Prince Albert hosted the 5th Monte-Carlo Gala at Prince's Palace

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

On Thursday, September 23, 2021, the Prince's Palace of Monaco hosted the 5th Monte-Carlo Gala for Planetary Health charity auction, presided over by Prince Albert II of Monaco. For the first time in its history, Monte Carlo Gala for Planetary Health was held in the main courtyard of the Prince’s Palace.

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline, Andrea Casiraghi and Pauline Ducruet were present at the gala. The funds raised at the auction will support activities of The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation.

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline wore a dress from Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 collection. Pauline Ducruet

Princess Caroline in Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 Collection
Chanel Haute Couture Spring Summer 2021 Collection

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  1. Caroline as usual looking stunning. What a beautiful classy woman.

    1. Anonymous24/9/21 10:51

      Princess Caroline's dress (jump-suit ?) is too dark. It makes her older than she is. Her make-up however is much better than a week or two ago. Nice earrings. Carla

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 12:05

      i agree. on this ocassion, the grey hair looks cool
      miss w

    3. Princess Caroline always so very beautiful and classy.

    4. Agree about Caroline. A natural beauty!

    5. Delighted to see Caroline looking so much better than she did a couple of weeks ago. Her hair appears to have more colour in it and be nicely styled again. I like the dress ( even if it’s a jump suit! 😀) On the other hand, while Sharon Stone’s dress is totally over the top, she still looks much younger than Caroline, though they are similar ages.

    6. to miss w, a question : can this color still be called grey ? I see it as a mix of different colors, one of them being grey, and the roots are dark.

  2. Toujours aussi classe Caroline ; très jolies boucles d'oreilles pendantes dont j'ai déjà vues le même style porté par Maxima !

  3. Anonymous24/9/21 10:41

    Caroline looks wonderful and very chic. Her hairdo and make-up are very nice. There is something serene about her lately….
    Lily T.

  4. Anonymous24/9/21 10:46

    Sharon Stone, qui a 1 an de moins que Caroline, est très pétillante, visage éclatant, robe un peu trop volumineuse mais ça passe ! alors que Caroline est éteinte…tout est triste sa robe Chanel, ses cheveux ...


    1. Did Sharon Stone parachute into this event?

  5. Anonymous24/9/21 10:55

    Caroline looks great.
    Sharon Stone's gown leaves a great deal to be desired. It looks like a plum pudding explosion.


    1. Thanks @marie for the plum pudding comment.
      Couldn't stop laughing for a long time.
      But you are right, it does look a bit like a plum pudding that's exploded.
      Hope this doesn't give inspiration to our dear Q Maxima.

  6. Anonymous24/9/21 11:13

    Who is the lady in the purple dress?

    1. It's actress Sharon Stone. Dressed just a tad over the top, imho.

  7. Sharon looks stunning and Albert seems to be happy ;)

    1. Well, Albert and the ladies...

    2. Anonymous24/9/21 19:52

      @Coralie Yes, so true.😉 ~d

    3. LOL, yes, Albert is in his element :)

  8. a rich man's world...and back in SA Charlene happy to be disconnected

  9. La Princesse Caroline est jolie et charmante, la digne fille de Grâce. Toujours aimable et souriante. Sa robe est chic, avec une belle ligne et ses boucles d'oreilles, sont simplement ravissantes en harmonie avec sa tenue. Joli mouvement de coiffure et le maquillage est parfait, un sans faute.
    La nièce, Pauline, on a l'impression qu'elle a oublié de mettre une robe, une jupe, un pantalon, effet grotesque garanti.



  10. Anonymous24/9/21 18:09

    Love P Caroline’s ensemble from head to toe. The neckline, sleeve-length and colour story are fabulous. As a fellow member of the “platinum locks” club, I enjoy seeing this confident style statement amongst royals.


  11. Princess Caroline exudes elegance and glamour no matter Her age or white hair.

  12. Anonymous24/9/21 20:15

    Sharon Stone is Awesome and I love her dress but I miss Princess Charlene.

    A Zoom or protrait of her for own charity would have been nice.

  13. Pity Pauline Ducruet didn't have enough material to finish the skirt.
    Maybe the fabric was at the end of the roll and she got a knocked down price for it.
    When the Monaco family dresses up for an occasion, they can come up with
    some pretty weird combinations of styles. Lack of communication amongst the female members of the family ....... perhaps.
    p.s. agree with all the positive comments made about Princess Caroline

    1. Anonymous30/9/21 01:05

      Ha ha love your comment, wish we could vote up or down on comments for this site, you'd get a big thumbs up!

  14. I agree with you, deadeggs, about Pauline Ducruet's dress (or is it a jacket?), and I think Princess Caroline is the best dressed among them all. Her gown is lovely and fits her perfectly. Her earrings are a match to the colors of her gown. Ms. Stone's dress is overkill.

  15. Sharon, Pauline and others in the group picture, are dressed for a party. Caroline dresses more like for a funeral.
    Her hair is back to brown? I thought she let it go grey? She looks good but too serious and not in a party mood like the others.
    I love the color of Pauline's dress, but a bit too short I think.
    Who's the woman next to Andrea?

    1. Anonymous25/9/21 17:51

      Never seen anyone in a sparkling jumpsuit at a funeral. Caroline's hair is the same as last time - it depends on the lighting. She has some grays through the top and some of the lighter blond still in the ends. There were photos and film of her looking smiling and animated - they just haven't been published here.

      Agree about Pauline's dress but at least she has the legs to get away with it. I wish she wouldn't wear her hair scraped back like this.

      The woman next to Andrea is Róisín Galvin Wittstock who is married to Princess Charlene's brother.


  16. Who's the guy beside Pauline. I miss seeing Princess Charlene too.

  17. Caroline the typical French stylish women as ever

    1. Caroline is elegant and following in her mother's footsteps. Channel becomes her.

  18. Anonymous30/9/21 01:02

    Caroline, sad and thin, wonder what is going on in her life? See the James Bond film opening in Monaco with Sharon Stone--she looks like a million dollars there, shows her age in a nice way and wow wow wow.


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