A new photo of Princess Charlotte was released on her 6th birthday

Princess Charlotte wore a new floral, puff-sleeved, button-front navy dress from children's clothing company Rachel Riley

Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, daughter of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge turned 6 today. The Duke and Duchess have released a new photo of their daughter Princess Charlotte to mark her 6th birthday. Princess Charlotte is the middle child and only daughter of the Duke and Duchess. The photograph was taken by The Duchess this weekend in Norfolk. Charlotte wore a new floral dress from children's clothing company Rachel Riley.

Princess Charlotte wore a new floral, puff-sleeved, button-front navy dress from children's clothing company Rachel Riley

Princess Charlotte wore Rachel Riley Floral Button Front Dress
Rachel Riley Floral Button Front Dress

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  1. On the photo she looks like a young lady not a child anymore. Maybe that hairdo made her look older. Happy birthday to Princess!

    1. I thought the same, I did not recognize her !

    2. Which hairdo? She simply wears her hair open, it looks like she was running around in the backyard. You realize that the third photo is not Charlotte? It is the advertising photo from Rachel Riley's.

    3. Anonymous2/5/21 18:24

      Well Anonymous2/5/21 02:34, she has changed, of course, but she still has the physiognomy of a toddler and still has her milk teeth. Young ladies look a little different.....Frieda

    4. I thought exactly the same when I saw the photo in the paper yesterday. She looks much older with her her loose like this. It's not a criticism--just a fact. And clearly, as Freida says, you can see that she still has her milk teeth and it is indeed the photo of a little girl

    5. It’s not Charlotte, it’s the model for the clothing company

  2. Anonymous2/5/21 04:40

    The image of her paternal great grandmother

  3. Anonymous2/5/21 04:59

    Whenever I see her picture, I think 'she'll be trouble, when she grows up'. Something about her expression makes me think that way, including her earlier antics of poking her tongue out at others. No, it was not funny or cute, and had my daughter done so, it would have been bad manners. - Yes, the dress is sweet, but it seems a mismatch with her face, because there is something about her expression that is not sweet or innocent, and it could be the grin, which is not a smile. - I hope they all had a happy and safe birthday party. - Ellie

    1. Lordy, what a pessimist you are!

    2. Anonymous2/5/21 11:51

      Anon 4:59 - That "tongue" episode was proven to be someone whom Charlotte knew who was sticking out their tongue at her & she responded; it was all in fun, hence Kate & her usual exaggerated smile. She wasn't being nasty or stuck-up. (The photo was unfortunate; but of course we've all stuck our tongues out at some point in our lifetimes, no? - and we're not horrible people.)

      That said, I'm not a huge fan of this new photo, perhaps because her extremely lighter hair is basically a mess & I don't like the color, the nice darker shade has somehow changed over the winter. The dress is cute & a departure from the usual light blue from earlier photos.

      Charlotte is William in long hair & seems to be the little firecracker in that family!


    3. Ellie, what are you talking about?

    4. Anonymous2/5/21 12:31

      Methinks this is a very judgmental and hurtful comment about a little girl no one of us knows personally. Poking one's tongue allows for quite different interpretations and more than that: neither is known why she did it, nor do we know how they "processed" this afterwards within the family. - I think that hers is a very adult hairstyle in this photo and it makes the picture somehow ambiguous. (-Ann.)

    5. Anonymous2/5/21 12:51

      Nasty comment indeed.

    6. Anonymous2/5/21 13:19

      She stuck her tongue out at her grandfather when she was 3 or 4. (A huge indicator for future misdeeds- not.) Predicting a 6 year old will be trouble based on her grin and past behavior is judgmental.


    7. Oh my God! How can you think so mucho about this girl? DO you know her ? Are you friend of this familiy? Please, shut up

    8. Anonymous2/5/21 14:33

      These are enormous ( negative) interpretations, just from pictures of a child of 6!

    9. Anonymous2/5/21 14:49

      Are you for real? What an unpleasant comment. No matter what you think about the tongue sticking of a toddler your cod psychological analysis of her smile is plain nasty.

      And don't bother with the usual "it's my opinion, free world, freedom of expression" garbage. If you have nothing pleasant to say - especially about small child on her birthday - say nothing at all.


    10. Too much assumptions about the personality of a child, I would say. But I do agree, it is not a good photo. To tell the truth, I do not know why Catherine is hyped to be such a good photographer when you could take a better picture simply with your phone. A full front close up portrait is never a good idea, not for an adult and not for a child. The face seems to be broader than it is, the eyes seem to be smaller and drawn back, the mouth seems to be bigger than it is. A 'good photographer' would know this.
      What you do is, you take an angle slightly from the side - as you see on the model from Rachel Riley - chin slightly down, don't zoom into the face, a half or full body portrait is better. Than you relax the child, make the child comfortable by talking, telling a joke etc., let the child look around, maybe play with a pet. Then you call her name and - bang - shoot the photo. Like this you get a natural facial expression and a natural smile. Have a look at the photos from the swedish royals, mainly Victoria and Sofia make beautiful portraits from their children.

