The Duchess of Cambridge receives first dose of Covid vaccine

Kate Middleton wore a cream off-the-shoulder rib knit top from H&M, and cut jeans from & Other Stories

The Duchess of Cambridge has received her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Duchess received her vaccination at the London Science Museum. The Duke of Cambridge received his first dose of the vaccine last Tuesday at the Science Museum.

Kate Middleton wore a cream off-the-shoulder rib knit top from H&M, and cut jeans from & Other Stories

Taking to Twitter, the Duchess wrote: “Yesterday I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at London’s Science Museum. I’m hugely grateful to everyone who is playing a part in the rollout – thank you for everything you are doing."

Kate Middleton wore H&M off-the-shoulder rib knit top
H&M Off-the-shoulder Rib Knit Top

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous29/5/21 15:14

    What type of vaccine?
    I mean name of company.


  2. I think she looks healthy. Very slim, and slender, yes, but still healthy.
    Keep up the good and beautiful work you do, Kate.

    1. Anonymous29/5/21 19:51

      Yes, my thoughts exactly.

    2. Anonymous3/6/21 01:11

      Well said and I completely agree with you.


  3. Anonymous29/5/21 16:06

    She looks good in simple top and jeans. Her hair are so beautiful and thick.
    And good of her to encourage people to get vaccine.

  4. Anonymous29/5/21 16:45

    She is setting a very good example here, as is William. Congratulations DoC on the no-alternative moment with hopefully the good BioNTech/Comirnaty! Good choice to go for vaccination in a short-sleeved shirt. I would get vaccinated again and again. So grateful! Frieda

  5. Anonymous29/5/21 17:27

    Great example. Why not months ago because of the public appearances, but I'm not in the UK and different protocols may apply. The pink dress and this ensemble are my favorite looks for the Duchess this year, all in a week

    1. Vaccinations in UK strictly by age. Hence the Queen and Prince Philip were in the first mist vulnerable group, then Charles and Camilla still in top priority, over 70s grouping, etc. Only exceptions were health care and those with underlying health conditions.

    2. Both William and Kate had to wait to get their vaccinations until their age group was approved. Only now are those in their 30's being allowed to receive the vaccinations. Which vaccine they received (Astra-Zeneca or Pfizer) has not been revealed so as not to give a "seal of approval" for one over the other. We do not know which vaccines were received by other members of the Royal Family including the Queen and Prince Philip. Important that both William and Kate did this publicly to encourage others to go forth as well.

    3. Anonymous29/5/21 23:47

      We are by age in the US as well. Each state is different, but William and Kate would have been eligible a few months ago here. I think our roll out has been much faster. We are vaccinating ages 12+ now. ~d

  6. Anonymous29/5/21 18:11

    It’s great to see her supporting Britain’s vaccine efforts, especially as new variants arise. (V.M.)

  7. Cap still on syringe? I doubt that a future Queen (or King) will have a vaccination without years of testing before reaching the market.

    1. It's a safety needle, thanks for trying.

    2. I am with you rainha leonor. We have seen so many fake vaccination photos, I am doubting this one as well.
      I am also giggling at the "vaccination" performed without gloves and the guy´s finger strangely placed closed to the injection site. (Or conveniently placed to prevent us from seeing clearly?).
      They will not give an experimental drug to the future king and queen. It´s meant for the "peasants", and this is the campaign to make people take it.

    3. Anonymous29/5/21 22:12

      rainha leonor - I AGREE!! ~Laurel~

    4. You obviously haven't got a vaccine yourself! That's the exact type of needle used when I got the shot. Nothing strange.

    5. Anonymous30/5/21 05:09

      What an ignorant comment… there you go with the conspiracies. You don’t even understand what is a safety needle on a syringe… no wonder you don’t trust science, I would laugh if it wasn’t so incredibly sad. I have noticed that vaccinators tend not to use gloves in the UK, that is a little disconcerting for people from other countries where gloves are required every time that needles are involved whether is for intramuscular shots or phlebotomy I guess different guidances.
      I applaud the crown for advising the duchess about the importance of public awareness.

