Spanish Royal Family visited the Serra de Tramuntana in Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

On August 4, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia visited the Interpretation Centre of the Sierra de Tramontana Natural Site and the Lluc Sanctuary in Mallorca, Balearic Islands. The Serra de Tramuntana (Sierra de Tramontana) is a mountain range of 90 km, which forms the northern backbone of the Spanish island of Mallorca.

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore a blue midi linen wrap dress by Adolfo Dominguez. Crown Princess Leonor wore a knot detail mini dress by Other Stories

Queen Letizia wore Adolfo Dominguez Blue Midi Linen Wrap Dress
Adolfo Dominguez Blue Midi Linen Wrap Dress

Crown Princess Leonor wore & OTHER STORIES Knot Detail Mini Dress
& OTHER STORIES Knot Detail Mini Dress

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  1. Anonymous4/8/21 22:25

    I like all their dresses. Very appropriate for summer and to each of their personal style and body types..
    Infanta Sofia has inherited her fathers height, and is on the way to becoming a stunning beauty!
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous5/8/21 01:36

      Anon9:13 - Yes, they're all dressed quite nicely for seeing the sights. I've always been drawn to Infanta Sofia, I think she is beautiful. Only 14 & look how tall she is already & what long legs! Can't wait till the masks are tossed so we can see their faces again (that goes for everywhere!). Letizia will definitely have to return to her high heels to boost her height. ~Laurel~

    2. Laurel, no creo que Letizia tenga interés en aumentar su altura cuando está con sus hijas. Ella tiene suficiente confianza en sí misma y es una madre muy orgullosa de la belleza de Leo y Sofi. De hecho, Letizia lleva alpargatas planas y las chicas cuñas de 5-6 cm.

    3. Anonymous5/8/21 14:56

      I agree Laurel. Sofia has always been the one I've been drawn to first as well.
      - Anon 9:13

    4. Anonymous5/8/21 21:29

      Hi Angie. Yes, I noticed that on this occasion Letizia is in flats & I simply meant that she usually wears heels (or higher espadrilles). I was not insinuating that Letizia is insecure about her height. I hope she's not insecure; because she'll probably be the shortest one in the family (or "less tall", if I've offended anyone). ~Laurel~

    5. Sofía is very high and she will surely be a fundamental support for Leonor, but for now I see her very off. Leonor is all brightness and sweetness; Leonor's smile reaches her eyes and shines. Sofia will be a basic pillar for Leonor and surely another beauty like Leonor
      I have never seen a princess that shines as bright as Eleanor. Her look irradiated kindness, peace, dedication and sweetness. And of course beauty

    6. @Susana: What a ridiculous notion to reduce Sofia to a 'basic pillar' for her sister. Based on the educational accomplishments on her mother's side of the family, she should pursue an education in a professional discipline to the level of Ph d if she so desires. Nothing in life is guaranteed, not even a monarchy. Being Leonor's pillar is not a life skill, and the recent disaster in the BRF is an indication that no one should be expected to serve an older sibling for any reason. Once Leonor marries and produces heirs, or if Sofia herself marries, her entire relevance to the monarchy will change.
      The overly syrupy characterization of someone else's child is too much. None of those qualities will apply to her function a monarch. Of the two Sofia has bright inquisitive eyes and seems observant. Leonor gives the same affect no matter the situation (tips her head and smiles). Marie

  2. This family has truly stunning beauty. I love each one of them. Leonor is sweet like a candy; I think it was many years since I saw a princess with that heavenly look that is calm, bright, smiling and sweet. The two sisters will be very pretty

  3. I'm not sure on the dresses, to me they look abit like bathrobes. They are pretty girls and they look fine in any outfit as they do here but I think who ever guides them, or suggest what they wear should lay of the twinning idea. I would like to see their own individual styles.

    1. ¿Batas de baño? ¿Propios estilos individuales? Leonor lleva un vestido nuevo, pero Sofía lleva el mismo mono-short que el año pasado con su muleta. Es mejor comentar después de mirar las fotos y no criticar por sistema.
      Algunas creen que vestir colorines de payaso y pintarrajearse es mostrar "individualidad y propio estilo" LOL.

    2. Anonymous5/8/21 15:41

      @Jessie , I don’t understand your comment about the twin looks… if anything the girl’s outfits are totally different, they have had very different styles for the past few years, the only thing that they all have in common is the choice of footwear, and this is completely intentional in order to show the typical “alpargatas” that are a staple of the Baleáric Islands, same applies to the Queen’s purse, just a way to honor the local artesans .
      I love their outfits, and fresh style, lovely women.

    3. Anonymous5/8/21 16:11

      Si aprendiéramos un poco más de la geografía y cultura de otros países no se dirían tantas bobadas. Claro, los Kimonos que llevan las japonesas son batas de baño.. Están promocionando las Islas Baleares.. Google es tu amigo..

    4. I only speak and read English so no point replying to me in another language. I actually think its poor manners to do this.

