Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit met with two survivors from Utøya

Crown Princess Mette Marit wore a bloom lace collar pink silk blouse shirt from Maria de la Orden

This year, it is ten years since the terrorist attacks in the government quarter and on Utøya occurred. Thus, the Royal Family will throughout 2021 meet with representatives of those affected, such as survivors, their relatives, staff of emergency services and volunteers. Yesterday, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit met with two survivors from Utøya, that is, Munir Jaber and Elin L'Estrange in Skaugum. Next week, King Harald and Queen Sonja will meet with two survivors from July 22 attacks and two of the lifeguards at the Royal Palace.

Crown Princess Mette Marit wore Maria de la Orden Bloom Shirt
Maria de la Orden Bloom Shirt

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  1. Toujours aussi charmant le couple princier ; Mette-Marit est délicieuse dans cette petite chemise de couleur rose très pâle ; je suppose qu'elle la porte avec un pantalon - Je n'oublie pas Haakon qui est toujours aussi bel homme ; je ne sais pas si je pourrais le voir sans la barbe qu'il porte à merveille !

  2. It is nice to see Mette-Marit and Haakon in their personal space. Although we are limited in what we can see in the one photo, MM looks very attractive in the pink blouse and black pants. And, of course, Prince Haakon is handsome, as always. Apparently, spring in Norway is warming up.

    1. Agreed Debra, I always enjoy seeing them at home. The patio is lovely, and everyone looks great.

  3. Anonymous28/5/21 22:22

    What a beautiful, relaxed setting. It’s almost guaranteed to put any visitors at ease. I don’t care for the girly blouse that CP Mette Marit wears, but it is very true to her personal style. (V.M.)


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