      I must also say, that the dress is not particularly nice. It doesn't suit Charlottes type and complexion. There are better dresses on the page of Rachel Riley.

    11. Anonymous2/5/21 16:45

      Good lord! Reading some of the above comments are making me cringe with disbelief and at the same time burst out laughing at how ridiculous some people can be.
      For heaves sake, she is a fun loving, precocious 'second sibling' sandwiched between two brothers, who is as cute as a button. Let her enjoy being a child, and try to enjoy her exuberance with a smile and a chuckle instead of forecasting her life ...at age 6!

      I also think it is a lovely spontaneous photo.
      - Anon 9:13

    12. Anonymous2/5/21 16:46

      Well, I think it's funny that you think her facial expressions mean she will be trouble, because I think her facial expressions often look like Queen Elizabeth's, who is obviously not trouble ;-)

    13. Anonymous2/5/21 18:29

      Ellie, it's a pity that the enemy of one's own opinion is another's opinion and that your opinion is not simply taken note of. But you surely don't know that you have to swallow critical opinions about children here, even if you try to explain it somehow. On this forum, freedom of expression stops with children ;-) Nigella

    14. Anonymous2/5/21 18:36

      Beth2/5/21 15:00
      For me, it is also the most unnatural photo of Charlotte. The dress is also a thorn in my side, much too "cute" for Charlotte. She is a whirlwind, it seems to me. I happened to be in Norfolk on the day of her christening and managed to persuade my companion to make a pit stop at Sandringham. We saw the entire royal family and even my initially amused companion said the day was memorable. So: Happy Birthday Charlotte! Frieda

    15. What a disgusting comment! You feel great now, picking on innocent little children? Shame on you.

  4. Happy Birthday Princess Charlotte. She looks so grown up in this picture!

  5. Anonymous2/5/21 06:44

    She looks like a child to me, sweet as pie, although blonder that I remembered.

  6. Anonymous2/5/21 09:20

    Happy Birthday, Charlotte!

  7. Anonymous2/5/21 10:37

    Growing up fast!

    Happy Birthday Princess Charlotte!


  8. Adorable Charlotte avec sa frimousse un peu mutine toujours aussi craquante ;
    quel choix judicieux que sa petite robe à fleurs - Il me semble qu'elle a une légère ressemblance avec la Reine - Souhaitons-lui un bon et joyeux anniversaire !

  9. To me she looks very much like her father.

  10. Quand je vois Charlotte, je vois Elisabeth. Charmante charlotte avec une robe fleurie parfaite pour l'occasion. Joyeux anniversaire.

  11. A cute vivid little girl with a lot of charisma already. Yes, she resembles her greatgrandmother!

  12. So cute! My favourite little princess! Happy birthday. Simona

  13. Mignonnette oui mais sans plus

    1. Anonymous2/5/21 17:58

      Why bother saying anything then?


  14. Charlotte is a beautiful little girl, and this picture captures her impish personality. I think she favors her father and, to a degree, QE2. Her dress is perfect for a 6-year-old. I do wonder why she is almost always pictured in dresses. Even her mother wears slacks regularly. Do you think Charlotte prefers dresses?

    1. Anonymous2/5/21 17:25

      She certainly might prefer dresses. Most girls that age do, as well as their parents - much easier to manage. I'm guessing that her young peers , other than her brothers, must also wear dresses or pinafores so she's comfortable seeing that. Culture and climate would also be influencers.
      - Anon 9:13

  15. Anonymous2/5/21 14:31

    Happy Birthday Princess Charlotte ! She favours William's side of the family, I think! But, has inherited her mother's beautiful hair. Ana

    1. Anonymous2/5/21 16:47

      @Ana: Better than her fathers hair :))

      - Anon 9:13

  16. Anonymous2/5/21 16:27

    It seems like the world is getting more judgmental by the minute, what in the heck is wrong with you people? predicting future bad character from a child's picture, using your google psychology 101 degree, analyzing every angle and giving us a lecture about photography? are you women living on a perfect world where children never, ever stick out their tongues? and they are little robots obeying your commands? Some of your comments are just plain disgusting!

    1. Anonymous2/5/21 21:51

      Exactly! Now we judge the technical aspects of a mother's photo of her child? We judge a child for being a child? Don't say you or your children never stuck your tongues out. You would be lying. Discussing the color and style of Charlotte's hair? Really? I see a little girl with sunkissed hair that has enjoyed a lot of time outside, and she was able to go run around and play that day without having her hair done. How refreshing that all portraits of this family are not formal/official. I wholeheartedly agree with Nigella:

      "On this forum, freedom of expression stops with children."

