Princess Stephanie attended the inauguration of the sculpture of 'Doggy John Monaco'

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie of Monaco, accompanied by her son Louis Ducruet and her daughter-in-law Marie Ducruet, attended the inauguration of the sculpture of 'Doggy John Monaco'. Princess Stephanie also signed the sculpture. This sculpture will be put on sale for the benefit of Fight Aids Monaco. Julien Marinetti is a French painter, sculptor and visual artist. He is the creator of "Doggy John" series of sculptures.

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

Princess Stephanie, Louis and Marie Ducruet at the inauguration of the sculpture of Doggy John. White jacket, striped pants, red bag

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  1. Anonymous6/6/21 01:29

    Je trouve que la princesse Stéphanie ne fait jamais d'effort pour porter des tenues soignées. Ce pantalon rayé est très laid, un t-shirt quelconque, les chaussures sport pas très approprié pour cette occasion et que dire de ses cheveux qui ne sont jamais coiffés et toujours attachés avec une bande de tissus élastique. Heureusement, son fils était très élégant. - Jacky

  2. Anonymous6/6/21 08:56

    Too many illdressed people!

  3. Anonymous6/6/21 09:03

    For Stephanie's standards this is an upgrade. The purse looks nice


  4. A part, un joli sac de couleur, nous ne pouvons pas dire que Stéphanie fasse preuve d'un peu d'élégance ; lumineuse la robe-chemisier ? de couleur coquille d'eau portée par la dame à côté d'elle avec ses chaussures à talons ; élégants son fils et sa belle-fille !

  5. Pardon, mon doigt a glissé sur mon clavier – lire : coquille d’œuf - Bon dimanche !

    1. Ok Tulipe, it was noted, thanks.
      I also agree with you, Marie her daughter-in-law is nicely dressed, although quite casual as well, and I also like the coquille d’œuf dress.
      Probably better we don't start discussing the statue itself ....

  6. Anonymous6/6/21 13:18

    The only thing I like about Stephanie's outfit, is the purse.

  7. Anonymous6/6/21 15:00

    I like Stephanie’s purse. Outfit isn’t my favorite. The untucked t- shirt looks sloppy. I like Marie’s top.


  8. What a hideous sculpture. I hope it gets sold for the benefit of the cause, but honestly I can hardly think of an uglier object.

    As for fashion, I think everyone looks reasonably well dressed (for Monaco´s standards); the only thing that gets a clear no from me is the two different whites combined by Stephanie. She is also much more casual than everyone else, but for the right purpose, her outfit (minus the blazer) looks like a nice and comfortable summer outfit.

  9. La statue est une véritable pollution visuelle, quant à Stéphanie, on a l'impression, qu'elle a pris le contre-pied de sa mère, et cela, depuis des années et des années.


  10. I love Princess Stephanie's "cool" look.
    Go for it Stephanie.

  11. Anonymous6/6/21 21:22

    I have the feeling that Stephanie has struggled with knowing she couldn't compete with her mother or her sister, and didn't want to be called a poor man's version of them if she tried, so she didn't bother. She has tried to go in many different directions to distinguish herself, but she has always remained the second daughter, the youngest child, the one in the car with Grace. This is just my view, but she has appeared to be like an extra child. She hasn't had a real role to play in the family. She has never been the one to stand in for her mother. That has always been Caroline's honor. I think she is a product of her life and its experiences. She is dedicated to her particular causes, and her children. She remains a valued member of the family, just not in such a public way. Her children certainly present themselves well. As Vanessa said, there are different standards in Monaco. I would call her look "resort wear", and she has brought in red with her handbag to tie in to "Fight AIDS Monaco". ~d

  12. Anonymous6/6/21 21:54

    It looks like she really didn't want to be there in the first place because she didn't take care to look well put together.

    That's an unfortunate way to come across to people who worked to put the event on.

  13. Anonymous8/6/21 04:46

    Stephanie must be crying for help, as she never changes the hairstyle. A ponytail and scrunchie. halio


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