Princess Madeleine thanked everyone who contributed to the project Stella Polaris

Princess Madeleine wore a semi sheer embroidered blouse from Zara.  embroidered collar

Princess Madeleine has recorded a video thanking everyone who participated in the Swedish Postcode Lottery, and who made it possible to start the project Stella Polaris of the World Childhood Foundation. The project is an Artificial Intelligence Center which is a new virtual way to fight child abuse. The World Childhood Foundation will create a hub for Artificial Intelligence (AI) where AI-related initiatives are encouraged, coordinated and intensified so that actors can prevent and combat child sexual abuse.

Princess Madeleine wore a semi sheer embroidered blouse from Zara.  embroidered collar

Through new technology that more easily identifies perpetrators and victims, the goal is for fewer children to be exposed to sexual abuse online. The project is called Stella Polaris and is a virtual defense force for vulnerable children. It is carried out by the World Childhood Foundation and funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery. Stella Polaris takes its name from both Polstjärnan and the name of a secret Finnish intelligence operation during WW2.

Princess Madeleine wore Zara Semi Sheer Blouse Tweed Trim
Zara Semi Sheer Blouse
Zara shirt embroidered collar, pocket and cuffs fastening front long sleeves
  1. Anonymous18/3/21 13:55

    Beautiful as ever! However, she looks different somehow, and has for the past couple of years. Cannot put my finger on it, help me out someone! M.

    1. Not sure i got the right answer but it may just be the poor quality of the pictures. I would accept to wear the Zara blouse.

    2. C'est vrai qu'elle est toujours belle mais peut-être que la vidéo ne la flatte pas vraiment ; cette blouse semi-transparente lui va à merveille et si elle la porte avec un pantalon, elle doit être ravissante !

    3. Anonymous18/3/21 14:50

      I think she lost some weight and also natural aging ?

    4. I for one think she looks more mature. It becomes her, she does not look that vain any more.

    5. She's taking on her American look. It happens, you know.
      After several years of working in London, people told me that I was looking and dressing like "une anglaise".
      I think already, Harry is taking on some "looks" and habits of a Californian.
      That's my theory dear "M".

    6. I too think that she looks different, and has for the past year or so. I blame it on the close-up camera angles that often distort the face. At least I hope that that is the reason.

    7. Anonymous18/3/21 23:19

      Madeleine does look different (not good, not bad - just "different"). Her Swedish even sounds different. ~Laurel~

  2. M. I thought exactly the same

  3. Anonymous18/3/21 19:35

    For me, by far the prettiest royal lady. Everything is just right here. Frieda

  4. Anonymous18/3/21 21:58

    I also think she looks different. My guess is possibly fillers. Deadeggs could be right taking on an American look. I do prefer her European style. She is one of my favourite royals. Mary I

    1. Anonymous23/3/21 08:01

      Madeleine has less wrinkles today then when she was 18. So I guess the answer is obvisously ;)

  5. Anonymous19/3/21 00:44

    I like this blouse very much. It is a nice twist on a classic. It will be a versatile piece in her wardrobe, looking great with pants and skirts. This is one I wouldn't mind seeing again. ~d

  6. Anonymous19/3/21 06:22

    What a lovely blouse. Classic businesslike style but can be casual when worn with jeans.
    As to her face...when I see my face at insta photos or zoom meetings, I have wondered who that woman is 😝 Somehow I see myself differently in the mirror.
    But I think Madeleine looks pretty much the same. There are changes on her face (like on our faces as we mature). But that is only natural for someone approaching her 40s and who is a mother of 3 active kids and can not always get her 8h beauty sleep. Her hair are again lighter. Her face slimmer. Eyes more tired. Plus those photo filters. But she's still very beautiful woman and pleasure to see.

  7. Madeleine does look different (but beautiful as ever). It could be the filter on the camera or she has started to use fillers. In respect to the the camera, when I see myself on Zoom these days, the filter on the camera wipes 20 years off my face.
    I think that people who view me must think I had a face lift. I have not.

  8. Anonymous18/5/22 11:01

    Te quieres burlar de mi ? Contesta por favor.


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