    5. Anonymous6/8/21 10:12

      Jessi, and other people do not read or speak English but they use Google have poor manners and poor skills.. English is not the only language in the you could do the effort to learn not only others to speak yours.


    6. Jessie, you can translate into English here online. It shouldn't be any problem. Some people do not speak English so they write comments in their own language.

    7. One last time, I have no issues with anyone using their own language. If however you are directing a reply to someone specifically. You should be careful that you have Google translated correctly. I have never felt the need to attack other posters, but people the world over use different languages and we should respect everyone. All I said was if your making a coment to something specifically to me it is bad manners to reply in another language.

    8. @Jessie, I think you like to argue! Use "translate to English " and calm down.

  4. Anonymous5/8/21 06:10

    I like all the dresses...fresh and summery just as their hairstyles.
    Its fun to see that Leonor and Sofia are taller than their mom when Letizia do not wear heels. Both girls are tall and slim but Sofia seem to be the leggy one. Beautiful girls. Its always great to see them.

    1. Virtually all daughters and sons outnumber their mothers and we are very proud of that.

  5. Anonymous5/8/21 07:15

    They always are capable of surprising me with their very nice dresses ( and their very long legs!)

  6. Anonymous5/8/21 07:44

    Myślałam, że Królowa jest w żałobie, a tutaj niebieskie sukieneczki.


    1. El luto se lleva en el corazón, no en la ropa y nadie conoce los sentimientos de otra persona.

    2. Nowadays in Spain practically no one wears black mourning clothes, except to attend the funeral and burial of a close relative. And the custom is not uniquely Spanish: even Queen Elizabeth II wore a flowered dress and pearl grey coat with embroidered yellow flowers around the collar on her first official appearance after the death of her husband Prince Philip.

    3. Anonymous5/8/21 16:02

      España es un país moderno y aconfesional, no hay "lutos".

    4. Black mourning clothes are still worn in some parts of the world , mostly by old village people.

  7. They all look fantastic (as usual), but I particularly love these summery looks. Sofia and Leonor are becoming such beautiful young ladies. I hadn't realized how much taller Sofia was compared to her mom. Plus, looks like the girls are inheriting mom's good taste in shoes :)

    1. Nur scchade , dass man die schönen Gsichterl nicht sehen konnte :):)

  8. Elles portent toutes très bien leur propre style de robe estivale - Bien jolies filles même si j'aime beaucoup le blanc de celle de Sofia qui met particulièrement en valeur ses longues jambes bronzées ; les espadrilles leur vont à merveille - Le roi est toujours égal à lui-même même en décontracté !

  9. Lovely coordinated summer photos. This time the espadrilles are absolutely perfect with the girls’ outfits. Although I live the colour of the Queen’s dress, my clear winner here is Sofia’s. I also note that it is she who is walking along with the King. Do you think someone passed on the comments from this site about the fact he is usually pictured with Leonor?? 😂

    1. You have too much free time on your hands....who he spends the most time with may be the exact opposite in private than in public!

    2. Anonymous5/8/21 16:38

      Oh for goodness sake @wnelee - which bit of the laughing emoji did you fail to see? It was a lighthearted joke!!!


    3. Leonor and Sofía are beautiful, but my favorite outfit is the "new one". Leonor's dress and her earrings, along with her shoes make her the total winner

  10. Anonymous5/8/21 11:09

    Eso lo hacen en los actos institucionales. En salidas informales no.
    Las tres están muy bien.

  11. Anonymous5/8/21 13:43

    Beautifully coordinated outfits for the family. The Queen's fit and flare dress has been tailored to perfection. Love Sofia's look. She is all arms and beautiful legs like teenagers at this stage. Now it's time for the Queen to put the command performances behind her and enjoy an actual vacation away from the cameras. M.

  12. Anonymous5/8/21 14:38

    Dresses look like dressing gowns. Girls shoes look odd, with huge clown toed espadrilles. Too matchy matchy and messy. jj

    1. Anonymous5/8/21 16:08

      Y aquí tenemos al payasito que no conoce ni la geografía, ni la cultura, pero probablemente no crítica los trajes y zapatos típicos de su país.
      Las alpargatas son fabricadas y típicas de España, probablemente un Kimono sería mejor...LOL..las tonterías que hay que leer..


    2. Anonymous5/8/21 16:14

      The only clown here is you..ignorant of other countries culture and no respect. Probably if I critizised your culture you would jump as a mad..

    3. Anonymous5/8/21 16:41

      There are some bizarre dressing gowns in some parts of the world.

      Can't see it myself.


    4. jj@14:38...I agree with you the dresses look like bathrobes to me too.

    5. Anonymous5/8/21 23:59

      I thought the same thing jj.

