Queen Silvia attended the online symposium of the Harvard University

The symposium was organized by Harvard University. Queen Silvia of Sweden wore a gray cape with side buttons. Pearls necklace

On Thursday, April 8, Queen Silvia participated in a digital speech at an international symposium. The symposium was organized by Harvard University and was attended by leaders, experts, academics and representatives of child rights and public health organizations. The purpose of the symposium was to develop strategies for preventing sexual abuse of children and providing support to the vulnerable.

Drottningen vid symposium om förebyggande av sexuellt våld mot barn

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  1. Quel plaisir de voir la reine ; j'espère que la fracture de son poignet droit est en voie de complète guérison - Joli haut de couleur grise au mignon boutonnage sur son épaule gauche, ce qui peut lui permettre de se vêtir plus aisément - Je sais ce que c'est parce que j'ai été confrontée à ce même genre de blessure ; cela m'avait obligée à renouveler partiellement ma garde-robe en période estivale pour plus d'amplitude surtout que je suis droitière - Le peu de perles de son collier sont délicatement harmonisées avec celles de ses boucles d'oreilles !

  2. Overall, I like this look. The jewelry breaks up the subdued colors. Her makeup is so soft and fresh. I just wish the sweater wasn't bunched up at the top (a very minor thing). But she looks good.

  3. Anonymous8/4/21 19:07

    Very beautiful and natural and sincere

  4. Anonymous8/4/21 20:26

    She looks sad and tired. I wonder why she is 'wrapped' up like she is, something is wrong perhaps? jules

    1. She has a broken wrist as far I know.

    2. Anonymous8/4/21 23:09

      Silvia broke her arm around 15Feb. The cast should be off by now but maybe her arm hasn't recovered as yet. That's all I got. ~Laurel~

  5. A well dressed lady (Queen) as always. I like her taste in fashion.
    Are they balls of ice cream in the bowl in front of her?
    Thank you for the work you are doing for this cause dear Queen Silvia.

    1. Anonymous10/4/21 13:55

      Balls of ice creams?? lol /W.W.

  6. Wow, what an inspiring speech. I am full of admiration for her.


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