Princess Benedikte handed out the Elsass Foundation’s 2021 Research Prize

Princess Benedikte presented the Alsace Foundation's 2021 Research Award to the Australian professor Iona Novak

On June 14, 2021, Princess Benedikte presented the Alsace Foundation's 2021 Research Award to the Australian professor Iona Novak, who has helped build a bridge between research and practice. Every second year the Elsass Foundation acknowledges a researcher, who is making a significant impact in the field of cerebral palsy. Once every second year the Elsass Foundation Research Prize is awarded by the protector of the Elsass Foundation, Princess Benedikte at the foundations premises in Charlottenlund.

Princess Benedikte presented the Alsace Foundation's 2021 Research Award to the Australian professor Iona Novak

Princess Benedikte presented the Alsace Foundation's 2021 Research Award to the Australian professor Iona Novak

Princess Benedikte presented the Alsace Foundation's 2021 Research Award to the Australian professor Iona Novak

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  1. Princess Benedikte looks lovely here--she is always so chic and elegant!

  2. Plein de douceur dans ce blazer blanc/robe aux jolis motifs blancs sur fond vieux rose ; très élégante silhouette pour une dame de son âge - Mignon petit sac à mains blanc ; je crois voir un collier de perles ainsi que des boucles d'oreilles en rubis/diamants ; qui pourrait dire ?

  3. Anonymous16/6/21 18:43

    It is always a pleasure to see what Benedikte is wearing. She has a great sense style and what suits her. Her jacket buttons in a very flattering position for her, and she is wearing fabulous shoes! Good for her! I like the soft colors in the dress. On a side note, I am so happy that the award was given for research in the field of cerebral palsy. ~d

  4. Anonymous16/6/21 19:48

    Yes, P. Benedikte looks beautifully cool and chic in her pink dress, white jacket and pearls - perfect for summer, but I also like the winners outfit as well. It is unusual, quite artistic and fits her well. Congratulations to both ladies.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. You are absolutely right.....Both ladies look fabulous in their own way!

  5. The Queen of Class gets top marks again.

  6. Anonymous16/6/21 21:50

    Love the watercolor print of the winner's dress.

  7. It's always a pleasure to see Princess Benedikte. Both she and Professor Novak look lovely in their summery outfits.

  8. Anonymous17/6/21 01:03

    Very classy…as always! Judy

  9. Anonymous17/6/21 02:21

    Lovely colours on Benedikte, and nice shoes. The frill on the dress is no good. The other lady has a most bizarre cape on her, and it looks home-made. The necklace is too pale and big. - Ellie


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