Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella returned to FANB school

Accompanied by their father Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella arrived at school on foot

Like 5,715 students in the Principality of Monaco, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella also returned to school this Monday. They started receiving education at Institution François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré (FANB) school. Accompanied by their father Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella arrived at school on foot. At FANB which is a private catholic establishment, the Prince and Princess who are now six years old, will be in the CP / CE1 class.

Accompanied by their father Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella arrived at school on foot

Accompanied by their father Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella arrived at school on foot

Accompanied by their father Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella arrived at school on foot

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous7/9/21 08:24

    Gabriella should hold her hair back like she used to, the bangs don't suit her.


    1. Anonymous7/9/21 10:31

      It was stated earlier that she she cut her hair. These bangs are probly the best they could do with it until they grow out. Kids will be kids.

    2. Gabrielle is a little girl that looks perfectly sweet, there is no right or wrong way for her to be. All children should be allowed to grow up without criticism.

    3. She hacked her hair herself in the front. That is an attempt to correct it.

    4. Anonymous7/9/21 16:48

      @Jill You already knew about Gabriella's hair as you have commented on it before. Why make a derogative comment about a child? What is done is done. ~d

  2. En uniforme c'est bien.

  3. Anonymous7/9/21 13:12

    Sweet kids. Wishing them a successful, happy and fun year in school.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Best wishes for a happy school year to these two cuties.
      Hope their mum gets to see the photos.
      I'm impressed with the love and care Prince Albert gives to (all) his children. A great hands on father.

  4. Lots of young children have done that. However appalled mummy or daddy might be at the end result as to what the haircut looks like. Look on the good side..... they are showing initiative or .....think that it is at least better than cutting up all ones mummy's dresses (which my cousin did as a little boy ..he is now over 80) At least the hair will grow back the dresses however did not.

    1. I am just wondering why the bangs on Gabriella appear even shorter now then they did many weeks ago? I still think this is a style choice. Just look what Charlene did (or had done) to her own hair!

  5. Bien mignonne Gabriella avec ce petit serre-tête en attendant que sa frange repousse car elle avait essayer de couper ses cheveux !

  6. Quel scandale, le chiffon qui entrave la respiration , (ET EN PLUS SUR LES ENFANTS) du jamais vu dans l'histoire au cours de ces 20 derniers siècles !!!!!!..............Il est quand même Chef d' Etat, avec un vrai pouvoir de décision.


  7. Renseignez vous car lors de la grippe espagnole, les gens portaient des masques et lors des diverses épidémies...
    Albert suit les recommandations de L'OMS et cessez de hurler

    1. En Suède, depuis le début, 0 masque,0 confinement, 0 vaxx, posez-vous les bonnes questions,
      quant à la grippe espagnole, je vous invite à creuser un peu la question madame l'inconnue.


    2. Anonymous7/9/21 21:07

      La Suède has vaccinated 60% of the population, not 0.

    3. Anonymous8/9/21 09:50

      Mariamar/ precipit.
      Why don' t you stop trolling once and for all and stop shouting?
      Calm down.

  8. Personally I listen more to scientific opinions than to big shouters. Who wants the end wants the means.

  9. Wie bitter für die beiden Kinder, dass ihre Mama nicht dabei sein konnte

  10. The children are adorable! I love their uniforms. Looks like Jacques has grown as he appears taller than his sister now. Hope they have a wonderful school year!

  11. d Totally agree she is a little girl, leave her alone.
    They are going to school, not a fashion parade.

  12. What this post has to do with fashion?

  13. Anonymous8/9/21 13:45

    Is it weird that I, an adult, am jealous of Gabriella's hairband collection? I think she's quite a fashionista and hairbands might become her signature style, like Blair Waldorf's


    1. Anonymous8/9/21 15:30

      Not weird at all! 😀 You have to give it to Gabriella. She knows how to accessorize! ~d

      P.S. You have just answered precip's question.


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