Who said she was?

    2. Das Fräulein auf dem Bild rechts ist eine Enkelin von Alberts verstorbenen Tante Antoinette ( Schwester von Fürst Rainer )

  9. Those poor kids, so now other mother figures stepping in!

    1. Anonymous13/9/21 11:45

      Agreed, poor Princess Charlene.

  10. Same happened to me. I didn’t recognize her. The fourth picture is especially troubling; she appears to be crying or going through a moment of grief. I hope
    she is all right.

    1. Ana: I think, it's the hair. Maybe she was ready to ditch the color. She doesn't look sad in my humble opinion. Some women are beautiful with grey hairs, others... Still a beautiful woman.
      It's nice to see that they have fun together.
      Hopefully a healthy Charlene may return soon to her kids.

  11. Difficult to know what is the dress code for a dog show.
    However little Gabriella looks cute in her Chloé dress.
    Hope she is soon over her ankle problem.
    For once it looks likeJacques is in charge and not being bossed around by his sister.
    Nice to see the family helping Prince Albert with Jacques and Gabriella whilst their mum is ill.
    Even in royal families a helping hand can mean and say a lot.
    Ongoing happiness to them all.


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