Crown Princess Leonor attended the anniversary event of the Cervantes Institute

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

On March 24, 2021, Leonor, Princess of Asturias performed her first official engagement which was a visit to the Cervantes Institute headquarters. There, the Princess attended the 30th establishment anniversary event of the organization. During her visit, the Princess was accompanied by the first vice president of the Government, Carmen Calvo, and by the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis García Montero.

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Princess Leonor took a tour of the facilities of the Cervantes Institute. She also received information about the Institute's digitization projects and visited an exhibition featuring various outstanding works of literature written in different languages spoken in Spain. The Cervantes Institute works for the promotion and teaching of the Spanish language.

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore a mirta print dress from Poeta. Leonor, Princess of Asturias

Crown Princess Leonor wore Poeta Mirta Print Dress
Poeta Mirta Print Dress

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  1. Comme elle a beaucoup grandi et devenue de plus en plus jolie avec sa superbe chevelure blonde - Élégante dans cette robe à volants ; avec ses petits talons, elle est ravissante !

  2. I wonder how nervous she was?

    1. Anonymous24/3/21 17:41

      Unlike other Crown royals she has been trained at a young age.

      She has been practising, she make speeches in the parliament every day and on Princess of Asturias day. I wish she had accompanied by her sister, its only fair.


    2. Anonymous25/3/21 07:14

      She doesn't make speeches in Parliament every day.

      In spite of much practice I think it only natural that she may have been a bit nervous as she attended on her own. I'm sure she acquitted herself well as she has done on previous occasions.

  3. Leonor es una muchachita dulce, reflexiva y responsable y ha heredado el gusto de su mamá por reutilizar la ropa. Está preciosa con su vestido de volantes, sus zapatos de pequeño tacón y su maravillosa cabellera. Ha realizado muy bien su primer compromiso en solitario.

  4. What a surprise!
    A wonderful young lady!
    Elegant and age appropriet as always!

  5. Anonymous24/3/21 16:34

    Omg, so exciting! All these young royals are growing up so fast!

  6. Anonymous24/3/21 16:55

    She looks so ethereal. What a lovely young woman!!!!

  7. Lovely young lady. A credit to her family and her country, I'm sure!

  8. Anonymous24/3/21 17:24

    Well done Lenor. It must have been a little intimidating for her, being her first solo engagement. She look lovely. How quickly the younger royals are growing. Ana

  9. Wow. Wonderful perfectly poised princess who seems to have gone from being a very young teenager to an almost grown up just overnight. Not overly fond of tired dresses but this looks good on her. I like the vibrant colour of the lady in pink but with the boxy belted jacket it looks like a judo outfit!

  10. Aww! She's so lovely! Her parents must be so proud.

  11. Kudos to Leonor. She is growing into a beautiful young woman. I love her dress and shoes, and her. Her hair is beautiful.

  12. She is absolutly lovely. Gorgeus. Pretty, sweet... I adore her

  13. Anonymous24/3/21 21:40

    Bravo, Leonor. She looks composed and engaged. I like her dress- it's appropriate for the occasion and her age. Her hair looks great. She and Sofia have healthy, gorgeous hair with beautiful, natural highlights.


  14. Anonymous25/3/21 01:45

    Her dress is a nice young woman's dress. As for her appearance; I disagree. For an official function you should be an adult, and sending a teenager that attending adult, middle-aged people should 'respect' as 'someone special' is laughable. - Ellie

  15. Anonymous25/3/21 02:14

    She looks really lovely and it is good to see her fulfilling her role.
    Anyone know what shoe she is wearing, I'm in need of a heeled shoe and that size heel will work for me?


    1. Son de la marca española Pretty ballerinas del año pasado y costaban 195 €. No sé si seguirán a la venta.

    2. Anonymous25/3/21 10:42

      These ones:


  16. What an important day for her! She looks beautiful, what a lovely dress. Just seems like yesterday she was a little kid. On another note, love the magenta suit as well.

  17. Anonymous25/3/21 07:15

    Looks lovely - very pretty dress and much more elegant tye way she wears it than the way it's worn by the model.


    1. I liked the dress better on the model. I think it looks better abit shorter but probably not for this event.

    2. I like it better worn by Leonor, more classy while still being trendy for a teenager.

  18. Lovely young lady !
    Very beautiful and much class.

  19. Well done, young lady! The spanish people must be proud of her!


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