Stephanie, Guillaume and Charles visited various nursing homes

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

In recent weeks, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, their son Prince Charles and Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family, visited various nursing homes in Luxembourg and met with the elderly people who have been isolated and weakened during the pandemic. During each visit, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess expressed their gratitude to the staff of the centers for the efforts they made in maintaining a warm environment for the residents throughout this crisis.

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore a new delilah jersey midi dress from Boden. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Princess Stephanie wore Boden Delilah Jersey Midi Dress
Boden Delilah Jersey Midi Dress

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  1. Nothing brightens the day for seniors like a baby or a dog. Charles made their day
    I love how they always bring him along on their visits

    1. Absolutely true, Denise!

  2. Anonymous6/7/21 15:54

    Babies can bring such joy to the elderly, and especially under these trying circumstances. This is a very special family for doing what they are. Bless their hearts. Cannot love this more than I already do. Charles lights all of our faces.
    - Anon 9:13

  3. Cute pics. But she is not wearing that Boden dress. It is a blouse with a completely different flower print combined with black or navy pants as you can see in the last picture with the close-up of Charles' little foot.

    1. Anonymous6/7/21 19:38

      "In recent weeks [they] visited various nursing homes in Luxembourg and met with the elderly people who have been isolated and weakened during the pandemic. During each visit..." Several visits, several outfits. She is indeed wearing the Boden dress in the last picture. I can see why there is confusion. ~d

    2. But in the last picture Stephanie is wearing the same dress you see on the model below. A very nice dress, I really like it .
      Maybe this article covered more than one visit? Baby Charles is dressed differently too in different pic's.
      Lovely to visit and interact with the Seniors that way, very nice Family!

    3. Anonymous6/7/21 20:47

      Quote: "visited various nursing homes in Luxembourg"

      As you can see on Guillaume, he wears different tops, so does Stephanie

  4. Sur toutes ces photos, nous remarquons que petit Charles a captĂ© toute l'attention des rĂ©sidents de ces diffĂ©rentes maisons de retraite et comme je les comprends ; j'aime particulièrement celle oĂą il a l'air de beaucoup apprĂ©cier un goĂ»ter de la part d’une personne âgĂ©e ; je crois qu’il est dĂ©jĂ  très gourmand - Selon du peu que je vois, c’est un bien joli imprimĂ© portĂ© par StĂ©phanie mais est-ce le mĂŞme qui correspond Ă  la robe du mannequin ? Je pense qu’elle a su trouver chez Boden des modèles qui sont dans ses goĂ»ts tout en convenant Ă  sa morphologie !

  5. Anonymous6/7/21 16:13

    How cute is this! I love how they take him everywhere with them and he is so well behaved.


  6. Anonymous6/7/21 16:24

    So generous, what excellent role models. Everyone is dressed to enjoy themselves.

  7. That moment, when a Granny feeds you with cake! I'm sure they made a lot of people happy!! Nice, that they are really interacting & having their sunshine with them. I love this :)

  8. Anonymous6/7/21 17:33

    I have never commented here before, but I have to say that this is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. For Guillaume and Stephanie to take that adorable little one to these nursing homes and let the people there really interact with him must mean the world to them. You know they are following the strictest protocols in making sure that everyone is safe and I think this is one of the kindest, most thoughtful things they could do that will be remembered for a very long time. Bless them.

    1. Anonymous6/7/21 18:44


      I agree đź’Żwith your well written post.


  9. Anonymous6/7/21 17:44

    When there's a cute, chubby baby in the room, who cares what anyone is wearing?!

    His proud parents shared their most precious treasure with elders, who will in turn, treasure their moments together with big/little Prince Charles. Simply heartwarming royalty in action.


  10. Anonymous6/7/21 17:51

    What a wonderful visit for these retired people!!


  11. What an absolute treat for the Care Home residents. Prince Charles really is cuteness personified. From what we can see of Stephanie’s dress in the last couple of photos, it looks good. Perhaps she listened to us all and binned the awful cream tops and black trousers!!

  12. Anonymous6/7/21 19:30

    I cannot get over how even tempered and calm that baby is! If he ever cries or throws a baby tantrum on camera i will paint from shock. The idea of bringing their beautiful, friendly heir to brighten the day for elderly shut-ins is a masterstroke for the HGD.

  13. Anonymous6/7/21 21:55

    What a touching visit!!
    Little Charles is a gemstone and he is the best gift these elderly people could receive.
    So tender, so sweet.

  14. Who said all Stephanie does is visit art galleries? Wrong! S.M.

    1. Anonymous7/7/21 14:39

      Well, she seems to have heard/read our feedback and reacted accordingly ;-) This is finally a great cause, glad to see her doing sth more meaningful for the society. Hope it is not a one-off
      Mimi C.

    2. Anonymous7/7/21 17:54

      yes, just 9 years too late!


    3. Anonymous7/7/21 19:36

      With her mother in law apparently calling the shots until very recently, perhaps she was advised to stay in her own lane and concentrate on her art patronages. Now that Mama has been effectively relegating to the sidelines, Stephanie is free to spread her wings. And no. It is never too late.

  15. Anonymous7/7/21 07:55

    This made my day. Elle

  16. Absolutely brings a smile to your face! Such a wonderful family.

  17. Anonymous7/7/21 08:42

    First: The royal family: Top marks for this sort of personal interaction, not just once, but a number of visits over several weeks. Shows dedication to their task at hand.
    Second: Taking the cute Prince Charles along key to sparking interest within the senior groups. They all love a baby, especially such a well be haved cute little guy...
    Third: The fashion pieces they chose, spot on for the occasions., not a mistep in the lot.... They did a very good job in remaining under the radar, and doing a good deed.... Congrats to all who participated! jj

    1. Anonymous7/7/21 14:11

      I agree completely with all your points. Well said!
      - Anon 9:13

  18. Love these three again and again, holding thumbs that one day there will be a laughing sibling for Charles đź’•

    1. That would be wonderful!

  19. This smiling family is a gift for letzeburg


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