Prince Charles of Luxembourg celebrates his first birthday

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Prince Charles celebrates his first birthday today. Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg was born on May 10, 2020 in Luxembourg City’s Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital. Charles is the first child of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and is second in line of succession to the throne.

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Prince Charles was christened on September 19, 2020 at the Abbey of St. Maurice in Luxembourg. On the occasion of the birthday, The Grand Ducal Court of Luxembourg released a number of photos. The photos were taken by photographer Sophie Margue at the Fischbach Castle.

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden

On the occasion of the birthday, the Luxembourg Post issued a series of special postage stamps. On May 10, it issued a sheet of eight postage stamps, as well as an individual stamp and a postage stamped card with photo motifs of the young the prince. The stamps retrace his first year of life – from the first images released by the Grand Ducal Court after his birth to his first birthday photos. The photos were taken by Sophie Margue and Céline Maia, who accompanied the son of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and his wife Stéphanie for the first twelve months of his life.

Blue high neck wool sweater. feather earrings. Princess Stephanie wore a blue white geo coral silk dress from Boden


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  1. Anonymous10/5/21 14:29

    That child is almost too adorable to be true. Princess Stephanie looks lovely in these photos.

    1. Anonymous10/5/21 16:55

      So true

    2. Agreed @Anonymous 10/5/21 14:29.
      (Note, no name, no nick name).
      He's just too cute for words.
      HELP - I'm going clucky :-))
      Happy birthday to the cute and adorable little sweety-pie.

  2. Happy 1st birthday. He always looks so happy! I love the photos of him with the rabbit

  3. Not enough words to describe how gorgeous this little one is! Cuteness overload! He's such a chilled, happy boy.

  4. Very beautiful pictures of a very lovely family.
    No arty-farty pictures, no fuss. Well done!

    1. Agree 100%. Such a cute little boy.

    2. Hello Coralie.
      Don't quite understand what "arty-farty and fussy" pictures are.
      You've lost me on this one.
      But then my hubby oftens reminds me that I'm dumb and that I don't understand anything.

  5. What an adorable baby. And they all look very well in their coordinating blues. Stephanie's hairstyle is really lovely. They are such an uplifting royal family - so unpretentious and seemingly so happy with their little son.

  6. Anonymous10/5/21 16:13

    The most precious baby ever 🇱🇺

  7. Anonymous10/5/21 16:37

    Lovely child and stephanies hair looks magnificant, she should were ot like this always imo

  8. Si quelqu'un pense qu'il n'est pas adorable pour un petit bout qui fête son premier anniversaire, je dirais qu'il ment ; vraiment trop mignon sur toutes ces photos mais j'aime beaucoup celles où nous le voyons en train d'essayer de tirer vers lui l'assiette à dessert et surtout de tendre la main vers la part de gâteau découpée par son papa ; quel gourmand, il va être !! Est-ce que je vois bien un lapin de race naine angora ?!

  9. La tête heureuse d'un petit prince profondément choyé et aimé. Photos pleines de fraîcheur.


  10. Anonymous10/5/21 19:00

    This little birthday boy, takes cute to whole new level ! Ana

  11. Hands down the most adorable 1 year old royal. His parents look well and happy. Lovely family.

  12. Anonymous10/5/21 19:59

    So lovely! All are wearing soft textures and hues, a harmonious and heart warming birthday!

  13. Anonymous10/5/21 20:05

    Beyond precious!!!
    I'd love to see what happens if he was left together with a small cream cake for a few minutes. :) :) :) I can just imagine his delighted smiles with cream on his fingers, mouth and cheeks lol.
    All the photos are wonderful but especially the latter ones in the garden with the rabbit and the Daffs. So natural. So sweet. Both parents look great and all their clothing colours are well coordinated amongst themselves and their surroundings.
    Happy Birthday to P. Charles and best wishes to this lovely family!
    - Anon 9:13

  14. Anonymous10/5/21 23:27

    I have no words how much I love this baby! And why Stephanie doesn't always style her hair like this or style at all, she looks lovely.


  15. Totally adorable . But that bunny must be a pet; otherwise, he would not have hung around for photos.

  16. Anonymous11/5/21 01:40

    Is it a bunny or a hedge hog? It's as cute as baby Charles! I agree it must be a pet the way Guillaume was handling it.

  17. This baby is too cute for words, and rarely does one get to see such radiance and happiness as in these pictures.

  18. Anonymous11/5/21 11:52

    Happy Birthday to little Prince Charles! Looking at the pictures he had a wonderful 1st birthday with his adoring parents.
    Photographer Sophie Margue did wonderful job. All the photos are so sweet and cute. I think they had hard time choosing which ones to share with the public because all of them have turned out so well.
    -- Karin

  19. Soooo Goldig ,ist der kleine Charles und das sind die schönsten royalen
    Kinder Geburtstags Bilder ever.
    Happy Birthday für Charles und seine sehr symphatischen Eltern

  20. Oui OK mais bon cela va devenir overdose de ce mome

  21. Anonymous14/5/21 18:13

    Such an adorable little boy and family . Thank you for sharing his milestone.


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