Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine attended a concert on Öland

Baum Und Pferdgarten antoinette dress. Jonathan Simkhai adeline directional rib-knit cardigan, Veronica Beard shailene skirt, Levi's trucker jacket

Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine attended a concert of artist Peter Jöback at Solliden Palace on Öland. On the small wooden stage that King Carl Gustaf built in 2001 next to Solliden Palace on Öland, Peter Jöback entertained the guests for the third night in a row.

Baum Und Pferdgarten antoinette dress. Jonathan Simkhai adeline directional rib-knit cardigan, Veronica Beard shailene skirt, Levi's trucker jacket

Crown Princess Victoria Levi's Ex-Boyfriend Trucker Jacket
Levi's Ex-Boyfriend Trucker Jacket

Crown Princess Victoria wore Baum Und Pferdgarten Antoinette belted printed georgette midi dress
Baum Und Pferdgarten Antoinette belted printed georgette midi dress

Princess Madeleine wore Jonathan Simkhai Adeline Directional Rib-Knit Cardigan
Jonathan Simkhai Adeline Directional Rib-Knit Cardigan

Princess Madeleine wore Veronica Beard Shailene Skirt
Veronica Beard Shailene Skirt

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. I like Madeleine's outfit. Nice, summery and appropriate and she looks happy and relaxed

  2. Anonymous6/7/21 08:08

    Two sisters catching up, doing something together. Two different styles. I prefer Victoria's style personally, I would wear the same clothes. She looks so down to earth, just your everyday mom. Madeleine looks great and happy too. I hope they have a wonderful summer in Sweden.

  3. I guess a lovely occasion for them. Nicely dressed.

  4. Anonymous6/7/21 08:34

    Looking at the third pic, I do not notice anything strange in Madeleine's face.
    She looks naturally beautiful as always.
    She probably used filters in the pics we can see on previous posts.

    1. Anonymous6/7/21 10:16

      Sorry, I mean the second pic.

    2. Anonymous6/7/21 10:57

      Really? The sisters both use b on their forehead, and have for years. M have bulking on her cheeks after fillers and so on, but it's their choice if they want to do so. Who are we to criticise, but we don't have to make excuses for them. The truth is out there just check old photos against new. Try to compare 2000 against 2017,id=a854b7cd,b=intouch,w=1100,rm=sk.jpeg -Petra

    3. What does P's comment mean? Commenting on possible face treatment? That's her business, not our task to compare, comment or judge.
      Some women are ready to do a lot about their appearance, some have rather a "let it go" attitude, it is all an individual and respectable decision, but everyone has to accept the result.

    4. Anonymous6/7/21 18:04

      Petra, you compare their looks 2000 vs 2021?? You have not changed in 21 years??
      Many get dimples/grooves in their cheeks when they smile. No needs for fillers to get them appear.
      If they have done smth, its done well. Both sisters look naturally pretty in their 40s, late 30s.
      Wonderful to see sisters out together. Like both of their outfits. Summery and casual.

    5. Anonymous6/7/21 20:00

      MM my point was check her forehead when she was 18 against today. M had more wrinkles when she was 18. but again M makes her own choice. She have had a few mistakes with a little to much from time to time, but these tings are hard to control. And again she makes the choice not us. If she like her royal companions want to use something something go for it! Not many of them or none of the young ones are natural anymore and it's their faces and their choice ;) P

    6. Anonymous6/7/21 20:01

      MM my point was check her forehead when she was 18 against today. M had more wrinkles when she was 18. but again M makes her own choice. She have had a few mistakes with a little to much from time to time, but these tings are hard to control. And again she makes the choice not us. If she like her royal companions want to use something something go for it! Not many of them or none of the young ones are natural anymore and it's their faces and their choice ;) P

    7. Anonymous6/7/21 21:48

      Mary T
      I was referring to the Botox Commitee judgements which have been written under previous posts about Madeleine.
      I am not interested in treatments on royal faces or bodies , it was just a thought which crossed my mind: what I see vere is Madeleine in all her natural beauty IMO.
      This is why I guess she used filters in the previous pics.
      Of course, it is her own business in any case, but you know , I do not have so much time on my hands to compare Madeleine before/ after in detail, so my impression is quite personal and is all I can say looking at the second picture on here.

    8. Anonymous7/7/21 04:56

      Petra, sorry but your comment is annoying and off, especially constant reference to Madeleine's face. Those "experts" can think whatever they won't there's no need to spread all nonsens written.
      I see no unmovable face. No unnatural high cheeks or big lips. Both sisters look natural and beautiful. Fillers go away but Madeleine will have her grooves for good. There's nothing bad about her smily dimples.

  5. Photos bien charmantes des deux soeurs ; j'envie le cardigan de Madeleine que je mettrais bien dans mon dressing s'il en reste !!

  6. Victoria would look much prettier and youthful if she would wear her hair loose . The severe bun is always too tight and ages her. I like her dress and jacket, but maybe not together.

    1. Anonymous6/7/21 17:50

      I totally agree with you, Kteach. Victoria has such a pretty face but the tight bun gives her an older, more severe look. I like her dress but would have preferred sandals like Madeleine whose outfit is nice too.


  7. The last picture, what a bautiful picture of the two sisters, beyond their outfits!!

  8. Anonymous6/7/21 12:44

    Nice to see the sisters together they look great. Mary I

  9. Anonymous6/7/21 13:17

    Very nice to see the two sisters together again, enjoying some private time with each other. Both dressed according to their individual styles.
    - Anon 9:13

  10. How nice to see the two of them together!

  11. How wonderful to see the 2 sisters out and enjoying some fun together! Both look wonderful in their summery outfits--very pretty and relaxed. Would have loved to see Victoria wear her hair down like Madeleine's.

  12. Great to see the two sisters together. Much prefer CP Victoria’s outfit, though both skirts are too long for the chosen footwear in my opinion.

  13. Georgette dress, denim jacket and sneakers seem a strange combination. I much prefer Madeleines look, the flowered skirt and white blouse with the rustic cardigan looks lovely.
    If only CP Victoria would let her hair down once in a while, she would look much more relaxed and younger, the severe bun is aging her.

  14. Lovely to see the sisters spending time together. Their styles are quite different, yet on occasion they have shared gowns or worn their mother's gowns and always looked lovely.

    I particularly like Victoria's outfit, relaxed, pretty and very relatable.

    Madeleine looks well and happy. Pretty skirt and cardigan, just a tad to fussy for my taste but the colours look lovely on the Princess.


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