Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel participated in an online meeting with Hello World

Crown Princess Victoria wore a cream ruffle blouse from By Malene Birger, and necklace from Misst, and a watch from Epoch

On Tuesday 13 April, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel participated in an online digital meeting with the organization Hello World, which is supported by the Crown Princess Couple's foundation. Hello World is a non-profit association that organizes summer camps and meetings with children and young people with the aim of encouraging and spreading interest in science, technology, innovation and art with digital tools.

Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malene Birger Drambor Ruffled Blouse
By Malene Birger Drambor Ruffled Blouse

Princess Victoria wore By Malene Birger Drambor Ruffled Cream Blouse

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Very nice top/ blouse. I like it! Would be nice to combine with a black or dark blue cardigan.

  2. This is a white blouse, unlike the previous one, that won't suit anyone who hasn't been able to enjoy a 3-week vacation in the sun. The face becomes blurred and you can especially see the eyes, which unfortunately still seem very tired, probably due to the terrible illness that has just been overcome.

  3. Another lovely top. Nice too see normal necklines on her again. I am sooo tired of the supertight necklines and pussy bows.

  4. Victoria looks very pretty for this online meeting. I like the ponytail and I like the blouse but wish she had worn it without the necklace. Daniel looks good too.

  5. Anonymous13/4/21 21:45

    I'm not a fan of Victoria's blouse, low neckline, too much 'messy stuff' going on, but love Victoria. :)

    1. Anonymous14/4/21 03:13

      Vanessa, I am not a fan of that sort of neckline. It's all about opinions, you have yours, I have mine. :) opi

    2. Don't understand the "low" neither ... but preferred the hair clip of yesterday than the poney tail ...

    3. Anonymous14/4/21 11:05

      Anon 21:45, are you sure we are looking at the same picture? I can't see any messy staff or too low neckline. Very nice blouse.
      - rita -

    4. Anonymous14/4/21 20:29

      I see the 'messy stuff' its the weird looking ruffle area, which drags down the look of the neckline. cla

  6. Really like this blouse on Victoria it suits her with the frills. Daniel looks very good in his suit as always.

  7. I like the top, I just don't like the long necklace with it. I think the ruffles on the blouse are enough, the necklace competes. But other, she look great. I like the earrings, not too big or small.

  8. It is so good to see the two of them!

    1. Yes, so good to see them both looking fit and back on the job.
      They seem to work well as a couple.
      Like the blouse. Would like to see if Princess Victoria has paired it with trousers or a skirt.
      Prince Daniel is looking as dapper as ever.
      He wins the prize for being the best dressed (Royal) male in a suit.
      Second prize would go to King Felipe of Spain.

  9. A part sa jolie queue de cheval et ses boucles d'oreilles délicates, je ne suis pas fan de ce chemisier dont le volant de son encolure ne la flatte pas beaucoup ; je préfère largement le chemisier que nous lui avons vu précédemment - Très mignon son petit sautoir !

    1. Anonymous14/4/21 14:10

      Mêmes pensées que vous. Ce chemisier ne me bouge pas.
      - Anon 9:13


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