Japanese Imperial Family attended first academic lecture of 2021

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako

On March 23, Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako and other Imperial family members attended the first ceremony of Imperial New Year's Lectures 2021 (Kosho-Hajime-no-Gi). The lectures are usually taken place in January, delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako

In the first lecture, the Imperial family listened to experts from the fields of human, social and natural sciences. The Kosho-Hajime-no-Gi takes place every January at the Imperial Palace in the presence of the Emperor and Empress. The lectures should have actually taken place in January, but due to the corona pandemic, the celebrations were postponed to March.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Fumihito, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Kako, Princess Mako

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  1. Regard très souriant pour le couple impérial ; nous pouvons remarquer que toutes ces dames portent un collier et boucles d'oreilles de perles !

  2. I wish we had a full view of the ladies in their gowns. But, they look very much the same as in other similar appearances. Predictable but very pretty.

  3. Anonymous23/3/21 18:01

    The dress undoubtedly suits the Japanese style, they have pleasant colors, but in my opinion they have old-fashioned and boring cut. Every time I see this reception room, I remember the gym at my high school. I understand that the Japanese style is not decorative, nor am I a fan of too much decorativeness, but this seems to me - uninteresting. Just my opinion, I know others may like it.

  4. Anonymous23/3/21 20:36

    long gowns for a lecture and not one comment about it being too formal of dress for the ocassion, aka a lecture. uri

    1. Anonymous24/3/21 13:14

      No, because unlike you, the rest of us understand that this is the standard protocol of dress for this type of event in Japanese Royal culture.

      - Anon 9:13

    2. これがこのイベントの和風です。

    3. Anonymous26/3/21 19:16

      No name anon 9:13. How intelligent of you to make such an important statement on a non fashion statement. LOL - uri


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