Queen Maxima recorded a video message for the 40th anniversary of NOB

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy stretch scarf collar silk crepe blouse from Natan. burgundy faux leather skirt

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Dutch Education Abroad Foundation (Stichting Nederlands Onderwijs in het Buitenland, or NOB), Queen Máxima recorded a video message. The video message of the Queen will be shown during the anniversary broadcast "De Reünie – 40 jaar onbegrensde ontmoetingen" (The Reunion - 40 years of unlimited encounters).

Queen Maxima wore a burgundy stretch scarf collar silk crepe blouse from Natan
Natan Scarf Collar Blouse

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  1. Cette blouse à col écharpe de couleur rouille flatte Maxima surtout qu'elle la porte rentrée à l'intérieur d'une jupe ? en cuir marron foncé !! Un petit changement dans ses cheveux dont elle a changé la couleur en plus blond ?!

    1. I like the blouse as well; I think you might be right regarding the hair color.

  2. Anonymous25/3/21 12:06

    Why always this too heavy, droopy eye makeup? A much lighter one, and a 10 cm hair cut, would look so much better.
    Lily T.

  3. Anonymous25/3/21 15:42

    Máxima always looks so much better in simple, classical clothes. Blouse and colour
    " magnifique". Hair good taken care of. Chapeau!

  4. Nice look. I like the blouse as worn by Queen Maxima much better than that worn by the model.


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