Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam attended the Chanel dinner in Cannes

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

On July 7, 2021, Charlotte Casiraghi attended the Chanel dinner during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. Princess Caroline ’s daughter, Charlotte Casiraghi was accompanied by her husband Dimitri Rassam at the dinner. Chanel announced Charlotte Casiraghi as its new ambassador and spokesperson back in December. Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel. Her clutch, shoes and bracelets were also from Chanel.

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Pre-SS21 Collection of Chanel

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a new cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress from Chanel
Chanel cotton and mixed fibres maxi dress

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  1. It is Channel, for those who like it...

    1. I think Chanel would turn in her grave if she could see what they are designing in her name.

    2. Anonymous9/7/21 16:20

      I agree, poor Coco is turning in her grave.

    3. Anonymous10/7/21 17:43

      If I remember it correctly Coco Chanel passed away in January 1971, e.g. 50 years ago. The world has changed a lot in fifty years. And she actually started before WWI . After that war she was one of the first to design knee-length dresses. Of course most of us remember only her designs from the post-WWII years.
      Karl's designs during his first years at Chanel were quite different from Coco's last designs.

  2. Je n'arrive pas à trouver de l'élégance à cette robe longue ; même si elle peut se le permettre, je l'imagine non transparente ; quelconque la pochette - J'adore le travail effectué sur ses cheveux !

    1. Oh yes I like the sophisticated hairstyling on this occasion.

  3. Anonymous9/7/21 09:04

    Hairstyle- no, no, no
    Dress- no, no, no

    She's beautiful but I don't like style like that.
    Maybe something like few days ago at jumping competition on 3th July.


  4. Anonymous9/7/21 09:05

    What a lovely stylish dress. Wonderful fabrics. It's a bit pity that part of the dress is tanslucent. The bag looks somewhat cheap to me.

    1. Anonymous10/7/21 01:43

      I like the dress as well. The print is beautiful to me. I think the uproar about the translucency of the skirt is more due to the image of the model than Charlotte wearing wearing it. The skirt has been highlighted on the model, while Charlotte is wearing it in real life circumstances in the evening. The underskirt could easily be made to knee length for modesty of the wearer. I hardly think the back is too revealing. I have seen many dresses with no back at all, revealing so much backside that it needs to be blurred out in pictures. Everything that needs to be covered is covered. Simply stated, Charlotte has the figure for this dress. Braids are very trendy. The execution is different to me, looking more unfinished than a style. The comments about her body are unfortunate. The topic of this forum is fashion, not parts of the body that individuals find repulsive. ~d

  5. Anonymous9/7/21 11:08

    I like the delicate colour combination and the intricate pattern, getting slightly larger downwards to the bottom. The transparency is just that bit too much for me, a long dress, especially this one with this pattern, can be enjoyed "as such", i.e. long. Or make it from the knee down transparent. I think this mini-effect underneath steals too much show from this beautiful long dress itself. - Hair: well, a big No for me, because: The non-braided half is just a bit too un-made for an evening dress. (-Ann.)

  6. Anonymous9/7/21 12:34

    I thought to see a lovely dress, until I saw it in full and on the backside.
    No, to much “ designing”.
    She in a long dress and he in a T- shirt?I am afraid I am to oldfashioned for that.

  7. Anonymous9/7/21 14:17

    Horrible dress.

  8. I dont like the dress. One can see her rib cage which is very unflattering. Dont like the back. Dont like the transparency.

  9. unflattering .One can see her rib cage.

  10. oh my god, Charlotte is so emaciated, is she sick?

    1. Anonymous10/7/21 06:39

      She does look concerning.

  11. Agree with marie. I had the same thoughts. Also, imo the dress from the side looks like an old fashioned apron top. And, even at the risk of being accused of body-shaming, I say Charlotte is way too thin. Just my humble opinion.

  12. Pour Charlotte la robe est très et trop échancrée dans le dos et sa coiffure sans intérêt , voir plus que quelconque, quant à lui, que dire, un tee-shirt sous une veste le summum de la plouquerie, et cette frange au milieu, qui constitue comme un double-rideau, et cette barbe qui n'est pas soignée, pouah !


    1. @ Mariamar A T-shirt combined with a jacket has become quite common for men, just look around at some TV presenters or public figures. Remember we are on a fashion blog, so I think everyone should at least take some current trends, without necessarily liking them of course.
      These people are not setting norms, but they are representative of trends particularly if artists.

    2. Sorry a correction to my message .... "everyone should at least take into consideration some current trends"

    3. à MaryT, j'entends bien votre commentaire, donc c'est tendance de sauter dans un feu, j'y saute, c'est tendance de sauter dans un précipice , donc , j'y saute, là , c'est le nivellement par le bas, (le tee-shirt),la laideur,.... je pense qu'il est urgent de prendre du recul, face à ce genre de phénomènes, les gens finissent comme des moutons décérébrés....malheureusement on voit où cela nous mène....MARIAMAR


    4. Marimar, not asking your to like it or adopt it, just to be tolerant.

  13. Hoffentlich hat sie auch was gegessen ....:)

  14. Michelle9/7/21 20:27

    Coco isn't the only one turning in her grave, Karl is as well.

  15. L'imprimé de la robe de Charlotte n'est pas heureux et celle-ci est trop décolletée dans le dos. Sa coiffure n'est vraiment pas seyante.Quant à lui, son tee-shirt sous une veste c'est total plouc, une bonne coupe de cheveux et une barbe soignée seraient un plus appréciable !!!


  16. Anonymous10/7/21 03:53

    Charlotte is one of the most stunning young women in Europe, but this dress does her no favors whatsoever. It emphasizes parts of her body in a way that is extremely unflattering. And Dimitri more than matches his wife's beauty but there is a huge disconnect between what he is wearing compared to Charlotte.

  17. Anonymous25/7/21 19:38

    Horrible dress…


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