New photos of Prince Alexander were released on his 5th birthday

Prince Carl Phillip and Princess Sofia, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Estelle

Prince Alexander of Sweden turned 5 today. Prince Carl Phillip and Princess Sofia have released two new photos of Prince Alexander on the occasion of his 5th birthday. Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil was born on 19 April 2016 at Danderyd Hospital. Prince Alexander is fifth in line of succession to the throne, after Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar and Prince Carl Philip.

Prince Carl Phillip and Princess Sofia, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Estelle

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  1. Adorable petit garรงon aux yeux trรจs rieurs ; ses cheveux lรฉgรจrement raccourcis lui vont ร  ravir - Bon anniversaire ร  lui !

  2. Anonymous19/4/21 13:59

    I wish little Alexander all the best.
    I want to put it in general terms(I don't want to despise a child, Alexander is an adorable boy)
    I don't like long hair on little boys nor adult men, it looks so ... too feminine (of course there are rare exceptions). It's also impractical. Little boys with long hair always look like uncombed. a bit messy because they play they are still moving, it falls into their eyes, it hinders them when writing and drawing.
    I know, that during the quarantine the hairdressers were closed. I bought an online hair clipper and I cut all the men in the family quite well - from my little son to my 80-year-old father-in-law.

    1. Agree, Stephanie. I don't like it either.

    2. Anonymous19/4/21 19:46

      Stephanie, I agree. Alexander's isn't as bad as back in the "olden days" when little boys had long, nicely coiffed page-boy styles. Or they even wore skirts (as in an 1887 photo of my 2yo grandpa in a little pleated dress, oy). I ran into the "girl" thing when my oldest grandson was 4yo with a mess of long curls; I had to tell people "he's a boy!".

      Maybe Alexander likes long hair. Gabriel's hair is short.

      And good for you for "taking charge"; it's amazing what we can do.

      Alexander is a very cute little boy. These royal babies are growing up so fast.


    3. I join you about the hair. I think however it was a bit shortened.

  3. What a beautiful little boy, he seems to be a perfect mix of both parents!

  4. Anonymous19/4/21 15:25

    He is so cute! Lovely eyes and smile!!

  5. that is just the cutest little face!

  6. Wow I can't believe he's 5 already. Happy Birthday Prince Alexander, such an adorable boy!

  7. Was fรผr ein hรผbscher Junge , ganz bezaubernd :):)

  8. Anonymous19/4/21 21:17

    Yes, nice boy, Frieda

  9. Anonymous19/4/21 23:28

    Agree with Laurel & Mary T Alexander's hair looks messy & too long. It also looks like fine hair a bit of trimming & regular cutting should strengthen the hair. Apart from that he is cute &has a lovely grin. Happy birthday. Mary I

  10. The little Prince is adorable. I think he favors his mother more than his father. Hope he had a happy birthday.

  11. Anonymous20/4/21 02:31

    I believe he himself may like to have his hair longer, and if so, that’s absolutely fine. The ”ideal” or ”appropriate” length of men’s hair has varied quite a lot throughout history as has that of women’s hair as well. And BTW, there isn’t anything wrong about feminine men either — if someone for some reason sees longer hair as feminine.

    He has his grandmother’s deep brown eyes!
    - B.

    1. Yes, I was thinking of those fierce warriors of 17th century wearing wigs with long curls, high heels and lace. I can only imagine what the reaction today would have been to them ๐Ÿ™„ . And they're just one example of the countless different styles that have existed.

  12. I wish him a Wonderful Birthday.I do agree and like a shorter hair cut but I will admit when my son was little he had gorgeous blond long curls and he was nearly four before his first hair cut I just couldn't bring myself to cut it. Needless to say his dad took him out one day and he came home looking just as cute with short hair.

  13. WOW
    The boy is five and you complain about his hairstyle ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    1. I for one wouldn't call it complaining, we just share an opinion, which is allowed ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  14. Anonymous20/4/21 19:00

    He is a cutest little boy. And I love his hairstyle. -Siri


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