Queen Elizabeth visited the CWGC Air Forces Memorial in Surrey

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

On March 31, 2021, Queen Elizabeth II took part in a ceremony to mark the Centenary of the Royal Australian Air Force at the CWGC Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede in Egham. The Runnymede memorial commemorates the 20,456 men and women from the air forces of the British Empire who died during World War II and have no known grave.

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

The visit to the Air Forces Memorial at Runnymede was only the third time since March 2020 that the Queen has held an engagement away from the castle where she and Prince Philip have sheltered for most of the coronavirus pandemic.

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

Queen Elizabeth, wearing a lime green coat and the Wattle brooch presented to her on first tour of Australia in 1954

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  1. Anonymous31/3/21 15:25

    Ray of sunshine.


    1. Anonymous31/3/21 18:53

      The sun is shining in London.
      She seems to have lost alot of weight!


  2. Still going strong! Love the spring flowers on her hat.
    Beautiful tribute as well.

  3. Anonymous31/3/21 15:41

    What a lovely coat from the Queen, slightly different from what she usually wears.
    The autumn flowers on her hat are gorgeous and signs of hope for all of us!

    1. Anonymous2/4/21 22:07

      The floweres are spring flowers, not autumn.

  4. Beaucoup de fraîcheur dans cette tenue avec le chapeau très fleuri ; il me semble qu'elle l'a déjà portée - J'adore sa délicate petite broche représentant une branche de mimosa !

    1. Acacia ,ou mimosa ,fleur nationale de l’Australie .

  5. Anonymous31/3/21 16:35

    At close on 95, HMQ still has a good sense of style, plus a smile that lights up a room ! Lovely to see her out on duty. Ana

  6. This great Lady is adorable!

  7. Anonymous31/3/21 17:13

    Lovely colour on the Queen.
    Her hat and that beautiful brooch are gorgeous.
    - Anon 9:13

  8. She is just wonderful..

  9. C'est Pâques sur le chapeau de cette gentille Lilibeth !!!

  10. Anonymous31/3/21 19:20

    Have they stopped wearing masks in the UK? S.M.

    1. Anonymous1/4/21 07:33

      We've never had to wear them outside in the fresh air.

  11. Anonymous31/3/21 19:37

    She is wonderful! It is nice to see her in a springtime ensemble. I wonder if she chose black gloves due to the nature of the engagement, as opposed to her usual white. ~d

  12. I lóve the hat decoration with the tulips.It looks so modern and fresh.

  13. Wonderful to see her. She is indeed like a ray of sunshine. ☀️ I know it’s a repeat outfit but it’s cheerful and the hat is lovely and springlike. Seeing her has cheered me up as usual.

  14. "Her majesty" is an appropriate title for this lovely lady. She is a ray of sunshine, especially when she smiles, and makes our humdrum lives a bit brighter. Her hat is gorgeous as is her coat. The brooch is perfection.

  15. Anonymous1/4/21 01:23

    Love Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; the wattle brooch was given to her on the visit to Australia in 1954. George Brandis is the Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom .

  16. Anonymous1/4/21 08:42

    H.M. radiates bright magnificence!
    God bless her.

  17. Anonymous1/4/21 13:41

    I think she should be an example to her people and always wear a mask. -Siri

    1. Anonymous1/4/21 18:13

      Why? Her people don't have to wear a mask in outdoor spaces. She's doing nothing wrong - and neither is anybody else in the same circumstances in the UK.


  18. Anonymous1/4/21 22:12

    Il semble que la reine a maigri !
    Elle devrait prendre une retraite bien méritée !

  19. Anonymous2/4/21 03:26

    I love her majesty. At some stage though all great things should come to an end. Honestly, it feels like a step too far. Regardless of some conceptual (if extremely likeable and very fairytale-like) models, Charles should have been king for a while. I know the vast majority of people would not agree. It’s however the inevitable truth. In countries where living monarchs relinquished ‘power’ (see Belgium, the Netherlands, even Spain, despite the recent turbulence), the very idea of monarchy is not up for debate. If Letizia and her mother in law don’t seem to get along, it may be a momentary gossip opportunity, it still seems ‘of the moment’ but not relevant long term. Just gossip. Not the case in the UK.

    1. Anonymous2/4/21 18:48

      It isn't the inevitable truth - it's your opinion. And you are very wrong about the situation in Spain - and the UK.

      The Queen made a solemn oath - she keeping a promise. Those who support the monarchy in the UK are perfectly happy with the situation. She has cut back her agenda in deference to her age and is supported by members of the family - it works. There will inevitably be changes when Charles becomes king.


  20. Her smile just always makes me smile. She looks great, and I absolutely adore her hat! Plus, pin on her jacket is gorgeous.


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