Swedish Royal Family celebrates Sweden's National Day 2021

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar

Today, Swedish Royal Family celebrates Sweden's National Day. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, National Day 2021 celebrations were limited. However, the Royal Family marked the day in the customary way, celebrating Sweden and the Swedish flag. On the occasion of National Day, Swedish royal court released new family photos showing Crown Princess family, that is, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar. The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel will attend the national day celebrations at Skansen.

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar

Kronprinsessfamiljen önskar glad nationaldag - VIDEO

Princess Sofia of Sweden shared a photo on the occasion of the National Day. Princess Sofia wore a new summer dress from AJLAJK. Also, Princess Madeleine shared a photo on her Instagram account on the occasion of the National Day celebrated on June 6. The photo shows Princess Leonore, Prince Nicholas and Princess Adrienne.

Princess Sofia wore a new summer dress from AJLAJK

Princess Leonore, Prince Nicholas and Princess Adrienne.

Princess Sofia wore AJLAJK Summer Dress
AJLAJK Summer Dress

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  1. Très fiers sur ces photos ; costume national pour Victoria et Estelle et costume de ville pour Daniel et Oscar qui est de plus en plus craquant !

  2. All of them look fabulous. Love the traditional dresses of Victoria and Estelle. Daniel and Oscar look dapper. Little Oscar is adorable.

    1. Absolutely. The children are the highlight. Estelle is such a beautiful young lady, just like her mom. As for Oscar, what a cutie! So handsome in his little suit :) I always love to see pictures of the family.

    2. Agree with Debra and Chel!

  3. IMV little Oscar is too much dressed like a little adult, even for the National Day, I would prefer a bit more spontaneity.

    1. Anonymous6/6/21 20:43

      If Oscar were dressed like that frequently, I would agree with you. No little boy wants to dress up all the time. I do think boys need to learn from an early age how to dress for special occasions. Too many men don't know how to dress or don't think they should have to. Given the fact that Oscar rarely smiles for photos, I don't think he minds. He might not be smiling if he was in short pants! He may think it is fun to look like daddy. I had one little boy who hated it and complained every minute, and one little boy who loved it because he said he wanted to look like a "business boy". I think Daniel and Victoria do a good job letting their kids dress like regular kids. I am more miffed that the women are the ones in national costume and the men aren't. ~d

  4. Vraiment ravie de voir les enfants de Madeleine avec leur petit bronzage ; quelle chance, ils ont de pouvoir en bénéficier actuellement sous le soleil de Floride, si je ne me trompe pas - Adrienne est toujours aussi mignonne avec ses petites boucles qui me font de plus en plus craquer ; elle va certainement devenir une superbe jeune-fille !

    1. Anonymous6/6/21 23:37

      Yes, Tulipe33, it is sunny and warm.

  5. Anonymous7/6/21 06:49

    Its always fun to see how much children grow/change in a year. Estelle has grown into a young lady. Madeleine's children with their Swedish flags look so sweet. Leonore has grown and changed a bit. Nicolas looks so charmingly handsome. Adrienne so cute.

  6. Anonymous7/6/21 11:13

    I wonder why the men don't wear traditional costume - someone from Sweden may know? Elle

    1. Anonymous7/6/21 15:01

      The national costume that the ladies are wearing is created by a woman for women around 1900 and is called something like “Swedish women's national costume association's feast costume”😊. In Sweden many of our regions have their own costumed but this was created so that those women where the region did not have a signature costume could were this one. The royal ladies is wearing this I think to signal that they represent the entire country. Maybe you have seen Victoria on her official birthday celebration wearing the costume from the Island of Öland where she celebrates her birthday. There is a male version but this does not have the historical background (and looks not at all dignified 😊). The women’s costume is “formal” and therefore the men are wearing a dark suite.

  7. Anonymous9/6/21 16:55

    Beautiful family and lovely photos :)


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