Crown Princess Victoria made a video call with Ministry for Foreign Affairs staff

Crown Princess Victoria wore a green molena blazer from Tiger of Sweden, and polka dot silk blouse from Other Stories

On Friday 26 March, Crown Princess Victoria made a video call with Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD - Utrikesdepartementet) staff, who are currently attending the diplomatic, foreign administration or assistant programs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the meeting, the Crown Princess shared experiences from official trips and visits abroad. Crown Princess Victoria wore a wool blazer from Tiger of Sweden.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a green molena blazer from Tiger of Sweden, and polka dot silk blouse from Other Stories

Kronprinsessan samtalade med UD-medarbetare

Crown Princess Victoria wore Tiger of Sweden Molena blazer
Tiger of Sweden Molena Blazer

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  1. Là, je retrouve bien Victoria dans le haut d'un tailleur/pantalon au joli boutonnage croisé dont la couleur est très flatteuse ; avec des bottines de couleur gris-souris comme précédemment portées, c'est très chic - J'adore ses boucles d'oreilles !

  2. Anonymous29/3/21 18:50

    CP Victoria looks fresh and focused, no signs of suffering from Covid. Like the Spring green and purple color of the earrings. S.M.

  3. Queen Letizia would wear this suit with its great color together with a tight aquarelle top that shows off her cleavage or at least her pretty collarbones.

    Crown Princess Victoria, on the other hand, sometimes appears to me as a concealed beauty that is hidden behind clothes that are far too masculine and hidden behind too much fabric in general.
    But as mentioned above: The dark blue green of th jacket emphazises her cool winter complexion and her somehow altogether nordic dark type.

    1. Victorias beauty is not hidden, to me at least it is very obvious. There is more than one way of femininity. It is not necessary to show of cleavage or collarbones. Most royal ladies don't. Her mother never did, nor did Queen Sonja, Princess Anne, Sophie Wessex, Queen Mathilde, Queen Ranja, the Queen of Bhutan most certainly doesn't, same for the whole Japanes princesses.....and so on. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa from Louxembourg does it from time to time. And does it look good? No.

      Queen Letizia has a total different clothing concept. Maybe it is her personal style, maybe it is due to the criticism the spanish royal house faces. She dresses in same style she wore before her marriage, some urban professional city girl style.

  4. She looks good - I hope she's recovered. The earrings are great.

  5. Att hon orkar med tilltalsskicket! Jag skulle bli galen.
    Hur som helst, det är fint att se henne. Kläderna är tråkiga som oftast, men hon verkar vara glad, det är ju det viktigaste.

    1. You can't believe that she is able to speak her mother language? Now that's an interesting thought.

    2. I was referring to how others address her, not how well she speaks her native language. In the video, the other people never say "you" to her, neither in the informal way (in Swedish "du") nor the formal way (in Swedish "Ni"). They only use the third person when talking to her. Example: "Can the crown princess share with us some experiences that the crown princess has made when meeting foreign dignitaries?"
      Even if this is the correct official way to address a royal, it sounds dated and awkward, especially for Swedes who are known to be very informal (which Victoria literally says herself in the video).

  6. Anonymous29/3/21 22:18

    Hoping she feel better now. I like her hair styled in a ponytail much better than her typical bun. More youthful and less severe looking, allowing her to show her cheekbones.


    1. Agree, CH. The ponytail looks good on her and the blazer suits her too.

  7. Anonymous29/3/21 22:40

    The colors look great, her complection fantasticly young, fresh. Hope she is completely over the covid as is Daniel.

  8. A more flattering hair style would make her look wonderful. Ok for a pony tail but less tightly drawn. I am fully ok with her simple style.

  9. Anonymous30/3/21 18:12

    @Katrin, I think you are stereotyping a bit, Queen Letizia does wear tops that show her collarbone on many occasions, however she also wears blouses ( specially with pantsuits) that are very similar to what Victoria is wearing. Victoria is also very versatile in her style, if you would look at pictures throughout the years you would be able to see that sometimes and mostly when is still cold outside she favors high neck tops, but she is known to show her skin many times. I think she looks just fine today!


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