Princess Charlene's family visited her in South Africa

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Prince Albert and his twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella are currently in South Africa to visit Princess Charlene. Princess Charlene shared a series of family photos on Instagram to share the joy of getting together once more with her husband Prince Albert and their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

The Princess also wrote a relatable parenting anecdote about her daughter in her caption. She wrote: "I am so thrilled to have my family back with me (Gabriella decided to give herself a haircut!!!) Sorry my Bella I tried my best to fix it."

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene has remained in South Africa since May after she fell ill due to an ear-nose-throat (ENT) infection. Since then, she has been unable to return to Monaco.

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Charlene wore a camo zip-up hoodie from Polo Ralph Lauren and air force sneaker from Nike. Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Really nice photo's, very happy for them. Kids will be kids, Gabriella won't be the first to give herself a great hair cut. It will grow back.

  2. Anonymous26/8/21 07:52

    Gabriella looks great; what little girl hasn't experimented with a haircut, it soon grows back, I like her dress .Jacques is having fun. Princess Charlene looks good, she is a very intelligent woman. Hope all goes well for them; some complex issues to solve. Matilda

  3. Anonymous26/8/21 09:16

    Nice to see Jacqui Happy in all pictures, he missed his mother.

    Gabriella on the other hand, mommy has been playing with her hair again! Looks like a style from STAR WARS, she does not seem happy but that's a lovely dress.

    The first picture shows how vulnerable Charlene is at the moment, she has lost so much weight and the skinny jeans enhance that (full photo on her instagram)

    Albert wearing 'chasingZero' t-shirt, Charlene seems to appreciate his support.


  4. I´m happy for them, but cannot see much joy in these photos. The last one is lovely, but all the others look rather sad for a family re-uniting after months apart and for photos that are meant to "share the joy".
    Wishing them all the best, of course. Still a long way to recovery, it would appear.

  5. Daughter following her mother, I hope in hair cut only.

  6. Anonymous26/8/21 11:09

    She is so so sad person. Always.


    1. Anonymous27/8/21 07:33

      I agree, she always looks this way, had to know the difference.

  7. Quel plaisir de les voir réunis ; cela va permettre à Charlène de continuer à passer sa convalescence avec ses enfants qui devaient être impatients de la revoir et bien-sûr Albert – C’est avec impatience que j'attends son retour !

  8. Anonymous26/8/21 13:55

    Very moving reunion and the family's international style shines!

  9. Anonymous26/8/21 14:38

    So wonderful they are together. It truly helps recovery to have your nearest and dearest around you- may she feel strengthened and great for her hubby and kiddos too. So cute about the haircut- such a common experience, especially before a picture.

  10. Anonymous26/8/21 14:48

    I'm happy that they've been reunited.
    Memo to self (Charlene): Hide all scissors from Gabriella, lol.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous26/8/21 19:03

      Memo to self (Charlene): Hide all scissors from myself and my daughter.

    2. Anonymous26/8/21 23:39

      @W. An unnecessary comment. You already made your thoughts known in your original comment. You have implied that Charlene is responsible for Gabriella's hair, ignoring the true fact that Gabriella cut her own hair. Charlene only tried to even it up, as mothers do. We know, we know. You don't like Charlene. You have made your point. BTW, just don't criticize children. It makes you look bad.

    3. To anon.23.39: I think you missunderstood W´s comment. I don´t think it was implying that Charlene cut Gabriella´s hair. I think, it was hinting at Charlene´s own haircut, which - to some - looks like a mishap.

  11. Gabriella ressemble à Stéphanie lorsqu enfant, elle faisait la tête...
    Magnifiques photos 📷

  12. Anonymous26/8/21 15:05

    Don't believe they actually met in real life.
    Very strange how they're holding each other. No sparkle, no happiness, nothing but four people somewhere in time and space.
    Like (un-animated) 3D movie-caracters.
    The boy and girl are nice dressed. But Charlene looks like a wild park-ranger and Albert is apparently growing old to fast.
    Best wishes for all of them.

    1. Nothing positive to say.....why can't you lift them up instead of kicking them when they are down. The boy and girl have a name and their names are Jacques & Gabriella!

    2. Bien vu, Anne, je crois que vous avez bien cerné la situation.


    3. Anna, I have a hard time comprehending your comment, so you think this is a conspiracy and we are seeing made up pictures? Expressing well wishes after your harsh comments doesn't absolve you from such unkind words.
      It's evident in these pictures that Charlene is not physically well, she has lost a lot of weight, I wish her an speedy recovery. My thoughts are with her and her lovely family.

    4. WTF Anna. Try to behave and treat others the same way you want others to behave against yourselve and your family. This is embarrassing to read! You don't know a crap about their life or their love for each other. What conspiracy theories you have is irrelevant ifor the rest of the world living in the real life.

    5. Anonymous27/8/21 14:27

      By saying boy and girl I wanted to emphasize the emptiness of the photo's.
      They looking strange it's getting comical and

  13. Gabriella found scissors and gave herself a new look :)
    I do wish Charlene healing, healing, healing from my heart.

  14. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Princess Charlene and now more than ever. In the photos you can tell she has been through so much. You can also see it in her eyes how drained and tired she must be. Cute Princess Gabriella did a number on her hair. Hoping this lovely family will be back to together soon in Monaco!

    1. Anonymous26/8/21 18:15

      Agree, she looks so tired and frail. I pray she will return to Monaco with her precious family and once again find joy and good health.

