Prince Albert, Jacques and Gabriella attended Feast of Corpus Christi 2021

Princess Gabriella wore a multi floral evita dress from Jacadi. Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

On June 3, 2021, Prince Albert II and his children, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended the celebrations of Corpus Christi 2021, from the Prince's Palace in Monaco. (Corpus Christi is a Christian observance that honors the Holy Eucharist. It is also known as the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ, as well as the Day of Wreaths. The Feast of Corpus Christi (Fête-Dieu in French), called the Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, is a Roman Catholic feast celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday.

Princess Gabriella wore a multi floral evita dress from Jacadi. Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Gabriella wore a multi floral evita dress from Jacadi. Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Gabriella wore a multi floral evita dress from Jacadi. Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Gabriella wore a multi floral evita dress from Jacadi. Prince Albert II, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Princess Gabriella wore Jacadi evita dress
Jacadi Multi Floral Dress

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  1. Des enfants toujours aussi mignons ; il me semble que Jacques dépasse de peu sa sœur qui porte une ravissante petite robe que j'aurais bien vue sur fond blanc avec ces multi-fleurs ; très joli son serre-tête rouge !

  2. Beautiful children.
    Where is Charlene?

    1. à Coralie 4/6/21 13:08
      A ce qui se dit, Charlène souffrirait d'un problème O.R.L. qui met le
      temps à être guéri ; elle doit beaucoup manquer à ses enfants !

    2. Still in South-Africa. She has fallen sick there (ENT) and was prevented from travelling back to Monaco because of it.

    3. Anonymous4/6/21 19:49

      No worries, she will send you a text and let you know.

  3. Where is their mother? Is she sick. I feel sorry for Prince Albert.

    1. She is currently in South Africa. Recent photographs were published which show her with an even more extreme buzz hair cut. Hopefully, she will return home to her children soon.

    2. Charlene has been in South Africa for several months, the Palace said she hasn't been able to return due to an "infection". It's a very odd set up given that she has posted several pictures from conservation trips so the "infection" can't be that serious.

    3. Anonymous5/6/21 06:52

      Charlène n'est pas en Afrique du Sud depuis plusieurs mois, mais depuis la mi-mai. Elle a participé à une opération de sauvegarde des rhinocéros, avec sa Fondation branche Afrique du Sud. Lors de cette opération elle a contracté une infection ORL qui l'empêche de prendre l'avion pour revenir à Monaco.

    4. Anonymous5/6/21 07:03

      @Diola, don’t worry, I think he will be fine. Maybe he feels sorry for all the nosy people that feel they have a say about his private life, of what you know nothing about.

  4. They seem to appreciate this celebration, I hope they keep a good memory of it.

  5. Per criticare alcune persone fanno presto! La principessa è ancora in Africa ...,rinocerontes%20enquanto%20estava%20no%20pa%C3%ADs.

  6. Gabriella is more than pretty in her little flower dress.
    Jacques is showing a lot more confidence as he grows up.
    And daddy seems to be enjoying every minute with his two little pussy-cats.
    Help, I think I'm going broody again.

  7. Un vrai papa poule à l'écoute de ses enfants ; j'adore voir le profil de Gabriella sur la première photo avec son petit nez mutin ; adorable !

  8. Wo ist Charlene? Ist sie noch in Südafrika?

    1. Döni, für dieselbe Frage bin ich angegangen worden (s.o.). Formal hat Charlene sich eine Infektion zugezogen und kann nicht reisen. Andererseits ist sie beim Wahrnehmen von Terminen in Südafrika fotografiert worden. Komische Sache. Aber sagen wir das ja nicht zu laut...

  9. Such lovely children and it's great seeing them with their Dad who seems to enjoy having them accompany him.

  10. Anonymous5/6/21 01:20

    The children seem to be really enjoying these occasions out with their father. Good for him for bringing them along and helping them adjust to the media and photographers. Their confidence seems to be growing every time we see them.


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