Crown Princess Mary attended a meeting with the Maternity Foundation

Mary wore an essential wool sweater by CO. Cartier gold diamond bracelet. Dulong necklace. Henriette Svarre Nielsen and Anna Frellsen

Yesterday, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark attended a meeting with the Maternity Foundation at Amalienborg Palace. At the meeting, Henriette Svarre Nielsen and Anna Frellsen spoke about the organization's work to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality in developing countries.

Mary wore an essential wool sweater by CO. Cartier gold diamond bracelet. Dulong necklace. Henriette Svarre Nielsen and Anna Frellsen

In addition, a book recently published by the Maternity Foundation called ”Det må ikke koste liv at give liv” (It must not cost life to give life) was presented to the Crown Princess. For the book, the Crown Princess had written a preface. The book was published in autumn on the occasion of the organization's 15th anniversary.⁣

Mary wore an essential wool sweater by CO. Cartier gold diamond bracelet. Dulong necklace. Henriette Svarre Nielsen and Anna Frellsen

Crown Princess Mary wore CO essential wool sweater
CO essential wool sweater

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  1. Bravo Mary, she always looks beautiful and impeccable dressed. I feel this is such an important topic to raise awareness about. It is easy to forget that not every woman and child have access to safe reliable health care.

  2. Bien belle avec ce pull mais je l'ai préférée quand elle l'a porté dernièrement avec une jupe camel sans plis ; avec les bottes Bordeaux, elle était superbe !

  3. A really lovely jumper which I covet! It looks super cosy and the sleeves and neckline are beautiful.

  4. Anonymous24/3/21 14:01

    “Elle est superbe” now,
    Love the skirt and the combination, well done, Mary,

  5. Like the sweater. Less enthusiastic about the skirt which seems to have too much material in it, in my opinion. Not that it prevents her from looking good!

  6. Anonymous24/3/21 21:27

    Love the combination. Simple & classic Mary has nailed it again. Not sure if it is a high street brand. Does anyone know? Mary I


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