      I am so glad we didn't have Dr. Google when my kids were young. After reading what you think of a child who sticks her tongue out, I am sure you would have had my scamp of a son in reform school and prison, not the president of a multi-million dollar company that he is.
      Let's stick with birthday wishes for Charlotte. ~d

  17. Anonymous2/5/21 16:41

    Happy bday charlotte.
    For those of you picking on this poor 6 year old girl , you all need to go get a life. Leave the child alone. Jane

    1. Anonymous3/5/21 09:19

      Very well said.

    2. Anonymous3/5/21 09:46

      Yes, they need go get a life and have some children of their own.

  18. As far as I am concerned she is the spitting image of Lady Sarah Chatto in looks. It hits me every time I see her photograph. How anyone can make such nasty comments about a child of six whom they have never met indicates to me the warped mind of that person.
    Charlottes dress I do not like at all. It looks like a very ancient school uniform to me. Most of the time I do not understand the extremely old fashioned clothes that all Catherine and Williams children tend to be dressed in. They always look like Queen Elizabeth has chosen them . That is how old fashioned I find it. If one sees how the Swedish royal family's children are dressed they at least look like most other children everywhere not some rarefied old fashioned upper class notion of how young children should be dressed.

    I do not mean to be nasty in any way and perhaps this is still the British way but to me they look like children from another planet.

    1. Anonymous2/5/21 22:02

      Nalerina, i like your comment on who Charlotte resembles and your take on her clothes.

      I too, find that she most definitely resemble Ladt Sarah Chatto, with the form of her mouth, lips and cheeks. Eyes perhaps rather like William and also Sarah, slightly almond shaped. But her hair most reminds me of her mom, thick and glossy at the crown.

      Not the style of dresses i would dress my daughter but i can see the appeal of the Rachel Riley flowery dresses.

      William has commented that Charlotte rules the roost in the family. She is a lively child and woe be it, let's not nail her to the wall just for being lively and cheeky. I would hate for her to be shamed for that!

      Dutch Michelle

    2. Anonymous2/5/21 22:13

      I don't know where or when school uniforms have ever had a floral pattern. Certainly not in the UK.

      It's a style for a particular class and isn't exclusively British - many of Charlotte's clothes are from Spanish brands.

      I think from another planet is just pure hyperbole.


  19. Très mignonne petite princesse à l'air heureuse et épanouie, un plaisir de la regarder.


  20. Was ist die reizende Charlotte doch gross geworden :):)

  21. Anonymous2/5/21 20:02

    Le problème de cette photo ne trouverait-il pas son origine dans une surexposition qui éclaircit énormément la couleur de la chevelure ( comparez les photos prises à l'occasion des 5 ans de Charlotte et lorsqu'elle a été photographiée alors qu'elle apportait des petits colis à des personnes âgées pendant le confinement) ? De plus en grossissant la photo il me semble percevoir une légère pointe de gloss rosé sur les lèvres . Tout ceci pourrait expliquer pourquoi plusieurs commentaires soulignent un manque de naturel.
    Pour moi cette photo n'est pas la meilleure de cette très jolie et charmante petite fille !

    1. I read in some magazines that this photo is a kind of photomontage... Probably with a pic of her father...

  22. Some of you must have serious issues if you think insulting a child with sexist and judgmental comments is ok. It's embarrassing that there's adults who feel entitled to comment such things like that on here. Have some common sense people and grow up.

  23. Anonymous3/5/21 18:56

    @precipitevolissimevolmente.... hahaha! What magazines are those?
    Conspiracy theories abound... even about a child..

    1. Hahahahahhh... What conspiration??? Have you ever heard the word "photoshop"?

  24. Anonymous3/5/21 19:06

    @ Nalerina... from another planet? This little dress is a staple for many little girls in many countries, and not only for aristocratic children. I spent a good portion of my life in Spain and Portugal, and even though they also wear more sporty clothing, this is not an unusual style, but then again Spanish mothers tend to dress their children extremely well.

  25. Anonymous4/5/21 01:25

    I think she would get on really well with Estelle in Sweden both bright cheery little souls. I think Charlotte is also a small version of Diana with the bright little eyes; a sense of skipping and fun; that we saw in the early days of Diana. I love the dress; actually I am a fan of smocking as it is an amazing art; I sent my friends little girl in France a dress of similar style.(Tara)

    1. Although this dress was not smocked I too love smocking. I have even done it for my daughter and for the children of my friends grand daughter. However the art of smocking does not make a dress old fashioned. The style does. I had a school uniform just like her dress. The fabric was in that instance not flowered but it too was trimmed with ric-rack (can't remember how to spell it) and buttoned down the front. Those uniforms where compulsory for all the girls from 5 up to 12 or 13 when we went to high school. The high school had a different uniform and yes to a comment of another lady above some of those schools used floral design fabric.
      I do not dislike her dress but I honestly think it belongs to the 1950's not here and now however many little girls are wearing them.

    2. Anonymous5/5/21 07:59

      As they say everything old is new again; with all fashion, although sometimes things have a twist.


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