Queen Letizia attended the celebrations of San Juan Bautista at Retiro Park

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

On June 24, 2021, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the event of commemoration of the festivity of San Juan Bautista, patron of the Municipal Police, held at Retiro Park in Madrid. Queen Letizia presides over this event on the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of women to this municipal body. The feast of San Juan Bautista in the city is celebrated every July 24, the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo.

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a red long sleeve flared midi dress by Salvatore Ferragamo

Queen Letizia wore a long sleeve flared midi red dress by Salvatore Ferragamo
SALVATORE FERRAGAMO long sleeve flared midi dress

Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera nude patent leather slingback pumps
Carolina Herrera nude patent leather slingback pumps

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  1. I will probably be in the minority, but I do not think this dress is flattering to the Queen. Dare I say, it looks a bit frumpy. Although it has great movement when she is in motion, it has too many "wrinkles," and the sleeves which are shirred add to the wrinkly effect. A belt would improve the look, I think. Her messy bun is a bit off too; her hair looks dull, which is probably due to the lighting. A rare miss for her.

    1. Anonymous24/6/21 14:12

      I also think it's a bit frumpy and I think it's the sleeves.
      I also think it's just too dark a color for summer.


    2. Anonymous24/6/21 15:10

      I agree with you. This is a rare miss for Letizia. While the color of the dress is pretty and the skirt part is flowing. The top part and the sleeves are just bad. I do not think this bun style is her best look.


    3. I think quite a few of us agree with you. The sleeves are most strange. The colour suits her but that is all that looks ok. The hem is uneven those pleats over the bosom are not very attractive and the waist looks like a last minute desperate measure to slip an elastisch through a channel to tame the billowing folds. It looks just as bad on the model. I agree a wide belt might have helped a bit but this is a definite no. That does not happen very often with Letitia.

    4. Anonymous24/6/21 19:48

      I agree. The dress looks great when she's walking, even the sleeves. An inch shorter sleeves would have been better. But the dress looks not elegant when she's sitting down. The colour looks great on her. A red shoe would've made it more special.

    5. Anonymous24/6/21 23:23

      Count me in the NO club too. The only thing I like about this outfit is the shoes! Like? No, I LOVE them!!! What wouldn't I give to have them (and the feet to walk on them)! As I have said a few times before, Letizia has the best shoes of all the royal ladies, hands down! Impossible to walk on for mere mortals like me, but gorgeous to look at and she manages to walk on them with such ease...
      Now back to the rest of the outfit - a huge fail in my eyes. The rust colour is not flattering to her (rust is not red); the cut and style of the dress are just wrong and dowdy; the elastic at the waist is awfully executed and makes the dress look cheap; the over-dramatic sleeves make things worse, adding to the negative points the dress already has; the hairstyle is completely wrong for the dress, add to that the grey streak and the overall result is: granny about town (foto nr.4 shows best what I am talking about). I cannot get over the first impression it made on me: dress bought in a second-hand shop - but not vintage, rather poor quality garment that nobody wanted to wear and they got rid of it after the granny passed away... Sorry, maybe it is too gruesome and apologies if it offends someone, but that's the vibe I get from this dress. Even her perfect posture and gorgeous shoes do not save the look. Sorry, a big NO from me this time
      Mimi C.

    6. Anonymous25/6/21 00:31

      Seriously, ck? Too dark a color for summer? Is there a law or something? I realize commenters here LOVE light colors to the nth degree; but there's not one thing wrong with a dark color in summer. Some of us always wear dark colors. Most men wear dark-colored suits/pants year round & nobody says anything. Double standard. JMO

      Anyway, the dress isn't all that bad, perhaps if the sleeves were a bit shorter. It's a nice color.


    7. I agree as well, Debra and others. Nothing wrong with the colour of the dress and her accessories, but the style and cut is just a miss. Even more because she already looks fragile (that's just her body type).

  2. Again, a lovely dress.

  3. Ravie de revoir Letizia vêtue de cette robe rouge-coquelicot, couleur qu'elle affectionne particulièrement. Silhouette très fluide à la taille joliment marquée ; originales ses manches longues, bouffantes dont le froncé donne un joli drapé ; cela devrait en ravir quelques-unes !! Je lui envie ses boucles d'oreilles pendantes que j'aimerais voir de plus près ; je pourrais alors enregistrer leur photo dans un fichier Word que j'ai créé sous le nom "N&R" Bijoux... !

    1. Nice idea to keep a record of jewels worn by the royal ladies. Good luck with that job.

    2. Les voici donc: https://cdnb.20m.es/sites/119/2017/06/IMG_1396-620x915.jpg

  4. Anonymous24/6/21 14:09

    I think Letizia did it because I was too much over the moon about her in my last post :-)) - Well I do not think anybody should wear a dress like this because it is simply ugly, lacking style and good proportions. Ruffles all over do not replace all that what is missing. It looks as if the person who designed this outfit had an urgent call to come home immediately and copy-pasted ruffles all over the dress. (-Ann.)

