The Countess of Wessex became a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer

Countess of Wessex completed her first shift as a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer at a National Health Service vaccination centre
The Countess of Wessex completed the required training and became a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer. The Countess completed her first shift as a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer at a NHS (National Health Service) vaccination centre. The Countess joined a team of more than 10,000 volunteers who have been trained and deployed to NHS vaccination centres across England as part of the vaccination programme of the country.
Countess of Wessex completed her first shift as a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer at a National Health Service vaccination centre
The Countess of Wessex is Grand President of St John Ambulance. St John Ambulance is a volunteer-led, charitable non-governmental organization dedicated to the teaching and practice of first aid in England. The St John Ambulance Association was established in 1877.
Countess of Wessex completed her first shift as a St John Ambulance Care Volunteer at a National Health Service vaccination centre
  1. Anonymous27/2/21 12:28

    Obviously not much to say about fashion in this case but this is really commendable! My respect for Sophie has gone through the roof! I much prefer this kind of concrete tangible contribution rather than just nice talk which, to be honest, is what most royals do most of the time - I know, other royals have also done similar actions like helping grass-roots charities in their day-to-day activities like preparing/distributing lunch boxes, Christmas gift wrapping, sorting donations at baby banks, and many more, which are all respectable too. But where Sophie soars above the rest is that she had to invest much more of her time to go through proper training to do sth like this, it is not just a one-hour thing (with a nice photo-op attached to it), she has taken a serious commitment here and she means business. Brava Sophie! This goes a long way to show that the Monarchy can still be relevant. People going through hardship of any kind need concrete help beyond the nice words (which, at best, do not change the reality and are forgotten the minute after they leave the mouth, and, at worst, can even sound patronising and insincere coming from privileged people), nice smiles, expensive clothes and perfectly blown-out hair.....

    _ Leah_

    1. Anonymous28/2/21 00:14

      Sophie is simply fabulous, as you described so well.

      I'll just add that her outfit here is totally on point for the task at hand.

      Black jeans, black top with the sleeves pushed up (I do that all the time), volunteer org t-shirt pulls focus and hair pulled back in a pony. Love it! I'd wear earrings for a bit of fun, but that's just me.

      My friend's an oncology NP and says her patients sometimes cheer up while chatting about her earrings or necklaces, so that's a nice unexpected side effect of jewelry.

      Brava, Sophie, indeed!


  2. I agree with much of what you say, Leah, and certainly what you say about Countess Sophie. I would make similar comments about Princess Sofia in Sweden training as a nursing assistant. However, I don't think it fair to compare with others in different positions who may not be free to provide "concrete help" They may have young children to look after, or may be in the age category, (in the UK that would be anyone over 70 ) where limiting interaction with others is recommended. I think it is clear in all countries with a royal family (and indeed in some that don't have one officially, like Roumania) that video calls and appreciation from members of the family make a great difference to morale. Well done, Sophie. Total star as usual.

    1. Anonymous27/2/21 16:15

      Thank you Annie M. I agree with your point about difficulties of royals in certain age groups especially in the current circumstances, but my observation was more in general and not referring only to this past year which, of course, through the whole world upside down. My comment applies equally to more "normal" times before the pandemic...


  3. Kudos to Countess Sophie! She really connects with those she serves. Her natural look is refreshing.

  4. I have done this training and volunteered after 9/11. It is very tough work. Very meticulous and you must be very kind because of the immediacy of the needs of the people you are serving. Front line work is no joke. Congratulations to the Countess

  5. Anonymous28/2/21 02:49

    I have done this training and volunteered after 9/11. It is very tough work. Very meticulous and you must be extremely kind because of the immediacy of the needs of the people you are serving. Congratulations to the Countess

  6. Anonymous28/2/21 08:33

    Very well done, Sophie!
    She is beautiful, caring and so devoted to great causes.
    My total respect for her.

  7. Anonymous28/2/21 19:18

    Sophie has really been under the radar, when it comes to royal reporting. Yet, she's still gone about her duty with the same amount of passion as she always has. That goes to her character and commitment ! I agree with everything Leah stated so beautifully ! Well done Sophie ! Ana


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