Leah Isadora Behn celebrates her 16th birthday today

Leah Isadora Behn, the daughter of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise, celebrates her 16th birthday

Leah Isadora Behn, the daughter of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise, celebrates her 16th birthday. On the occasion of the birthday, Princess Martha Louise shared photos of her daughter and wished her a happy birthday. Leah Isadora was born on April 8, 2005 and she is the second daughter of Princess Martha Louise of Norway and late Ari Behn. Happy birthday to you, Leah Isadora Behn.

Leah Isadora Behn, the daughter of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise, celebrates her 16th birthday

Leah Isadora Behn, the daughter of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise, celebrates her 16th birthday

Leah Isadora Behn, the daughter of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise, celebrates her 16th birthday

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  1. Happy Birthday. What a beautiful young lady.

  2. Anonymous9/4/21 01:38

    Beautiful girl. Happy sweet 16th to you!
    - Anon 9:13

  3. Happy birthday Leah. I hope there is a ton of happiness waiting for you in your life. The first 16 years have seen some sad moments for you.
    Hope there's good heating in the room where she is as her cut off top and cotton pants don't look too cosy for winter.
    Question ?? Does Leah Isadora have a title? She is the grand daughter of the King.

    1. Anonymous9/4/21 14:37

      No, she is untitled, but she’s an official member of the royal family. Things would probably have been different for her and her sisters, had there been any nobility in Norway, but there isn’t.

    2. Anonymous9/4/21 21:18

      No worries. I guess the indoor temperature would be above +20 C as it tends to be in Scandinavia around the year, thanks to good insulation and heating. :-)

      Happy birthday to a beautiful young girl!

  4. Anonymous9/4/21 09:20

    I prefer the second photo with a lovely smiling young girl. She looks like both her father and her mother. I wish her a happy birthday.

  5. c'est la plus jolie des 3 filles, elle est très mignonne

  6. Une jeune fille qui est de plus en plus ravissante ; elle a de qui tenir - En effet, elle ressemble beaucoup à sa maman qui est magnifique - J'espère qu'elle a passé un très bon et joyeux anniversaire !

  7. Anonymous9/4/21 10:51

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    1. What! I can't believe what I just read.No female should be judge in anyway by the clothes they wear. Especially not as being presented as more sexual.

  8. Une jeune fille qui est de plus en plus ravissante ; elle a de qui tenir - En effet, elle ressemble beaucoup à sa maman qui est magnifique - J'espère qu'elle a passé un très bon et joyeux anniversaire !

  9. Happy birthday to this beautiful girl. Another beauty in the Royal Family of Norway. She looks a lot like her Mother Princess Martha Louise.

  10. Anonymous9/4/21 18:36

    She looks like both her father and mother (& her grandmother). Lovely girl! Wishing Leah a very happy birthday, I hope she had a wonderful day :)

  11. Anonymous10/4/21 09:07

    What a beautiful young lady . Happy birthday sweet Leah Isadora wish you all the happiness. I wonder why the kings grand daughters are untitled while in Sweden all the grandchildren are titled.

    1. Anonymous10/4/21 16:10

      Tradition and history. Sweden and Denmark has nobility, Norway hasn’t. The Norwegian royal house has historically been quite small and streamlined too. There’s even a distinction between Princess Ingrid Alexandra and her younger brother Prince Sverre Magnus. IA is styled as ‘her royal highness’, while SM is styled as ‘his highness’.

      Nobility was forbidden in Norway in 1814, after being bossed around by the Danish King and other noble Danes for 400 years. I think that’s the reason why there are so few royals in Norway, although Leah Isadora would have been one in another country. Doesn’t make sense to be a Princess when you’re not gonna work for the royal family, and you’re not gonna be surrounded by ladies and countesses and duchesses either.

  12. Anonymous10/4/21 19:53

    Thank you Anonymous 10/4/21 16:10 for answering my question . Have a wonderful evening .


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