Swedish Royal Family held a video conference with The Swedish Media Council

Princess Sofia wore a new acela swirl print dress from Rodebjer. Queen Silvia and Prince Carl Philip

On Wednesday 17 March, Queen Silvia, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia held a video conference with The Swedish Media Council. During the video conference, representatives from The Swedish Media Council and one of the responsible researchers, Sofia Berne gave information about the research "Utsatt på internet", which provides an overall picture of an international and Swedish cyberbullying research.

Princess Sofia wore a new acela swirl print dress from Rodebjer. Queen Silvia and Prince Carl Philip

Princess Sofia wore Rodebjer Acela Swirl Dress
Rodebjer Acela Swirl Dress
  1. Sofia looks lovely of course. I hope Victoria and Daniel recover soon...

    1. Anonymous19/3/21 01:31

      Agree. She looks gorgeous. Almost a mother of three! Dana

  2. Anonymous18/3/21 15:33

    The color of the dress looks great with Sofia’s coloring. I’m not a fan of the print. Sofia’s hair and make- up look good.


  3. Très bien maquillée et coiffée mais l'impression de la robe ne la flatte pas vraiment ; je l'aurais bien vue dans une couleur annonçant le printemps !

  4. Anonymous18/3/21 19:52

    Sofia's hair looks burnt and frizzy. Make-up ok so far, dress horrible as a whole, but here you only see the top, so it's ok for home use. Frieda

  5. Anonymous19/3/21 01:30

    Love this look for her. Can’t color or do anything to her hair. She is almost 9 months pregnant. But her make up looks very nice. Like the dress. Color is nice for her. She looks radiant for almost ready to give birth! Lovely eyes. Wow. Eve

  6. Anonymous19/3/21 13:50

    Lovely couple! Sofia looks wonderful. Carl Philip is so handsome. Lovely also to see the queen. Jane

  7. Anonymous19/3/21 16:07

    Poor Queen Silvia, who had a terrible fall and broke her arm. One can tell she isn’t up to her usual stylish looks, with hair and makeup not in top shape. Hope she will recover soon! M.


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