Queen Margrethe's visit to the Faroe Islands, 2nd and 3rd day

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19. On July 16, the Queen visited one of the Faroe Islands' northeastern islands, Svínoy, earlier in the day. On July 17, the Queen arrived at the village of Vestmanna and welcomed by Mayor Pauli Trónd Petersen. In Vestmanna, the Queen visited the Heimið á Grønanesi nursing home earlier in the day. The Queen then visited the Power Supply System at the energy company SEV.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Some problems occured during the Queen's visit to the Faroe Islands. First, the royal yacht Dannebrog suffered an engine problem earlier this week, and that caused the yacht to be unable to take part in the visit, and then, the Queen’s special Challenger aircraft was unable to land at Vágar Airport due to foggy conditions. This delay has led to changes in the royal visit schedule, including the KlaksvĂ­k component being excluded from the programme.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

Queen Margrethe of Denmark is making an official visit to the Faroe Islands between the dates of July 15 and 19

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  1. Malgré les problèmes survenus au cours de cette visite, Margrethe sait garder le sourire ; j'aime les premières images où nous la voyons avec un joli foulard imprimé très coloré qui lui sert de turban en le nouant sur le côté ; c'est beaucoup mieux que celui à pois sur fond noir !

  2. Terrible from toe to top, especially in the first pictures...

    1. It´s an odd outfit and certainly unusual for her, but in the given context, I think it totally works. It´s her "field trip" look, and you have to remember that this is on the Faroe Islands, a rugged and windswept set of islands in the north Atlantic; it´s not in Copenhagen or the royal palace. I don´t think the beige suit is her best look ever, but it is suitable for the occasion, it´s tailored and put together, and the colourful scarfs liven up the look successfully. Also, she´s got a purse and a brooch, and she looks happy and thrilled to be there. Also remember, she is a lady in her 80s with serious back problems, so you have to give her credit for the effort.
      If anything, I actually think the other outfit is the less successful one; I find it very dark and somber, but I assume it´s meant to match the rather dark regional costumes of the people she´s visiting. It is nevertheless very chic and it looks polished, so there´s nothing wrong with it in that sense.

    2. Vanessa, I can agree with you on the fact that shes 80 and making an effort in this visit... But the double foulard, the kind of militar suit, the white socks and the black slippers/shoes are not "fashion" for sure... I dont see any style here, if not the one of an old lady who dressed herself lights off...

  3. Anonymous18/7/21 14:06

    This is a very colourfull and goodhumoured Queen.
    Her artistic talent shows in her choice of clothing.
    I love it ( and her)!

  4. Queen Margrethe does not need her hairdresser with all of the head scarves she is wearing.....They look rather chic!

  5. HM is a wonderful lady--dedicated, creative, caring. She delights in being with her people and her joy is evident in each photo. Her head scarves are chic and probably much warmer for her that her typical hats (it looks quite chilly in all the photos).

  6. Anonymous18/7/21 19:15

    Fantastic, this 80+ Queen dares to wear the most creative and fanciful clothes. And so wondetful her always cheerful and youthful appearance. Chapeau!

  7. Anonymous19/7/21 00:34

    The outfit looks 1980s. Mary I

  8. Anonymous19/7/21 01:53

    Queen Margrethe is such a stylish person ;you have to say she is sassy. Age doesn't even come in to it. She rocks; actually she should give a few people style tips. Tara

  9. Anonymous19/7/21 02:34

    Like her new brown walking shoes in the first photo. The rest is a mishmash of stuff. jj

  10. Canadian fan20/7/21 17:40

    I agree that the Queen is always happy, smiling and thrilled to be with her people. I usually like the creative, quirky way she dresses. This time, however, I do not like the outfits shown here. She is in her 80's but Queen Elizabeth is in her 90's and she always appears so polished and amazingly well dressed.


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