Prince Albert and his twins participated in the festivities of Saint John

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

On the evening of June 23, 2021, Prince Albert II of Monaco and his twins Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella watched the traditional celebrations of St. John's Day 2021 and the procession (Fête de la Saint-Jean), both of which took place at the Palace Square in Monaco. After a religious ceremony in the Palatine Chapel, a "batafoegu" bonfire was lighted at the Palace Square.

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

Resulting from a very old custom which is based on the birth of Saint John the Baptist fixed by the Church for June 24, Saint John is the feast of fire and light.⁣ Saint John's Eve, starting at sunset on 23 June, is the eve of celebration before the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist.

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

Princess Gabriella wore a newstripe-print tiered dress from Il Gufo.  Prince Albert and Hereditary Prince Jacques.

Princess Gabriella wore Il Gufo stripe-print tiered dress
Il Gufo stripe-print tiered dress

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  1. Anonymous24/6/21 08:52

    Everybody matching in blue, I wish Gabriella would hold her hair back

    These single dad photos look adorable but they make Charlene look bad, so Albert needs to stop these outings until Charlene is back.


    1. I don't think Gabriella's hairstyle is the best one, but it will change in due course.
      I thoroughly disagree on the second part of your comment. It would be much worse if Albert would always appear alone. Now at least the image is safe, they are still a family. The next question is whether it would be better if there were some communication about Charlene's health. Above all I think it is a positive sign and attitude to show that live goes on, more or less normally, awaiting the next developments.

    2. So being a good father makes a mother look bad?? Sorry, but such thinking is beyond my understanding.

    3. Anonymous24/6/21 13:44

      I wonder whether you thought Albert looked bad when Charlene was the only one having engagements with the twins. Charlene fell sick, it might be that she is still recuperating and Albert, as their FATHER, is keeping them occupied so that they don't get worried much.


    4. Why is it that when a dad steps up he is praised and gets gold stars (and this one has a palace and staff), but a mother is shamed? Nope.
      But for the fashion, love that they are coordinating in blue. I think Gabriella has a very appropriate hairstyle for a child. I like the picture of what her dress looks like in full, so cute.

    5. Totally disagree with your thinking. It is uplifting and enjoyable for the children to be exposed to these programs. Why should they be cloistered away from them until their mother decides to return home. She's been gone for months already and her return is not yet known (not known to us anyway). Further, these experiences are vital for them as early preparation and exposure for the life they will assume as adults in senior roles in the Royal Family of Monaco. They'll ease into their roles much easier this way.

    6. Anonymous24/6/21 22:09

      I agree with you MaryT. Palace needs to clarify the exact nature of Charlene's sickness. I'm just hoping it's a simple case of infection that is taking longer to heal and nothing serious.


  2. Les jumeaux sont toujours aussi mignons mais ils ont l'air un peu songeur sur presque tous les photos. J'aime beaucoup celle où nous voyons Jacques en train de parler à l'oreille de son papa ; ravissante Gabriella dans cette petite robe estivale aux teintes très douces ; belle harmonie avec son incontournable serre-tête !

  3. Lovely children, great relationship with their father fortunately.

  4. J'ai de la peine de ne plus voir Charlene, elle doit vraiment être pas être bien et Albert n'aurait pas imaginé avoir au Palais une telle princesse mais que peut-on contre une dépression profonde. Elle doit être en outre très affectée par ses deuils successifs en Afrique du Sud
    Albert fait face avec ses enfants mais il manque tellement leur maman. Il sera je pense de plus à l'avenir accompagné de ses enfants ados puis adultes
    C'est la vie

    1. Anonymous25/6/21 08:07

      The usual gibberish.
      No facts, only silly assumptions.

  5. Both are cuties :) Albert looks good as a single dad.

  6. Anonymous24/6/21 14:33

    Prince Albert is having fun, but his children? Les

  7. Anonymous24/6/21 15:23

    These children have been brought to many events from when hey were very young.
    So why not now?
    Nobody asks you to make conclusions about Charlene not present here.

  8. The twins are so adorable! So glad they are joining Albert for some events. The children always look like they are a good time with Daddy.

  9. Albert seems to be a wonderful Daddy. They are really lovely together. I wish their Mum a speedy recovery. Ear-nose-throat inflammations, bacterial-or virus infections are no joke and it's not possible to fly sometimes for months... I'm sure they miss each other. Forget speculations of the "yellow press".
    Love the pictures.

    1. I certainly have sympathy for Charlene and I am convinced that she is going through a very difficult period, however I don't think the reason given is true. We can only be patient and wait until we know more or better information.

  10. Anonymous24/6/21 18:38

    I watched a documentary on Grace Kelly's life recently. I have to say, Gabriella is the image of her! Jacques I think has a resemblance to Rainer. They are both adorable children. The fact that Albert is easing them into royal life is commendable. Ana

  11. Anonymous24/6/21 18:45

    has released a statement:

    „Princess Charlene is undergoing multiple, complicated procedures after contracting a severe ear, nose, and throat infection in May, meaning she will not be able to travel back to Monaco for her 10th wedding anniversary next week“.

    „Charlene underwent her most recent operation yesterday, with her medical team advising she stays in her native South Africa while undergoing more procedures“.


    1. Anonymous25/6/21 08:02

      I am awfully sorry for Charlene and wish her a speedy recovery.
      The twins are just adorabile.

    2. I have now seen the announcement about her personal statement; better suitable than an official one ? Such a problem is not expected to last for more than some weeks, is it ?
      Anyway whatever her health problem is, I wish her a prompt recovery.

  12. Anonymous24/6/21 20:22

    The kids are always nicely attired and well behaved and engaged in their appearances.

  13. Wie lange noch müssen die beiden herzigen Kinder ohne Mama auskommen ??

  14. Anonymous24/6/21 23:33

    They all look great! The children are real cuties! I find that Jacques looks like his mother and Gabriella, like her dad. I hope that Charlene will recover soon.

  15. Hallo, Hannelore, hoffen wir, dass die Mama bald wieder bei ihrer Familie sein wird. Aber der Papa scheint es ja auch prima zu machen!

  16. Gerade gelesen; die Fuerstin braucht mehrere OP's in Suedafrika, und die Familie wird sie dort wieder besuchen (Quelle: "Daily Mail").

  17. È tanto triste che l'amore sia messo in dubbio cosí ... la principessa Charlene è ancora in Africa malatta ...

  18. Anonymous25/6/21 03:52

    Gaby and Jacq look great. No doubt they are in constant touch with there mother. Charlene is such a vibrant young woman.

    1. She is 43. I wouldn't call this a 'young woman'. More like in the middle of life.


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