The Duchess of Cambridge released a video message for Nursing Now campaign

Kate Middleton wore an peplum dress coat from Alexander McQueen. Mappin and Webb empress earrings

The Duchess of Cambridge has shared a video message to praise the sacrifices made by nurses during the pandemic. The Duchess of Cambridge appeared in the message which was shared by Nursing Now, a global campaign to raise the status of nurses.

Kate Middleton wore an peplum dress coat from Alexander McQueen. Mappin and Webb empress earrings

Nursing Now is a global campaign to improve health by raising the status and profile of nursing. Established in 2018, Nursing Now has united nurses, health advocates and allies from around the world in the first-ever global movement to champion the role of nurses.

A special message from Nursing Now's Royal Patron, The Duchess of Cambridge

Kate Middleton wore an peplum dress coat from Alexander McQueen
Alexander McQueen peplum coat

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  1. Très joli ensemble dont le haut Ă  basque lui va Ă  merveille que ce soit dans la couleur blanc-cassĂ© -dĂ©jĂ  portĂ©- que lĂ  dans cette couleur blanche ; j'adore la voir quand elle porte ses boucles d'oreilles "Mappin & Webb" London --qu'elle a l'air d'adorer depuis quelques annĂ©es ; je ne veux pas trop m’avancer mais il me semble que son mĂ©daillon est du mĂŞme style ; ravissant !

  2. Very beautiful!

  3. Anonymous24/5/21 17:13

    Lovely. This look has been updated in the most understated manner, by adding a simple, subtle layer underneath. Jewelry and hair are nice, as well.

    More importantly, I applaud Kate's recognition of nurses. My own work as a caregiver is only possible because of the experience and guidance from humble, kind, strong, brilliant nurses who were my teachers.


  4. Always loved this outfit, especially when she wore it with the red gems at first.

  5. Anonymous24/5/21 17:21

    Is her message actually read off the teleprompter? I saw it the other day in Germany in a documentary about Maxima. I can't imagine that you can otherwise deliver a speech so fluently and without slips of the tongue.
    She looks good. I like her accent and pitch.. Frieda

  6. Anonymous24/5/21 17:29

    Lovely outfit...she looks great!

  7. Anonymous24/5/21 17:29

    It’s a very flattering style and gorgeous colour on D. Kate. (V.M.)

  8. Anonymous24/5/21 19:15

    It almost looks like a different outfit to me. I prefer how it looked when she wore it the first time.
    - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous25/5/21 01:15

    Simplicity & pure elegance Kate you nailed it. Love her hair straight & simple. The white colour looks crisp. Mary I

  10. Anonymous25/5/21 02:51

    What a wonderful message of appreciation.


  11. Just stunning. I'm really not sure there is anything else to say. Very happy to see her continue to recognize nursing.

  12. Anonymous25/5/21 12:20

    She looks gorgeous and her message is so full of gratefulness.


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