  5. La reina Letizia va perfecta, su vestido corresponde al acto,
    es una entrega de las Cruces, Medallas y Diplomas a un centenar de policías municipales, miembros de las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad, Fuerzas Armadas
    No veo el vestido arrugado , ni el pelo opaco , ni va desaliñada como escribe

  6. Just beautiful. The color red is also that of the Community of Madrid, so it is a gesture of the queen before the act of the municipal police of this community.
    I love her ruby earrings

  7. Anonymous24/6/21 15:19

    I am surprised to see it is a Ferragamo dress: to be honest it looks rather cheap,

  8. Anonymous24/6/21 15:54

    I would have found a belt around the waist even nicer. Frieda

  9. I'm usually a champion of everything she wears, but something is off on this one. I think it's the sleeves for me. My first reaction was "this looks like something Queen Maxima would wear", and if that is my thought, it's not right for Letizia.

  10. A big mistake. I noticed during the last few months several strange clothes on her like never before, just my own humble opinion...
    All in all pale, old-fashioned, tired looking...

    1. Really? Allí of them are repeits she has been reapeting clothes non stop , she wore this dress on Palma de Mallorca .

  11. Anonymous24/6/21 17:40

    This deep red Ferragamo dress is a dream and really flattering on Letizia, unlike the previous white satin dress which was not to my liking.
    I think Letizia is very good in strong colours like this one, particularly in red and blue hues.
    Moreover, her posture emphasizes the beautiful movement this dress creates .
    Not a fun of the messy bun , but her cream sling back shoes are to die for.

  12. Anonymous24/6/21 17:43

    Does anybody know what brand are her shoes, please?

  13. Letizia está preciosa. El rojo es el color más adecuado para homenajear a la Policía y la ciudad de Madrid, cuyo pendón es también rojo. El vestido Ferragamo tiene un movimiento muy bonito y parece muy cómodo. Como siempre, ella lo lleva mejor que la modelo.

  14. Anonymous24/6/21 20:32

    I think Queen Letizia can make any dress look good, but this one is a tough job, regardless of being a Ferragamo the dress is just not very well structured, it has good flow and color, but it looks a little frumpy. Love her shoes, and I like the messy bun,I don’t see her hair being opaque.

  15. Creo que el vestido tiene un movimiento maravilloso. También el color es muy favorecedor. No me gusta el elástico de la cintura, le resta elegancia, le hace parecer barato. Los zapatos maravillos. Y como alguna blogger ha comentado, tampoco me convence el moño despeinado.

  16. Something not quite right with this dress. I think it's a lovely colour-summer doesn't require only florals and pastels. The sleeves look odd when the Queen is standing but look very elegant when she's seated; the skirt swirls beautifully but seems to be uneven: the elastic waist stops it from being too smock like but a proper belt would be smarter. Overall, not a winner, but a close call.

  17. Anonymous25/6/21 00:31

    The dress is beautiful in motion. The shirred sleeves add to a bulky effect to the outfit. I see you majestad :).... with the varying sleeve lengths. Marie

  18. This dress is not stylisch at all, skirt is fine but the upper part, sleeves, neckline , terrible. Even this shade of red, a no no for me, it's overpowering. However, I like the striped dress on the Lady next to the Queen.

  19. The dress is swallowing her up. Does anyone know anything about the black and white jumpsuit in the sixth photo? Now that's a fabulous outfit. It would have looked great on QL also.

  20. What a beautiful colour! She looks great. I also like the Black and white Dress of the lady in the fourth picture.

  21. The lady in the black and white jumpsuit is Begoña Villacís, the deputy mayor of Madrid. She's usually very well-dressed.

  22. I like the colour, the bottom part of the dress, and even the sleeves, and I think it's perfect for this event, however for me it wouldlook better with a belt or something similar.

  23. I think the dress isn´t all that bad, but I agree that it doesn´t look quite right either. I think a few small changes would improve the look tremendously.
    1) a size down: it´s simply too large on her and hanging a bit low.
    2) a belt - in order to elevate the design from somewhat casual to more polished/finished and to add structure. It would likely also help the hem to be more even (I think it´s mean to be an even hem)
    3) deflate the sleeves. I don´t mind the gathering as such but it´s too large and the sleeves are too wide. It looks so baggy.
    4) replace the bun by a sporty ponytail or something else youthful.

  24. à MarieT 24/6/21 15/08
    Je vous remercie pour votre petit commentaire ; pour moi, ce n'est pas du tout un travail plutôt un plaisir car j'adore jongler entre le site et le fichier Word que j'ai créée ; peut-être que cela peut vous intéresser et reste à votre écoute pour vous donner plus de précisions - Bonne fin d'après-midi... P.S. Pour le fichier sur Word à compléter, vous pouvez lui donner un autre nom que celui que j'ai créée ; c'est comme vous le désirez !

  25. Anonymous13/8/21 22:21

    Looks classy to me…:)


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