    6. Anonymous7/8/21 15:04

      No dressing gowns in the Mediterranean, there is hot, we go to bed naked..that is only for nuns..
      A Greek

  13. Anonymous5/8/21 16:21

    @ JJ and Jessie. Ms. Electra has sourced the garments for us to review. To add, all of the garments are sustainable based on the fabric composition and the mantra of And Other Stories for example. The wrap over style has been 'en vogue' for a long time and made quite popular again by Diane Von Furstenberg. Espadrilles are an integral part of Spanish culture in terms of footwear. Mindless t**lling is a poor reflection on oneself. There is no need to destroy the fragile self confidence of teenagers with this type of language. Marie

    1. I completely agree. All three outfits are lovely in their own way and so appropriate for the occasion and, of course, the weather. The girls are finding their own direction in the fashion world and are doing a terrific job so far. Of course they have the guiding hand of, in my humble opinion, the best dressed royal in the world.

    2. Anonymous6/8/21 00:01

      Marie, you care too much about this blog and continue to amaze with your flowing language and knowledge of such amazing detail.

  14. Anonymous5/8/21 16:40

    They all look great - love the little play suit again. The Queen looks lovely in blue. My favourite this time is Leonor's dress - beautifully structured.


  15. I like all the outfits, especiallly Letizia's and Leonor's, but I don't like the espadrilles with platforms, I think their legs look too long with them, and their dresses would go better with flat shoes, like Letizia's. On the contrary, I liked a lot the pink espadrilles, almost flat, that Leonor had the last year, I think it was in Mérida.

    I also don't like espadrilles with very high wedges either, because they have a lot of weight like that, and sadly it's what these last years shoes stores have been mostly offering. I love espadrilles, because I think the ties around the ankles make the feet look very pretty, but I like them flat or with much less height

  16. Für die netten Familienfotos hätten sie kurz mal die Masken runter nehmen können - schade (:

    1. Anonymous8/8/21 00:58

      Yes, Hannelore, I agree, it literally wouldn't have killed them; the little Covid viruses could have run away for a few minutes. We have loosened up the rules here a lot- with no mass deaths (imagine that!). Would be nice to see people's entire faces again. ~Laurel~

  17. It is a beautiful family in a beautiful place on a beautiful summer day. Queen Letizia is wearing a linen dress and typical Balearic espadrilles made by hand by people over 80 years old. The girls, one 14 and one 15 years old, have no more style than her own age, with advice, I suppose, to make them look appropriate. I do not think anyone has any style of their own before the age of 30, until that age the method of try and hit and miss is followed.
    I hope you have a few days of vacation, tomorrow is the second dose of the vaccine for the queen and the princess and on August 15 Leonor joins her school in Wales, they will enjoy just a private week. The king has a last act in Mallorca on Saturday night, then he will meet with his girls.

  18. Anonymous5/8/21 21:40

    The girls are turning into beautiful and graceful young women! They all look splendid! Shout out to how handsome King Felipe looks ! Ana

  19. Las dos palabras que se me ocurren para definir a esta Familia Real son : belleza y armonía. Naturalmente, me refiero a lo que podemos ver. Sé que tienen muchas otras cualidades, pero hablo de su apariencia. El vestido de la Reina es bonito, fresco y cómodo; el de la Princesa es precioso con su dobladillo tulipán, tipo pareo, muy juvenil. El mono-short de Sofía es fresco y encantador para una niña de 14 años. El Rey se ha puesto una alegre camisa estampada.
    Las alpargatas son lo que llevamos en verano en España y no nos importa nada lo que piensen los extraños.
    Es un placer para la vista mirar fotos y vídeos de esta familia.

  20. They all look very nice, but they overdoing the mask thing. Even outside, in their small family bubble they keep the masks on.

    1. Anonymous6/8/21 10:15

      Family Bubble? Sorrounded of journalits?


    2. Anonymous6/8/21 12:59

      No, they aren't. They are doing what is expected of them in Spain. And they are coming into contact with other people.


    3. Spanish Covid numbers are the worst in Europe

    4. So their "good example " is no working

    5. Anonymous7/8/21 00:09

      So if everybody else is doing something "wrong" then they should just say to hell with it and join in?

      They aren't responsible for the Covid rates in Spain and the fact that other people getting and spreading it doesn't mean they should start behaving contrary to what is currently expected of the Spanish population.


    6. Anonymous7/8/21 23:01

      @Tineke 19:39 Nope. Right now, "Spanish Covid numbers" aren't the worst in Europe.. (Mainly, 'Delta' Covid variant among those under 35 years of age, the age groups that have been the last in vaccination planning, given their greater natural immunity against Covid, as is already known). Since you bring up the subject, "Spanish Covid vacination numbers" are among the highest in Europe. So, their "good" example is clearly working. (Like the exemplary work of our magnificent universal public health system).

  21. Anonymous6/8/21 13:07

    The girls look quite nice in each of their outfits. I think Letizia would he have looked better in a bit of a heel with her flowing dress. Bravo to them for setting a good example by wearing masks!


  22. They all look very good. I love Letizias dress, it is very lovely.
    When did the girls get so tall? especially Sofia is much taller than her mother already. We see that good now, because Letizia doesn't wear Highheels in her holidays.


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