Queen Letizia and King Felipe presented the Gold Medals of Merit in Fine Arts

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

On June 23, 2021, King Felipe and Queen Letizia presided over the delivery ceremony of the "Gold Medals of Merit in Fine Arts 2018 and 2019" held at El Pardo Royal Palace in Madrid and presented the medals to their winners. The Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts is given by the Ministry of Culture of Spain to persons or organizations that have shown success in art and culture or to those that have made contributions to promotion of art and culture or to conservation of artistic heritage.

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss, and camel beige leather pumps from Prada

Queen Letizia wore a turquoise green dadoria midi length shift dress from Hugo Boss
Hugo Boss Dadoria Midi length shift dress

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  1. Perfect beautiful dress once more. Great colour and such a perfect fit. I'm not a supporter of the grey streak in her hair but in the first few photos it looks like an elegant hairband! :-)

  2. Not mad about the dress and I think it is also a bit too long for her but as usual she is perfectly groomed and I LOVE her uncoloured hair.

    1. Fully agree, Nalerina!

    2. I agree too. The proportions aren´t quite right. The skirt is too long on Letizia and cuts her legs at a much more unflattering height compared to the model. The slit pulls as she walks which wouldn´t happen if the skirt was shorter.
      Also, I think the dress needs some jewellery, ideally maybe a brooch. The high neckline is almost begging for it.

  3. Anonymous23/6/21 16:52

    Such a fresh color on Letizia!

  4. This is what she does so well, a beautifully tailored dress with simple jewelry. Fantastic.

  5. Today she is perfection made woman. Total goddess.

  6. Élégante dans cette robe droite mi-longue idéalement ceinturée - Ah, j'oubliais pour certaines qui trouveraient à redire parce qu'elle ne porte pas de petites manches ; elle a une silhouette irréprochable dans ce modèle ; je pense que des manches pourraient ne pas arranger du tout son look mais plutôt le gâcher, à mon avis bien-sur !

  7. Wie viel und wie muss man trainieren, um solch perfekt definierte Arme zu bekommen? So beneidenswert! Gehe selber regelmäßig ins Gym bin aber weit davon entfernt.
    Das Kleid ist toll und die Farbe ist ein Traum.

    1. Some women need to train a lot indeed, but for others it is not so difficult to get nicely "definierte Arme". Courage Döni !

    2. Veranlagung spielt hierbei natürlich eine Rolle. Letizia war immer sehr schlank, wie auch ihre Letizias Mutter und ihre beiden Schwestern. Bei geringem Körperfettanteil treten die Muskeln deutlicher hervor. Aber mit Sicherheit sind ihre Arme, überhaupt ihre Figur das Resultat eines konsequenten Trainings. Letizia ist offenbar sehr diszipliniert. In einem Interview sagte sie einmal, sie steht um 5 Uhr auf, trainiert täglich1-2 Stunden, hauptsächlich Tanz, Yoga und Pilates. Wobei ich vermute, dass sie auch mit Gewichten arbeitet. Bestimmt hat sie auch einen Personal Trainer und eine Ernährungsberatung. Ihre Ernährung ist mediterran, viel Gemüse, viel Proteine, Fisch, Fleisch, Meeresfrüchte, wenig Kohlenhydrate.

      Für meinen perönlichen Geschmack ist sie fast ein bisschen zu drahtig. Aber ihre Entscheidung. Sie sieht jedenfalls super aus und sie ist das beste Beispiel dafür, dass wenn man eine gute Körperhaltung hat und sich gut bewegt (Tanz!) jegliche Kleidung gleich viel besser aussieht.

  8. Anonymous23/6/21 21:42

    A lovely less is more dress in a sparkling colour. As ever Letizia is looking very elegant. The only thing that bothers me in the last picture is her sleeveless arms. Apparently she does a lot of " workout" with her arms, which of course is fine, but it looks as if she is having a dent in the upper arms.

    1. Yea, and I'd show mine off too if they looked that fantastic;)
      Good for her that they do.

    2. Ay, anónima, no te han molestado los brazos sin mangas de Mathilde ni de Stéphanie de Lux... sólo los de Letizia ¿Por qué será? Todos lo sabemos. LOL.

    3. Anonymous24/6/21 08:22

      However you did not comment of other women and their ugly arms. Envy!!


    4. Like Tulipe, I think there is no problem with the sleeveless dress, I rather think they would spoil the design, but I agree to a bit shorter length.

  9. The epitome of class. She could wear a sack and look fabulous.
    Her posture which adds so much more to her outfits.

  10. Anonymous24/6/21 02:04

    Absolutely stunning!

  11. I really fail to understand the concern about Letizia and other royal women showing their arms. When I look around me--I live in NYC--about a third to a half of women are wearing sleeveless clothes of all kinds. She looks superb. Like Chel's comment above, if I had arms like those I would never wear sleeves. It is an elegant dress that would have been marred by sleeves (as someone else commented above). What worries me about some of the comments is that they are not about the clothing but in essence about body-shaming. Fashion-wise, the dress is gorgeous and she looks very elegant. The color is beautiful on her.
    On another note, I am grateful to her for showcasing her grey hair. I have never colored my hair (just a personal choice) and it went quite grey during the pandemic lockdown. It is great to see an elegant women like Letizia acknowledging that we all age and grey hair does not necessarily need to be hidden. Good for her.

  12. Anonymous24/6/21 07:26

    It is also very exemplary that everyone is still strictly wearing masks inside. That's the only way! In Germany, the end of the pandemic has already been heralded again, they don't learn anything here.
    About the fashion: fantastic. Letizia always looks perfect. Maybe a small sleeve would have looked even better. Her arms are a tad too defined for me, which looks great in sports- or everyday wear, but look too masculine in contrast to the elegance of a very feminine dress. Frieda

  13. Un vestido estupendo, de precioso color y corte depurado, que no puede llevar cualquier mujer, pero es perfecto para la silueta de Letizia. Buena elección de zapatos y los pendientes son muy bonitos también. Perfecta en su sobriedad, como siempre.
    Veo que la banda de avergonzadoras del cuerpo de otras mujeres no se rinde, qué lástima.

  14. Anonymous24/6/21 12:55

    Her arms are simply to die for. Well, as is her whole shape, her taste and her outfit choices, her hair, her posture - her whole way to present herself. Always a joy to behold. - As for sleeveless - if she can present her beautiful naked arm full frontal: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hbz.h-cdn.co/assets/15/37/hbz-1952-queen-elizabeth-ii-gettyimages-89857203.jpg?crop=1.0xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:* then maybe we can stop discussing the sartorial legitimacy of going sleeveless :-)) (-Ann.)

  15. Anonymous24/6/21 15:14

    Letizia looks great here! The dress is tres chic and a very pretty color. The proportions and length are perfect. No jewelry is needed as it could detract from the dress. I agree with the previous comments...if my arms looked like that I would wear sleeveless too!


  16. Less is more!! Great dress, nice colour, perfect for her and this event.


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