Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards 2021 ceremony

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

On September 17, 2021, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and Sam Tanson, Minister of Culture, attended the first joint presentation of the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award at the Théâtre des Capucins.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

Luxembourgish artists received their awards from the Grand Duchess and the minister in the following categories: Young hope prize, Prize for best onstage creation, Prize for best backstage production, National Theater Prize and the National Dance Prize, awarded this year to Elisabeth Schilling by the Grand Duchess.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

Awarded every two years since 2011, the National Dance Prize aims to reward a Luxembourgish artist, choreographer or dancer for his or her talent.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the Luxembourg Theatre Awards and the Luxembourg Dance Award. Elisabeth Schilling

On September 16, in her capacity as President of the Luxembourg Red Cross, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visited the Château de Colpach Rehabilitation Center. The objective of the center is to facilitate the family, social and professional reintegration of patients.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a print coat from Armani, Chanel, Valentino

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a print coat from Armani, Chanel, Valentino

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a print coat from Armani, Chanel, Valentino

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a print coat from Armani, Chanel, Valentino

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  1. MT looks so chic in her all black outfit. The woman in the orange dress is a standout though, gorgeous.

  2. Maria Teresa a encore changé la couleur de ses cheveux ce qui lui va bien . La tenue noire laisse à désirer, on dirait qu'elle a enfilé une tenue de chauve-souris. La dernière photo, elle apparaît avec un immense manteau, un immense pantalon remonté jusqu'à la poitrine, ce n'est pas du meilleur effet.


  3. The Grand Duchess looked very nice during both engagements. The black outfit, with the cape-like top would, I think, look better if her pants were a couple of inches longer, and she had worn black shoes. Her hair was the best I've seen it in a while. The lady in the orange dress wins the fashion prize in this group. At the second event, her coat works to streamline her torso, but I'm not fond of the large print which reminds me of a tapestry. In the last photo her smile is glorious.

  4. Her hairstyle is great

  5. I absolutely love Grand Duchess MT's hair, the styles, high lights, outfits, it is super "duper" for a short person like her. She really pulls it off! And the last photo is the cherry on the cake! Magnificent.

  6. Anonymous18/9/21 19:18

    Beautiful and elegant. Dancer

  7. La Grande-Duchesse a accentué le blond de ses mèches ; il n’y a pas à dire, c’est ce qui lui va le mieux sur les cheveux courts de sa petite tête !

  8. Wow to that gorgeous orange dress. Just beautiful. These are the best pics of Maria Theresa that I've seen for some time. Not really keen on the all black outfit but love the patterned coat. She looks great at both events.

  9. Anonymous19/9/21 10:16

    I like this hairstyle so much better for the GD; best pictures of her in quite a while


  10. Ava Pittman19/9/21 22:12

    This hairstyle looks great on GD, she wears this style perfectly.

  11. Anonymous21/9/21 11:01

    Her makeup is gorgeous !


  12. Hair and skin colour much improved. Does she pay people to smile around her?


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