Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's visit to Västra Götaland

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

On August 25, 2021, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden visited Västra Götaland County to receive information about the local recovery efforts in the wake of the pandemic. The Couple visited Skaraborg Hospital, Kavelbro Gymnasium and Skövde Science Park in Skövde. The last time the Couple visited the county together was when Alingsås celebrated its 400th anniversary in September 2019. Then came the pandemic, and planned county visits of the Couple had to be postponed to the future.

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

Crown Princess Victoria carried Little Liffner crossbody bag. Crown Princess Victoria wore blazer and pants from By Malina

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  1. Anonymous25/8/21 17:18

    Fantastic, very svelte and serious suit. Nice to see them working together

  2. This is a perfectly neat outfit, clean lines, no fuss, good fit. I also like the ponytail and the v-neck, both vast improvements from her bun and high necklines respectively. I think the light-gray colour (despite being bright and light) is a bit bland though, and for someone receiving a royal princess (and maybe expecting a bit of glamour), this might be a bit too sober. The brown accessories are great but rather neutral too, so a touch of colour would help to liven up the look - something as simple as a stronger lipstick, or a pair of colourful earrings.
    Still, I like this look. And I´m happy to see the Victoria and Daniel making more public appearances again and meeting people in person. I think that is what Victoria is best at.

    1. I think she likes the "classic and sober" look and that she doesn't want all the attention on her in general. It is true that a little touch of color can make all the difference. Prince Daniel looks elegant. Always nice to see them together, they make a great team.

  3. Beaucoup d'allure même si le pantalon semble un peu trop long ; vraiment ravissante avec les cheveux coiffés d'une queue-de-cheval à moitié haute !

    1. Ravissante avec les cheveux coiffés d'une queue-de-cheval à moitié haute???

  4. Beaucoup d'allure même si le pantalon semble un peu trop long ; vraiment ravissante avec les cheveux coiffés d'une queue-de-cheval à moitié haute !

  5. Le tailleur pantalon de Victoria lui va bien, mais quelle idée ces jambes trop larges et surtout trop longues qui balayent le sol. Sa coiffure avec les cheveux tirés maximum, ce n'est pas du tout seyant. Les cheveux un peu lâchés lui adouciraient le visage.


  6. Anonymous25/8/21 18:57

    Like this suit.
    The colour is very good for her.

  7. Perfect classic suit, she looks very professional. She should just keep her pony tail fastened in a nicer way.

  8. Anonymous25/8/21 20:45

    Lovely look and couple, so dedicated!

  9. Wonderful couple that always look engaged and encouraging at these events. Classic suit and simple jewellery that is appropriate and worn well. However, I think the choice of a brown bag and shoes was the wrong one with this shade of grey. A cooler choice of colour or black would meld better. Also, her hairstyle would look more polished with some volume at the back going into the ponytail - she has enough hair to do it.

  10. Anonymous26/8/21 01:53

    I rather like the idea of the suit but agree with people posting before me – there is something not quite right with the trousers, they may be too long or not properly tailored unfortunately. Otherwise it's a very good outfit. Like the looser hairstyle. As somebody else mentioned, perhaps a pair of earrings could have livened up the ensemble. Overall, she looks good. Glad they get to go out and pick up the engagements again. -- S.

  11. And speaking about suits, it appears that Prince Daniel has taken his range of double breasted , dark suits out of the cupboard after the summer holidays :-))
    But he wears them well and the tailoring is spot on.


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