    6. Anonymous30/5/21 06:14

      Vanessa and Rainha leonor, I can tell by your comments you are an anti-vaccine fear mongers. How can you tell the photo's are fake? Just because you want to believe they are. The vaccines are not experimental drugs. Millions of people around the world have taken the vaccines with NO side effects AND those few who had reactions could not be linked to the vaccines. Before you try and spread your fears, you might want to acutally do some research to find out the truth. LR

    7. Anonymous30/5/21 09:37

      When will these conspiracy theories finally stop? Everything and anything is questioned. Yes, they could have just injected saline here, but people, let's keep a sense of proportion, please! Frieda

    8. Anonymous30/5/21 14:45

      @Vanessa, "We have seen so many fake vaccination photos" ... We?? Talk about yourself and stop dullest stupid antivaxxing propaganda here. (-Ann.)

    9. Anonymous30/5/21 15:46

      Gloves are not recommended for giving injections unless the person administering it has open wounds on their hands. (WHO, CDC and NHS best practice).

      Also, stop with the unscientific, tinfoil hat wearing nonsense.


    10. Anonymous30/5/21 18:18

      @Rainha leonor and others: Gosh how pathetically ignorant of you to see the blue casing on the needle and not know that it is a safety syringe. Instead you make a conspiracy theory out of your!
      I would be shamefully embarrassed to make such a comment, and even more embarrassed to agree with it for those of you who did lol. But I guess to all of you, your ignorance is bliss and you live with a very closed, frightened mind. Your choice.

      And to further suggest that the DoC would agree to a photo that shows a 'cap on the syringe'??? I can't stop laughing at your stu, er.. ridiculousness.
      - Anon 9:13

    11. Anonymous31/5/21 17:57

      To the ignorant and foolish ones...the blue object you see is the hub of the needle. It is how it connects to the syringe!!!


    12. Anonymous31/5/21 19:10

      please please...keep away the no-vax from this place....i thought it was alla bout fashion and some gossip...../ WW

    13. When I said "We have seen so many fake vaccination photos" I didn´t mean fake photos but fake vaccinations. So I´m saying that there are many photos of fake vaccinations.

      You can insult critical comments all you want ("dullest stupid antivaxxing propaganda", "anti-vaccine fear mongers", "unscientific, tinfoil hat wearing nonsense", "pathetically ignorant (...) with a very closed, frightened mind ") but it doesn´t make you look good.

      It´s funny how you think you know better and feel like lecturing people about the truth.
      It´s a safety needle to some. And the hub of the syringe to others.
      Vaccines are perfectly safe according to you ("those few who had reactions could not be linked to the vaccines"), yet there are several mentions of adverse effects in this very blog post.
      "The vaccines are not experimental drugs." Yet they are a totally new type of drug that only ever got emergeny use authorisation.
      We know nothing about long-term effects because the vaccines were simply not tested for long enough. The producers and supervising authorities clearly state that they gather more information as they go along with mass vaccination. If that´s not an experiment, I don´t know what is.

      It´s actually a good idea to question everything.

  8. Nach der ersten Dosis mit Moderna hatte ich keine Probleme aber nach der Zweiten am Mittwoch hat es mich brutal umgehauen. Ich hoffe, dass Kate es nicht so trifft. Bin noch immer nicht fit.

    1. Christina29/5/21 23:55

      Gute Besserung! Und danke für die Ehrlichkeit. Diese Impfungen sind nicht ohne.

    2. Doeni, alles Gute aus der Ferne! Eine Entgiftung waere gut (Heilpraktiker).

    3. Anonymous30/5/21 09:41

      Liebe Döni, das sagt man den 2. Dosen bei den mRNA-Vakzinen nach. Auch mich und meine Familie sowie alle Freunde hat es nach der 2. Impfung mehr oder weniger beeinträchtigt. Aber es gibt für mich keine Alternative zur Impfung, wenn ich mein Leben zurück will! Schön, dass Du Dich geimpft hast und auf Deine Mitmenschen achtest. Ich feier Dich und alle, die das tun! Alles Gute, Frieda

    4. Anonymous30/5/21 18:01

      Döni, I was told to think of it as a sign that the vaccine was doing its job. Just imagine how bad COVID can be if the vaccine can make some feel so poorly. Take care of yourself. You will feel better in no time. ~d

  9. Ja, dat denk ik dus ook, waarom dan niet eerder.

  10. Anonymous29/5/21 19:49

    BRAVO to the duchess for setting a great example!