    2. Fitzhugh, I could not agree more...

  15. This family has been so odd since the beginning.

    1. Anonymous27/8/21 12:26

      No they haven't. Got us who have seen personal photos and even paparazzi photos taken of them without their knowledge have seen the love between them and the live we see in their eyes looking at each others. You can ask the questions why do media try to split them up, printing lies like they have done for over 10 years. And why do some people have the need to talk their love down. So what do this say about you Amy?

  16. Anonymous26/8/21 18:45

    Gabriella is bringing back wonderful memories of a certain haircut mishap in my family, but it is never as tragic with boys. It is wonderful to see the family united again. It is probably the best medicine Charlene could have now. ~d

    1. Bringing back some haircut memories for me too. Five year old son thought it was a good idea to cut his twin sisters pigtails clean off! Wishing this family best wishes for mum to get well soon and be with them for always.

  17. Anonymous26/8/21 19:17

    The pictures seem taken to give a message: but which?
    Difficult to read this unhappy family.

  18. Gabriella does really funny poses. It is unusual when she has a serious look and her brother looks happy, relaxed into the camera. Charlene looks sad and sick.

  19. Charlene looks exhausted fisically and mentally, I wish her to take time for herself and for her recovery.

    1. Anonymous27/8/21 08:38

      Well said.

    2. Anonymous27/8/21 11:35

      Well said I think
      She looks so vulnerable, not well at all

  20. @ Unknown26/8/21 14:54

    Je suis d'accord avec toi... J'ai souvent pensé que Gabriella ressemblait beaucoup à Stéphanie enfant.

  21. Anonymous27/8/21 03:13

    In the end they are just like every other family trying to make the best of it when one of their own is in ill health.
    Best wishes to all.

  22. Anonymous27/8/21 03:52

    Lovely photos. Wishing them restful, joyful time together.


  23. Hey lovely comenters there is something here what we all have to check, this Woman here seams to be going through the seam process like Meghan Markl but she can't should not open her mouth. If you check back when Hurry stated pouring his heart out, of what he went through, who was the first person to support that. That means there is a lot going on here than what we can say but one day it will all come out hope it won't be too late. God bless them and I cover them all with the blood and name of jesus christ Amen.

    1. Anonymous27/8/21 19:28

      @Unknown, what does that even mean?

  24. Anonymous27/8/21 12:14

    Nice to see the family reunited in South Africa …… it has been and still is a hard time for everybody.
    Hopefully it will be in Monaco soon.
    Charlene looks tired and skinny, I think the visit and pics are taken few days after her operation ?

  25. They look happy being together again. Hopefully Charlene will be able to travel home soon. Stop the hate, conspiracy theories and nastiness. We have no clue about their life. They look quite happy and no Charlene doesn't look sad. It's funny to see that Gabriella is a little girl with scissors just like the rest of us. Who of us haven't been there and done that ;)

  26. Anonymous27/8/21 15:15

    Great news! I am delighted. The children are ouzing with happiness together and I believe that they will all enjoy a happy stay together. I wish them good health.


  27. Warum bloss wird die kleine liebe Gabriella so zurecht gemacht - abrasierte Haare ??

    1. Hallo Hannelore, Gabriella hat die Schere selbst in die Hand genommen und sich den Pony geschnitten (sicher zum Schock ihrer Mama :) .

  28. Anonymous27/8/21 18:19

    I totally can relate to the hairdresser phase of Gabriella, except I gave my sister a haircut instead LOL
    I especially love the fact the kids are climbing trees and rolling around in grass in these pics, which make it so much homey. I know they will have a duty and role to fulfill in future, but I always love seeing royal kids being kids!


  29. Anonymous28/8/21 02:31

    Regardless of what we write, I think deep inside our hearts, we wish them well. They are a family and we hope all of them are happy together. Even if they don’t always look genuine. We just hope whatever keeps them appart, literally and figuratively, goes away very soon. They all deserve a happy life as a a family. Like any of us.


  30. Anonymous28/8/21 10:31

    I love Charlene's boots and Gabriella's dress is really adorable. Well, the fringe will grow out, it's just hair. Like somebody mentioned before Charlene's last surgery wasn't too long ago, I don't think and I wish her all the best on her road to recovery. Nevermind the rumours and gossip, it seems clear to me that they are an affectionate little family, they (and their team) are just not great at translating this into photographs at times. -- S.

  31. Anonymous28/8/21 17:41

    I find these photos very posed. All in all, I find the whole situation around Charlene a bit strange. They all look terrible in terms of fashion and look like background actors in "The Name of the Rose" from 1986. Their daughter also looks strange with her hair fringe and Charlene's haircut is kind of creepy. Big nope. Frieda

    1. Anonymous28/8/21 19:23

      Maybe they can get Gabriella hair extensions so YOU feel better about the whole thing.

  32. Anonymous29/8/21 07:10

    Wow Frieda!!! , anything kind you would like to say? I would admit that I am in no position to tell you to be a kind human, but why is your comment so judgmental and cruel?
    We all have opinions about fashion, but did you bother to read that Gabriella cut her own hair, like millions of children ( don’t be making weird assumptions) and her mother tried to fix it as best as she could? I understand that I can scroll and not read mean comments, but sometimes is like when we see people demeaning and bullying others, the inclination of good hearted people is to call the bullies out and defend the bullied.

  33. I won’t comment on the children except that I feel sorry for them and they must be confused with what is happening. As for Charlene and Albert, those poses look far too planned rather than spontaneous..


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