Crown Princess Amalia graduated from Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia wore a new ella boho style, flounce sleeve, midi navy dress by Greek designer, Devotion Twins

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia graduated from Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet on Thursday 10 June. Sorghvliet is an independent Protestant high school in The Hague. The Crown Princess announced the news herself through the official Twitter account of the Dutch Royal House. The tweet contained a video showing Princess Amalia hoisting the Dutch flag with her schoolbag attached to it over her home at Huis ten Bosch Palace. This is a Dutch tradition. Princess Amelia wore a midi dress by Greek fashion designer, Devotion Twins.

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia wore a new ella boho style, flounce sleeve, midi navy dress by Greek designer, Devotion Twins

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia wore a new ella boho style, flounce sleeve, midi navy dress by Greek designer, Devotion Twins

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia wore a new ella boho style, flounce sleeve, midi navy dress by Greek designer, Devotion Twins

Crown Princess Amelia wore DEVOTION Ella Midi Navy Dress

DEVOTION Ella Midi Navy Dress

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  1. Félicitations à Amalia mais pas pour cette belle robe dont le style est bien trop large pour sa morphologie ; quelle magnifique chevelure qu'elle n'a pas héritée de sa maman !!

  2. Not sure this dress suits her.

    1. Not sure if that dress would suit any woman.

      Congratulations to Amalia for reaching this important milestone.

    2. I can see Queen Rania in this dress. She ist very good in giving ethnic styles a modern twist.

    3. I think it´s a very cute dress. It just needs some narrowing at the waist for a more fitted silhouette. But I also think that Amalia chose it just because it doesn´t have a fitted, narrow waist.

  3. Princess Catharina Amalia is a really lovely girl, and she has great hair, too, not inherited from her mother's side as as Tulipe33 points out! Once again, unfortunately, the dress does her no favours at all. Young people have to develop their own style, of course, but she must have access to stylists unavailable to others who could suggest outfits that are both age appropriate and flattering. -----not sure whether or not we should refer her to her mother for assistance!!! :-)

    1. No neither to her mothers stylist if such exists.

  4. Anonymous11/6/21 14:58

    Congratulations on passing the exams! On the dress: I like it. It looks summery and for a 17 year old it's fine. She is not attending an official occasion so why would she need a stylist? When I was 17 I choose my own clothes. It should not be any different for her. Let her enjoy making her own choices as long as she is able to do so. SJ

  5. Anonymous11/6/21 15:27

    Very well done! Congratulations from a proud Dutchie!

  6. Anonymous11/6/21 16:36

    Catherine Amalia is a beautiful girl and I join with everyone in congratulating her.
    I will go against popular opinions above, and say that I think this dress suits her very well, and was chosen by her in accordance with her current needs and style. She is being herself not trying to look like anything she isn't.
    If she is like millions of young late teen girls of the same age, she is likely exploring style choices where an evolving body plays a key role. Absolutely nothing wrong or unusual about that. So until she is confident to settle on choices, I think her style is beautiful. Most important of all, she looks comfortable and happy.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous11/6/21 17:53

      Well said. Agree on all points.
      This looks like such a fun tradition.

    2. Amen!! Well said!!!!

    3. Agree totally! She always seems very comfortable and happy in what ever she wears and that's the most important thing. A delightful young woman. I read on another site that she isn't going to accept money from the state when she turns 18. She will be studying and not able to contribute to Royal duties. What a wonderful future Queen.

  7. Anonymous11/6/21 22:07

    I like it! I think it's a cute summer dress and fitting to the occasion, which is on the casual side.
    Amalia may not wear the trendiest or even "fun teenage clothes", but I think you can always tell that her clothes choices are made to look appropriate for a future Queen. And that alone shows a lot of consideration for someone so young.
    She's got the most beautiful hair, stunning!
    Congrats, Amalia!! And proud mama is looking on :)

  8. Anonymous12/6/21 09:44

    Congratulations to beautiful Amalia on this very special day and my best wishes for her future!!

  9. Intéressant de voir comme Amalia ressemble bien à sa grand-mère. Cette robe qui a tendance à engoncer le mannequin, grand et longiligne, est une fausse bonne idée pour cette jeune-fille.


  10. Shapeless dress but beautiful hair for Amalia. Maxima's dress and hair, a fail.

  11. Anonymous13/6/21 00:51

    Congratulations to Amalia on her graduation and best wishes for the next chapter in her life. Her hair looks lovely. I actually think the dress is fine and we might all like it a lot more if we had picture of her full length and from the front. Wonder what shoes she chose to wear with it. – S

  12. Daa wächst eine schöne Königin heran !!

  13. Anonymous13/6/21 23:18

    Lovely girl! Congrats!


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