King and Queen of Spain attended the 101st ABC International Journalism Awards ceremony

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

On June 22, 2021, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the 101st ABC International Journalism Awards ceremony and a dinner given in honor of the winners of the awards of this year at the new ABC headquarters in Madrid. During the award ceremony, the King and Queen presented the ABC International Journalism Awards: "Mariano de Cavia", "Luca de Tena" and "Mingote" Awards to Javier Cercas Mena, Jose Maria Carrascal and Ricardo Martinez Ortega.

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

These awards are granted annually by ABC, which is a Spanish national daily newspaper. It is the third largest general-interest newspaper in Spain, and the oldest newspaper still operating in Madrid.

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore a white Carli dress from LoLa Li. Magrit metallic leather pumps and clutch, Coolook earrings

Queen Letizia wore LoLa Li Carli Dress
LoLa Li Carli Dress

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  1. Anonymous22/6/21 23:23

    No. I didn't like this dress first time she wore it, still don't like it today. It swallows her up. She has much better garments in her closet. I much prefer the dresses of the two other ladies in photo nr.8 (pink and white)
    Mimi C.

    1. You wrote exactly what I was going to write.

  2. Anonymous22/6/21 23:33

    Stylish & elegant her hair is so straight & gorgeous . Mary I

  3. Beautiful. Love the draping on the tuxedo dress. The silver accessories bring a little sparkle. King Felipe looks so handsome in his tux.
    I also like the other white long sleeved dress, Queen Letizia would look good in this too.

    1. Anonymous23/6/21 00:21

      Agree. Love the tuxedo dress and her styling is perfection. I really like the white dress, too. I could see it on Leonor or Sofia.


    2. Oh E.B.B., yes, the white dress would be perfect for them!

  4. Sorry. Not a fan of this coat dress—- too baggy and shapeless. I actually thought that the person in the short white dress was Letizia and that the baggy thing was a coat over a shorter dress. It’s okay. Just not great.

    1. I made the same mistake as well. I love the upper part of the coat untill about the waist then I don't like the draping much on her and it is too long. The rest is loverly.

  5. Anonymous23/6/21 01:28

    she makes grey hair look cool.

    I wonder why the mask at the dinner table! perhaps they are removed after the cameras go away.


    1. Anonymous24/6/21 02:43

      I agree, platinum hair is super cool.


  6. Respectfully, she looks like she stepped out in her bathrobe.

    The dress seems very informal and out of place compared to Felipe’s tuxedo and the other dresses the guests are wearing.

    1. No veo cómo un vestido esmoquin puede ser informal y fuera de lugar junto a su marido que lleva un esmoquin. El caso es criticar sin sentido alguno. Anda yaaaa.

  7. Anonymous23/6/21 03:39

    The dress is interesting but it seems too big for her small frame.

  8. Anonymous23/6/21 05:27

    Why barely any jewelleries? Looks so boring without something little extra to it...

    1. Porque la Reina Letizia no es un árbol de Navidad. Lleva unos magníficos aros de diamantes y zapatos y clutch plateados, que son idóneos para un vestido sobrio y minimalista.

    2. Anonymous23/6/21 20:00

      😉 Thanks for your comment. I agree that looking like a christmas tree is not something to strive for and it suits her with the classic style.
      I just miss a little little extra somewhere.. 😉 just like a dot over the i..!

  9. Anonymous23/6/21 06:16

    Stunning dress!

  10. Anonymous23/6/21 06:29

    Love it! Yes, it's loose but the draping is great.


  11. Anonymous23/6/21 07:29

    This is dress made of satin, draped in perfection, so that it has a very beautiful flowing effect. I am sure in white it works better "live" than in a photo. The queen has a beautiful slender frame, very enjoyable when she wears a figure hugging dress, that is true, but I think she does not always have to show it - and this dress has its own strong merit: pure elegance. And yes, not colouring her hair is a very strong and welcome statement! (-Ann.)

    1. Perfect comment Ann!

    2. Anonymous23/6/21 16:27

      Agree with everything you say about the dress. And her hair is so glossy she can get by without styling it, but I sometimes think the center part with hair hanging straight down (and separating as she moves) is too much playing the ingenue. Would prefer to see it styled, for example Duchess of Cambridge has long hair, but usually wears her part slightly off-center and curls the ends so that her hair has body and moves without separating into strands. S.M.

    3. Anonymous24/6/21 00:16

      I agree with you Ann!

  12. Anonymous23/6/21 07:47

    A rare miss for Letizia and I do not like the grey strays ( highlights?) in her hair.

  13. Anonymous23/6/21 07:50

    Grey locks.

  14. Anonymous23/6/21 08:07

    She looks incredible!


  15. Style drapé ressemblant à une robe-portefeuille mais je trouve qu'elle se noue trop bas ; les robes rose et blanc des dames en particulier sur la photo n° 8 sont plutôt à mon goût - Les cheveux de Letizia sont très joliment lissés ; il n'est pas nécessaire qu'elle cache ses quelques petites mèches grises qui ne sont pas du goût de certaines ; tant que ça lui plaît à elle ! -Et toujours de magnifiques escarpins !

  16. Carolina
    Me encanta esta pareja.

  17. Love it. I prefer clothes that are close to her body, but it's nice to see variation in her. They are a really beautiful couple.
    The shoes are divine and my queen has wonderful hair


  18. Anonymous23/6/21 14:09

    Letizia always looks beautiful, but the dress itself seems incomplete somehow… maybe a belt or other visual interest? That said, I agree with the other commenters: this dress isn’t doing her justice.

    1. ¿Un cinturón en un vestido drapeado? Cualquier cosa... LOL

  19. Anonymous23/6/21 16:30

    El vestido es diferente, todo no tiene porqué ser ajustado.
    La veo genial.

  20. It is a dress for initiates in fashion, it is not strange that the uninitiated do not like it, it is so special and refined that only those with exquisite taste can appreciate it.

  21. Maravilossos los dos pareja pfecta, tienen una agenda muy completa
    les vemos casi a diario, asi podemos comentar.

  22. Anonymous24/6/21 14:19

    While this may not be Letizia's usual more fitted dress, I think she still looks great. The draping is very pretty and elegant. She looks much better than the woman in pink with the strange, shiny design and way too long dress and also the lady in white who looks like she is wearing a nurse's uniform from several decades ago. Letizia's hair is so healthy and shiny and the purse and handbag are the perfect finishing touch.


  23. I like this dress, since the first time. However to be honest the fact that now the cleave is smaller, I think it change the way the dress flows it seems not so elegant, but I understand the reason, the critics has been very aggressive with cleave.
    However, the clutch and sparkle shoes make a nice look.


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