Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie and Charles visited Oetrange

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

On May 10, Monday, Prince Charles will celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg are preparing to celebrate their son Prince Charles' first birthday on Monday. Prince Charles was born on 10 May 2020 at the Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg.

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Today, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles, went to Oetrange to plant a cherry tree donated by the municipality of Contern in honor of Charles, born almost a year ago. Oetrange is a small town in the commune of Contern, in south-eastern Luxembourg.

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

Prince Charles celebrate his first birthday. Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie. Princess Stephanie wore a red jacket

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  1. lovely and adorable

  2. His first year went by fast. I love how they take him everywhere. They are an adorable family

  3. Alors là, je préfère Stéphanie vêtue d'une veste/blouson de couleur rouge qui paraît très confortable mais moins fan du pantalon ; toujours aussi craquant le prince Charles qui va souffler lundi 10 mai sa première bougie pour son anniversaire !

  4. Famiglia stupenda, bambino meraviglioso

  5. I love these pics. The first one of them sitting with the blanket around him is precious.

  6. This shade of red is beautiful on Stephanie. And little Charles is too cute!

  7. Anonymous7/5/21 21:56

    I love that they just plonk him on the grass and near the mud, lol. No fuss, no bother. Just like most of us would do with our kids. It's quite endearing. He is very cute and they are a lovely family.
    Happy Birthday to Charles on Monday.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous7/5/21 22:15

      You are 100 percent correct!

    2. Anonymous7/5/21 23:53

      Maybe Charles will eat some dirt - boost his immune system. ~Laurel~

    3. I love it too! They seem like a happy family. They dote on Prince Charles, he is the cutest.

  8. Herziger kleiner Kerl - schön warm eingepackt von der Mammma :)

  9. Anonymous7/5/21 23:51

    That is one ugly cheap-looking red jacket that looks like it got a bit c/rumpled in the wash (although I do like that it's got at least two useful pockets). Perhaps it looks better in person, but I doubt it. Gui is dressed nicely, though. And Charles is as cute as ever. ~Laurel~

    1. I don't even know where you could buy such a weird jacket. Sometimes I think Stéphanie must have access to some mysterious shop, where they offer for sale all the dead stock from the last thirty years. All the mismatches, the miscuts, the leftovers, all those pieces that noone wanted. Then comes Stéphanie and says, although nobody wanted you, you poor little jacket, I will wear you, I will release you from your miserable existence in the back of a dark closet. Come to me, you shall not end in a rag bin.

    2. Anonymous8/5/21 14:50

      It seems that people's judgement of the royals' clothes is affected by the physique of the person wearing those clothes. Just picture the red jacket and black pants on the skinny bodies of Kate or Letizia and you would probably have loved them. Stéphanie's attire is totally appropriate for the occasion and the colour is lovely and suits her well. Kate has often worn crumpled-looking parkas on her outdoorsy appointments without anyone complaining about it.

    3. Anonymous9/5/21 11:49

      I agree with those who say that judgments depend upon who wears something...there are examples of royals whose outfits are more than terrible , yet they are seen as wonderful shows of fashion...../ W.W.

  10. Anonymous8/5/21 00:24

    So true.


  11. Whew!! 😓. No shapeless cream blouse! Red jacket is okay and the trousers are not brilliant but mega improvement from recent appearances. And Charles remains cute! 😀

  12. Le petit prince Charles; une merveille! Comme les parents doivent être
    heureux!!! Il parait éveillé et attentif, c'est le plus beau des bébés.

  13. Anonymous8/5/21 12:14

    Red is a wonderful colour for Pss Stephanie but I think the jacket looks a bit tired. Time for something new! I’d also change the trousers for something with a slimmer leg. Overall they look very happy, and the baby is adorable. (V.M.)

  14. What I don't understand is the contrast between Stéphanie and her husband; I mean his outfit is very formal and very well tailored and she on the contrary looks very sporty.

  15. I agree with - B (Kate has often worn crumpled-looking parkas on her outdoors appointments without anyone complaining about it.) And yes these pants are too wide, a slimmer cut or straight is much better for her.

  16. Anonymous8/5/21 23:33

    There is a possibility Stephanie is still losing baby fat. Making it awkward for clothes to look good. Mary I

  17. Charles is too cute for words.

    I like the coat of the lady who helps Guillaume planting the tree and her pants are just right, not too tight and not too baggy. Now that's how you do casual chic. It is not that difficult.

  18. Anonymous9/5/21 18:55

    Looking at her legs I wonder if she has lipedema. The condition is genetically inherited and often arises in phases of hormonal change such as pregnancy. Treatment generally consists of compression bandaging and lymphatic drainage, not much else can be done. Maybe that's the reason for the wide pants she favours. Whether or not it is lipedema or baby fat, let's be kind to each other and remember the old adage "Size doesn't matter" . Rina

  19. Anonymous10/5/21 04:37

    Lovely red jacket for a Mom with a young baby in hand. Wonderful family, and the little tyke's hair on the top is so cute!

  20. The Stephanie bashing by some readers here is spiteful. Her red jacket is by Bogner, an expensive German brand, and has nothing to do with dark closet

  21. Anonymous18/5/21 09:27

    Prince Charles is very sweet :)
    Duchess Stephanie looks nice in a red jacket.


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