Crown Princess Mary attended the 2nd day of Milan Design Week 2021

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary is currently in Milan to attend Milan Design Week which takes place on September 7 and 8. On the second day of her visit, Crown Princess Mary attended a roundtable meeting at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci. The Crown Princess gave an opening speech at the event. Afterwards, The Crown Princess visited the cultural institution Fondazione Prada.

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a polka dot silk shirt dress from Carolina Herrera. Dulong Fine Jewelry pearl earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore Carolina Herrera polka dot silk shirt dress
Carolina Herrera polka dot silk shirt dress

Crown Princess Mary wore GIANVITO ROSSI Mesh-paneled suede pumps
GIANVITO ROSSI mesh-paneled suede pumps

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  1. Cette robe-chemisier à pois qui sont très Tendance, habille à ravir la silhouette de Mary même si je n'aime pas le fond noir qui est trop sombre, à mon humble avis ; ravissantes boucles d'oreilles pendantes - Très élégants escarpins !

  2. CP Mary choose a very boring dress this time imo. I dislike the high necked collar,
    and the drabness overall. Earrings are nice, as well as the pulled back hair.
    The blond Lady looks nice, I like that style of dress, unfortunately the long hair obscures the neckline of it.

    1. Anonymous8/9/21 16:32

      The blond lady is gorgeous. Saw her in a video re. this event.

  3. Anonymous8/9/21 16:11

    Wonderfully stylish, “ simple” dress from Mary, well coordinated with her hair and shoes!

  4. Anonymous8/9/21 16:19

    Pretty dress on Mary but needs a bit of colour for morning/afternoon wear. Otherwise it's too severe or too formal. As worn, it would be perfect for late afternoon going into an early evening cocktails soiree.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Anonymous8/9/21 16:34

    What a beautiful elegant dress, the ever classic polka dots are fabulous when worn with such a fantastic design, I like the combination of solid panels and the silhouette. The shoes go perfectly with the dress.

  6. Anonymous8/9/21 20:04

    In close-up you can see she doesn't use any filters/botox. Maybe only between the eye-brows. Without it you can even have a stiff-upperlipp (just joking).
    You can see she's smiling a lot. But those wrinkles are sweet making you more human/mortal. Staying close to yourself/unique and not being plastic-not-fantasic. Her dressing-style is timeless with some interesting details with are eye catchers.

    1. Anonymous9/9/21 02:59

      CP Mary looks very different from time to time …… and she has used botox and fillers in years …… just saying.

    2. Anonymous9/9/21 08:06

      Botox could definitely also be applied on the forehead area as well. I see no lines in this area at all. Another thing I notice for the first time : eye brows look like micro needling and not all natural.

    3. Anonymous9/9/21 12:23

      Take-note in previous photo's on the first day of the Milan Design Week 2021 (9-07-2021) I can see lines on her forehead.

  7. Another flawless look from Pr Mary! A total win for me!

  8. Perfect workwear--smart, professional look. Another winner from CP Mary. Love the shoes and earrings.

  9. This dress is fabulous, I love the black backdrop. Its a beautiful fit, and sits perfectly. Love the shoes and bag. Her pearl earrings are gorgeous. Makeup is on point. CP Mary is such a stylish and elegant woman. What an asset she is, a great public speaker. She joined the Royal family and has done a marvellous job. She never fails to impress.

  10. Anonymous9/9/21 09:41

    No Prada today or Danish design ……
    I do not remember the last time I saw, or if CP Mary in Carolina Herrera, it's usually Queen Letizia, and this dress is a boring choice, imo.

    Julie 🌻

  11. Anonymous10/9/21 09:42

    These botox chronicles are absolutely funny!
    Have you ever heard about oxygen treatment and many other advanced skincare procedures which have nothing to do with botox and surgery?

    1. Anonymous10/9/21 16:06

      Sure we have. However, these treatments do not remove frown lines and other deeper wrinkles. They give a boost for the moment. Botox and fillers are so common now so why shouldn't royals, who are constantly in the camera' eye and praised for their eternal youth, apply them?

  12. Anonymous10/9/21 18:27

    To anon.16:06
    Mary hasn't deep wrinkles and very dry skin as far as I can see, because ahe Is still reasonably young .
    Some gaudges work with pulsating light and a treatment cream, which must be applied before.
    They work well with forehead lines, jawbone and nose- labial wrinkles and do not require long sessions to see good results.


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