  11. Anonymous29/5/21 20:13

    Those are safety engineered devices to prevent needlestick injuries among vaccinators. 😊

  12. Anonymous29/5/21 23:31

    Agree with previous comment. Strange how the medical staffers does not have latex gloves. Kate looks great. Mary I

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous30/5/21 15:47

      Gloves not recommended! Not strange at all.


    3. Don't judge by your own country's rules. Here in the Netherlands they were not wearing gloves to vaccinate but they were wearing masks. Whats more we were asked to wait for 20 minutes just after being vaccinated on chairs beautifully set out and well away from other just vaccinated persons as a precaution in case of a reaction. There was also free coffee and tea provided for while you waited. When the Netherlands finally gets organised they do it in style. PLEASE NOTE the vaccinations are also free for everyone.


  13. Quel bel exemple de la part de Kate afin de se faire vacciner !

  14. Quel bel exemple de la part de Kate afin de se faire vacciner !

  15. Anonymous30/5/21 12:03

    Katherine is a beautiful young woman, she looks healthy but in my opinion she is too slim. As for the anti-vaccine comments, just thing about millions of young children and adults who died of Polio, whooping Cough, Diphtheria and other ailments because they did not have access to proper vaccines back in the old days. Only ignorant people make such statement and spread conspiracies. Very sad indeed.

    1. Anonymous30/5/21 18:05

      @ Forgot to Sign Your Name Excellent comment with the exception of the comment about Kate's weight. It is body shaming. ~d

  16. Well done! Good to see them encouraging vaccinations. I am truly amazed at the number of people reluctant to get a vaccination. We should all feel relieved we have a vaccine available. I'm sure all the thousands of people that have died from covid would have wished it was available for them, may we never forget them,RIP.

  17. Anonymous31/5/21 00:31

    Kate looks fit and healthy. The jeans and top look good. Vax to us all

  18. Anonymous31/5/21 04:47

    I am glad they have both gotten the vaccinations, for themselves, for their children.

  19. Anonymous31/5/21 09:47

    She gets a ten out of ten from me, for both the way she is dressed and for leading by example. I have also received the first dose and will be getting the second dose in a week's time.

    PS: in the country I am in they are also not using gloves, but wearing masks.


  20. Pantalon trop moulant, cela fait pin-up. Lire les commentaires de la famille de Lisa Shaw après AZ "Nous sommes dévastés....." consentement éclairé...... N'est-ce-pas ?


    1. Anonymous31/5/21 17:21

      What? Eh?

      What are you waffling on about? Again...


  21. Anonymous31/5/21 15:30

    @Nalerina, do not confuse judging with comparing health/ sanitary protocols from different countries, nobody said that the lack of gloves utilization by professionals, was bad or egregious some of us noted how it varies by nation. In my country gloves are used every time that body fluids can be exchanged and in case of vaccinations a few droplets of blood aren’t uncommon, that is why you always apply a bandaid to the site, and at that precise moment is when a transfer could potentially occur. This protocol has nothing to do with COVID, it has been followed by decades, and became mandatory in most hospitals when we suffered the AIDS epidemic.

  22. Anonymous1/6/21 09:42

    Vanessa - it isn't a good idea to question everything when what you mean by that is only asking the the questions confirming your prejudices.

    The vaccines are not experimental - vaccines have been made for years, and varieties of Coronavirus have been around for years. The vaccines were tested on plenty of volunteers. The fact they have been able to produce them so quickly is a testament to funding scientists properly as well as to people working in concert to achieve something.

    We haven't seen lots of photos of "fake vaccinations" - prove it. That needle being used is exactly the same as the one used to give me my vaccination - and that definitely wasn't fake.

    Newsflash: they've discovered the earth isn't flat!


    1. Anonymous3/6/21 01:17

      I agree with you G.



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